The old man was buried in the grave, and the old man was buried.

Hong not only harvested the strong men of the Nukado continent, but also harvested the reincarnations of the main god space and the contractors of the major paradises. Among the main god space and the major paradises, the cave world has become a world with a high mortality rate among the low-level task worlds.

After Hong discovered that he gained more energy and life by harvesting these contractors and reincarnations, he opened up a new world. There were still reincarnations and contractors entering the Nukado continent, but the number was not as many as before.

Harvesting the contractors and reincarnationists returns 90% of their lives and energy. This is the sweetness Jiang Tong gave Hong. As for the spaces of the contractors and reincarnationists, they were taken away by Jiang Tong, and the resources inside were placed in the world by Jiang Tong. If a lucky person finds it, he can become stronger. Since there is a Taoist god responsible for harvesting, then investing resources to create strong people, the confrontation between the two can better promote the income of Jiang Tong's world power.

Hong harvested wantonly in the Nukado continent, but he did not harvest the humanoid imperial tools. There was no energy to plunder from that thing. Moreover, after the death of Wu Shoudi Shi, the group of people in the Stone City did not dare to let the tools leave the capital, for fear that they would be the next to be harvested.

All the Jiwu families were harvested, but Hong left their fire seeds for some families. Hatred can make them grow stronger.

All the middle and high-level combat forces of the Stone Country were harvested, but those civilians did not suffer any major losses. Sometimes ignorance and weakness are also a kind of happiness.

After the Jiwu family was harvested, it was naturally the strong men in the original beast realm. In front of Hong, they had no power to fight back. Their king was suppressed in the crack, but because he was suppressed in the crack, he was not discovered by Hong and escaped.

The barrier that Emperor Shi used to suppress the Lion King and the Wolf King was used by the Hero King before, but it was repaired and improved on the original basis, and a concealment function was added. The two people whose breath slipped after being suppressed escaped.

However, after Hong's harvest for a year, the legend of the God of Tao spread in the Nukado continent.

It came to the human world, treated the human world as a pasture, and killed all those who wanted to break through its restrictions. It regarded this world as its own property and did not allow anyone in this world to surpass it, call its name and be watched by it.

Jiang Tong said that Hong would not have this idea, and Jiang Tong would not let him have this idea. There will definitely be an existence in this world that can kill the God of Tao. As for when, it is up to Jiang Tong to decide.

After feeling that there was nothing worth harvesting on this continent, Hong hid himself, occasionally coming out to hunt reincarnations and contractors. He digested the energy he obtained this time, and the extension of his life gave him plenty of time.

The legend of the God of Tao gradually became more widespread as time went by, and the number of deaths of contractors and reincarnations was also slowly increasing.

Jiang Tong did not continue to observe Hong's actions. Other people's life spans belonged to others. Jiang Tong gave Hong a way to obtain life span, but these life spans would pass very quickly. Hong would soon go to the next continent to harvest strong people. The stronger Hong was, the faster he would digest these hunted life spans. In the end, Hong would fall into a dead loop and become a life harvesting machine.

Jiang Tong discovered something incredible. Jun mastered the Dao law in the Heavenly Dao and became the so-called Dao Lord.

In this world, he can use the power of the Dao, but Jiang Tong can cut off his control of the Dao at any time, so he is not a threat to Jiang Tong, but Jiang Tong is very surprised.

This law of the Great Dao is actually the law that Jun himself opened up. Daos have strengths and weaknesses. This law of the Great Dao is at most a small tributary in the long river of the Great Dao in the Cave Heaven World.

But Jun became the Dao Master, his strength far exceeded the extreme realm, this is another new realm, he can open up a realm in the Cave Heaven World, belonging to his Dao Realm, which is full of Jun's Dao power.

Jun opened up the Dao of Investigating Things. There are countless Daos, but in the Cave Heaven World, Jun is the Dao Master of Investigating Things.

Jiang Tong has never seen Jun's battle scene, but he can calculate the power. Hong, the so-called Dao God, is not a match for him, but a false Dao God.

People like Jun are already considered to be heavenly people. He opened up such a path. All the systems that are cultivated to the end in the future are to open up the Great Dao and become the Lord of a Dao. It is just unknown what changes this system will have in the future.

However, Jiang Tong can already say that Jun is the founder of this system, and it is estimated that there will be no one who surpasses this system in the future.

, Jun is the master of the Great Dao.

Jiang Tong engraved it in the rules of the world's operation. After opening up the tributary of the Great Dao, the sky will be covered with clouds, and all things will revive. The Great Dao will engrave its breath impression, and the Great Dao will sing for it, and the Heavenly Dao will baptize it.

The reason for doing this is that this system is extremely beneficial to the world of the cave, and even more beneficial to Jiang Tong. The Great Dao River is under the control of the Heavenly Dao. They open up the Great Dao to expand the width and capacity of the Great Dao River. Their Great Dao becomes a tributary of the Great Dao River. When they are strong, Jiang Tong is also strong. They will be attached to the world, and they will also be born and die when the world is born and dies.

After Jun successfully opened up the Great Dao.

The sky fell with clouds, and life began to revive. It rained heavily in the wizard world. The rain contained life. Those who bathed in it would get rid of diseases and have a strong body.

The shadow of the Great Dao River emerged, and Jun's appearance was engraved in it. In the future, there will be a breakthrough, and Jun's shadow will emerge, the water of the Great Dao will sound, and there will be a sound of nature between heaven and earth.

Throughout the world, a profound and ancient voice echoed between heaven and earth. This was not a language, but the voice of the Great Dao, the language of the Dao.

"Today, Jun in the wizard world has opened up the way to study things, and heaven and earth congratulate him."

The energy concentration of the entire world rolled up, and an energy tide created by Jiang Tong. Jiang Tong also used the power of the world to baptize Jun. Jun's body reached the level of Hong's body, which was a natural Dao body, or it could be called an innate Dao body.

All the creatures in the world understood the meaning of this voice, and they were shocked and boiling.

There is still a way ahead.

The voice of the Great Dao sounded for the first time, and they also knew that there was a long river of the Great Dao between heaven and earth.

The strong men of the other continents were excited.

"So there is still a way ahead." This is Xuan from the Central Continent.

"So this is Jun's strength? Even heaven and earth are cheering for him." Hong was in a state of shock.

Hong felt that the energy concentration between heaven and earth was a hundred times higher than usual. During this period, the bodies of the creatures were constantly strengthening. This was Jiang Tong's reward for opening the way to encourage the people of this world.

Hong felt the pressure. If someone else opened up the Great Dao, then his multiple extreme realms would have no advantage, and the harvesting plan would be affected.

He had to react, so Hong began to study the Great Dao.

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