The enemy was in a state of panic, but the enemy was still alive.

Yi pretended to pounce on the Sea Serpent God, but he was actually targeting Fengshen who was above the Sea Serpent God. As long as he was killed, the coalition forces would be completely defeated, and he might interfere with the battle between Yi and the Sea Serpent God.

Seeing a bloody tiger with bared fangs and claws pounce on him, Fengshen had to leave the top of the Sea Serpent God and jumped down directly, then disappeared from Yi's sight.

One of the Sea Serpent God's eyes was blind, but there was still one. When the Sea Serpent God saw Yi jumping above his head, he opened his mouth and swallowed Yi.

"King Yi has been swallowed by the alien god. Kill these people quickly and break the alien god."

The leader of the blood-marked warriors, Wushou, shouted. This was a three-marked warrior in the tribe with three beast tattoos. Wushou was surrounded at this time, but it was only a matter of time to rush out.

Wushou saw Fengshen falling down and rushed towards him, intending to kill the guy who started the war.

Yi fell into the body of the sea snake god, where there was corrosive liquid, corroding the blood on Yi's surface.

"Blood Rat Style - Switch."

Yi switched his form and became a blood-colored giant rat with fangs. These forms were all the forms in which Yi killed beasts. Rats were the best at digging holes.

Yi bit the surrounding flesh and blood frantically and dug holes out.

The sea snake god felt pain and suddenly danced wildly again. The mountains and rivers were shaped differently, the continent shook, and the coalition began to flee.

Fengshen fought off Wushou's attack and was out of breath. The nearby blood-marked warriors surrounded him. The defeated troops had already fled, leaving only some of the main warriors of the Sea Tribe fighting.

The warriors of the Sea Tribe were also very strong. Four of them could deal with a blood-marked warrior of the first level.

"Your god has been swallowed by the Sea Serpent God. Why don't you surrender?" Fengshen began to verbally harass him.

Wushou didn't say anything. He waved his spear and stabbed Fengshen. Fengshen dodged repeatedly.


Yi burst out of his belly. At this time, Yi's aura was even stronger. When Yi made a hole in the belly of the Sea Serpent God, he found that swallowing the flesh and blood of the Sea Serpent God made his body stronger.

Yi looked at the Sea Serpent God with fanatical eyes.

"Is this divine power? I can get more powerful power by swallowing you."

Yi laughed at the mad Sea Serpent God.

Fengshen glanced at the Sea Serpent God. There was a big hole in the middle of the Sea Serpent God's body. As the Sea Serpent God waved his body, blood rained from the sky.

The blood fell on the blood-marked warriors, and the tattoos on their bodies quickly absorbed the blood, and then the fighting power became stronger, and the warriors of the Sea Tribe retreated step by step.

Fengshen took advantage of Wushou's inattention and quickly escaped, leaving his god and warriors behind.

Yi's aura became stronger and stronger.

"Let me show you my preparations for killing gods."

Yi had prepared for decades just to kill gods. Even if this god was very weak, he would go all out, otherwise it would be a waste of preparations.


Yi's hair stood up straight, his muscles swelled and grew, his body grew bigger and taller, and the blood vessels in his body bulged and moved, as if there were mice drilling in them. The blood was painted in the shape of flames, and twelve blood beasts condensed out, and a longbow composed of air appeared in Yi's hand.

Yi bent the bow and put the arrow, and the flames in his body poured into the bow and turned into an arrow, and the blood beast turned into the pattern on the arrow.


The arrow shot out with a thunderous sound, and Yi gathered all his strength into it.


The arrow shot into the head of the mad sea serpent god. After a moment, there was a loud noise, and the head of the sea serpent god exploded. Twelve blood beasts broke out of it, and then dissipated in the sky with a bloody rain.

Tick, tick.

It started to rain in the sky, dripping on Wushou's face. Wushou licked the blood on his mouth, feeling the power of this divine blood.

The earth was full of broken limbs and corpses, some from the Sky Tribe, some from the defeated army, and some from the Sea Tribe.

Yi fell to the ground, the sun shone on his resolute face, and the blood of the sea serpent god dripped down. Yi couldn't help laughing wildly.


"Is this a god? So weak."


In the records of the Sky Tribe later.

Yi, the unique king, led 400 warriors to fight against 20,000 sea warriors in the battle between heaven and sea. Yi killed the sea god with an arrow, bathed in the god's blood, and became the ancient godslayer.

The sea god is the god of the western sea tribe. He started the war of gods and fought with Yi in Zhongzhou. He was killed by Yi. After his death, the world mourned and blood rained all over the world.

The earth shook, and the waves roared.

Jiang Tong had watched Yi's killing of the gods, and thought it was difficult, but it seemed that it was not the case. Yi was no longer on the same level as the creatures in this world.

Is this the Son of the World? So terrifying.

However, when Jiang Tong was browsing this history, new history had already occurred.

In the world, thunder roared, volcanoes erupted, the earth's crust moved, and storms covered several continents.

"Huh? The Son of the World disappeared?" Jiang Tong was surprised again.

I just finished reading Yi's history.

[The Son of the World is suspected to be dead, and the energy of the Son of the World returns to the world. The world is expanding, and it will last for three years. ]

After Yi killed the Sea Serpent God, he disappeared. Only death can make him unavailable. The world's luck gathered on him returned to the world, and his energy fed back to the world, which made the world promoted and the world expanded.

Jiang Tong checked the panel.

[World: Nameless Small World lv10 (world level is being upgraded)]

[Heavenly Dao: Jiang Tong]

[World Area: 9845 square kilometers (rapidly expanding)]

[World Specialties: None]

[World Description: A small world with a micro star, which has initially formed a world internal circulation, has intelligent creatures, is a newborn world protected by the laws of the universe, can absorb a small amount of cosmic energy, is expanding, has reached level one, and the root of chaos is being notarized.]

[World Power: 1.57 ounces (three decimal places omitted)]

Good guy, Yi's death directly brought about 0.50 world power, and what the hell is the root of chaos, Jiang Tong had to ask the system.

[Yi is a special product produced by the world itself for development. Whenever this kind of creature is produced and dies, it will bring disaster or development to the world. Yi has broken through the upper limit of the world's strength, so his death will feed back a lot of power to the world. 】

【The root of chaos is the rule creature of the universe, responsible for notarizing the world, removing the cancer produced by the universe, maintaining the existence of the universe, notarizing the rules between the balanced paradise, and formulating the rules of the world...】

The root of chaos?

After Jiang Tong carefully browsed the information, he understood.

The root of chaos is the maker and maintainer of the rules of the universe. He protects the development of the low-level world. Now Jiang Tong's world is at the bottom protection layer, and the world's promotion at this time is to move up one level.

After the world is upgraded, it will be notarized by the root of chaos, and the world will become a notarized world. As for more information, Jiang Tong can't understand it, and the system does not give much information at this time.

I just know that the universe is a pyramid, and the root of chaos is the channel connecting the layers of the pyramid, or the root of chaos is the pyramid, but the different places of different worlds form the pyramid, and the world exists on the root of chaos.

Anyway, it's too brain-burning. Although Jiang Tong has no brain at the moment, after seeing the news, he feels like he will fall asleep if he continues to read it.

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