The battle was won, and the battle was won.

The Yashan Islands are located in the western waters of the Dark Continent. It is the new naval headquarters of the United Navy. The new headquarters was built when the number of pirates increased and the radiation area of ​​the old headquarters was insufficient.

The archipelago consists of five large islands and many small islands. The largest island is the Yashan Main Island, where the naval headquarters is built.

In the headquarters, the marshal of the navy and all the generals are gathering for a meeting.

The Red Knight sat in the main seat, the eight generals sat on both sides, only some of the lieutenant generals stood here, and the rest led the navy soldiers to arrange defenses, and the pirates' coalition forces came one after another.

Among the eight generals, there are veteran generals General Zhou, General Feilin, General Dracula, and new generals General Hu Long, General Taishan, General Dekeshi, General Dan, and General Kukna.

As for the general reserve level, there are three, Lieutenant General Lemon, Lieutenant General Pinghai, and Lieutenant General Zhenbo, who exist as the successors of the veteran generals and have the rank of Lieutenant General.

All of them are exterminators of pirates, advocating the killing of all pirates. Under the influence of Marshal Red Knight, the United Navy gradually became extreme.

"These pirates are too ambitious. They no longer take the United Navy seriously. This time, let's leave them all here in Yashan as the opening ceremony of the new headquarters."

The Red Knight was very angry about these daring pirates.

"Marshal, they have reached the starting point of the Death Route and are coming towards us. The first one is the Shocking Pirates." Lieutenant General Pinghai said, holding the intelligence handed over by the intelligence officer.

"General Zhou and General Dracula, and three quasi-generals, you lead all the fleets currently in the headquarters to build the first line of defense and feed all those who come to join in the fun."


After receiving the order, the five people stood up together and went to the warship port to recruit troops and go out to sea to build a line of defense.

"General Hu Long, mobilize all the artillery of the Yashan headquarters. When they break through the first line of defense, use up all the shells for me. After this first line of defense, I want them to have no more than half. General Taishan will build a second line of defense on the west island of Yashan."

Go to two more generals.

"The rest of the generals, follow me to build the third line of defense, combine with the second line of defense, and support the second line of defense at any time. I want less than 10% of the pirates on the third line of defense to survive here. The three lines of defense are divided into three war zones, and this is their graveyard."

The Red Knight slammed the table and stood up, and the cloak of justice on his body rose without wind. He was a head higher than the other generals and led all the generals with his momentum.

"Yes, Marshal."


On the vast ocean, the dark red sea water was constantly surging, and thousands of ships flying pirate flags were constantly moving forward.

The pirate ships were hundreds of meters long, and the small ones were only a dozen meters long. The difference between the two was huge. Some pirate ships were even made up of islands, but the islands had power to push them forward. When I got closer, I saw that it was an island turtle.

The word "pirate" represents chaos and disorder. The coalition formed by these pirates was also fighting internally when they set out for the new headquarters of the United Navy.

From time to time, shells flew in the sky. Some pirate groups had conflicts with each other or had conflicts at this time. They fought each other because of a small thing. After a while, the pirate ships would sink, and then the crew would be swallowed by the dark red sea water and become nutrients for marine creatures. These ships would also become a small ecosystem over the years.

Most of the famous pirate groups are in the middle, and only the Shocking Pirate Group that initiated the recruitment is in the front. Pirates are selfish, and most of the loyal pirates have disappeared in the sea, except for a few lucky ones who have strong strength under the opportunity to talk about loyalty.

Pirates are willing to stab their brothers for their brothers and stab their brothers for treasures.

Today's wind is particularly strong, blowing the sails bulging, and various pirate flags are fluttering in the wind. The red flags are dyed with the blood of countless innocent people.

Like this dark red sea of ​​blood, this sea of ​​blood was created by the Siren, the king of Atlanta.

Like the Siren, these pirates will eventually die sadly and atone for their sins in their lives.

"Oh, the starting point of the free route has arrived, and we will soon reach the Navy Headquarters. Brothers, step up your efforts, charge..."

"All the Navy's military expenditures are ahead, 150 billion. As long as we grab a little bit, we won't have to worry about our lives. Charge..."

"Hahahaha, damn Navy, I

I'm here to kill you, kill you, attack the tree city, become the king of trees, I want to be the king of the sea..."

The pirates began to get excited, making all kinds of strange noises and increasing the speed of the ship to the top.

But they soon stopped laughing.

Boom, boom, boom...

One after another huge shells fell from the sky, and from the bottom of the ship, it looked like a rain of shells.

"Quick, open the protective film."

"Increase the horsepower and rush out of the bombing area. ”

“Mom, save me…”

The pirates were in a panic. The strong pirate groups that had only the protective borders could naturally resist. The fast ones rushed out of the bombardment area, leaving some poor pirate groups and some unlucky ones.

The larger pirate ships were directly blown up and then slowly sank. The smaller ones were directly sunk and then dragged to the bottom of the sea by the monsters in the sea. The death route is no joke, but the pirates like to call the death route the freedom route.

The pirates who rushed out of the bombardment area were not so lucky. They were greeted by a huge naval fleet and powerful naval admirals.

Another bombardment, the cannons on the naval warships aimed at them, and fired 50 rounds directly. After shooting, they changed the barrels and continued to shoot, bombing indiscriminately, forming a barrage of shells.

If the military expenditure is not spent here, where else do you want to spend it? 150 billion military expenditure is not a joke with you. One shell is only one sea gold, and this amount of shells is just a drizzle.

“Fight for me, mother’s bastard. "

General Zhou kept commanding the navy soldiers to fire, and finally saw that the soldiers in front of him were too slow, so he started to fire directly.

"Get out of the way, let me do it, prepare the shells for me."

Boom, boom, boom...

One shell per second, and a cannon machine was scrapped in less than a while.

"Hahahahaha, it's really fun, the new equipment is really fun."

General Zhou laughed loudly, with a ferocious face, and jumped up with the cannon machine to bomb.

Those big pirate groups would naturally not let the United Navy massacre these cannon fodder pirate groups on a large scale like this, otherwise who would deal with ordinary navy soldiers later.

The pirates also launched a counterattack, firing at the navy and sinking many naval warships.

"Is that the Jingtian Pirate Group? Let me bump into them and fight them hand-to-hand."

General Zhou tore his shirt to reveal his strong body. He was now red all over from the cannon just now.

"Damn it, I'm here. "


General Zhou's main ship collided with the pirate ship of the Jingtian Pirates, making a huge collision sound, wood chips flying, and the protective film of the Jingtian Pirates was directly broken.

The Battle of Yashan officially began.

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