The blood of Yi Shen was scattered in the sea, and a lot of it was absorbed by this blood vine.

In the land and sea in the center of Zhonghai Continent, a blood vine mutated. This blood vine was the first blood vine born in Dongtian World, and it was also the first generation of blood vine created by Jiang Tong. Compared with the later blood vines, this blood vine has autonomous aggressiveness, unlike other blood vines that are so gentle.

After the last war between the Kingdom of Heaven and the World Navy Government, the blood of Yi Shen was scattered in the sea, and a lot of it was absorbed by this blood vine. The rapid growth of the world's promoted creatures made the blood vine, which originally took hundreds or thousands of years to digest Yi Shen's blood energy, digest the blood in a short time.

After absorbing Yi's blood, this blood vine was born with intelligence and had its own consciousness. He named himself Belo. Living in the center of the land and sea of ​​Zhonghai Continent, he named this sea the Baikal Sea.

Belo found that there was only one blood vine in this sea, and all other blood vines were swallowed by him. At that time, he would unconsciously strangle and swallow all other blood vines to obtain energy. Blood vines can purify blood mist to obtain energy, so a large amount of energy is stored in the blood vine.

After Belo was born with intelligence, he began to spread his roots and formed a land composed of blood vines in the center of the Baikal Sea.

In the 110th year of the Central Period, Jiang Tong placed various animals and plants on the Zhonghai Continent. These animals and plants were the failed products when Jiang Tong was making the template. Jiang Tong just threw them to the Zhonghai Continent.

Unexpectedly, these failed species quickly multiplied in the Zhonghai Continent and formed a stable ecological chain with each other.

There are tigers with four wings, but they can't seem to fly. There are also snakes with two heads and six wings, which can fly. There are flowers with serrated teeth, bees with human faces the size of human heads, mice that can breathe fire, and jumping rabbits with big buck teeth. There are no cave people on this continent, which is a paradise for animals and plants.

In the 130th year of the Central Period, the first batch of dragon eggs were born in the Dragon Valley, a total of twelve. Gaia created dragon language magic and engraved it into the avenue. These pure-blooded dragons are born to use magic.

The other three male dragons couldn't find a mating partner, so they mated with other species of animals everywhere when they were in heat. All large animals near the Dragon Valley suffered, especially a female unicorn snake nearby, which was poisoned by these three male dragons in heat, so a mixed-blood dragon was born. The black dragon is the father of the mixed-blood dragon.

Because the dragons have unicorn snake genes, they have no genetic isolation, but the mixed-blood dragons born have no claws, but the unicorn snakes have dragon scales and wings on their bodies, which looks extremely ugly.

Gaia blamed the black dragon for tainting the blood of the dragon race, so he expelled the black dragon from the Dragon Valley. The black dragon flew to the Sky Continent, built a dragon cave on the Sky Continent, called himself Ruoma, and enslaved the winged people to collect treasures for him.

After decades of development, the mermaid race has approached 100,000. Mermaids lay eggs, with 2-5 eggs per litter and a hatching rate of 50%. Dongyi believes that mermaids are messengers of the sea, so the mermaids call themselves the Sea Clan. They built a kingdom on the Mermaid Reef, also called the Mermaid Kingdom. They discovered the remains of the ancient tall people. The naturally intelligent Xi quickly learned the language of the tall people, translated and obtained the knowledge of the tall people, and created his own characters based on the language and characters of the tall people.

The expansion of the continent has led to the division of various places due to the lack of ruling power. The Kingdom of Heaven also broke out in rebellion when the world was promoted. The distance between major cities has become farther. The journey that originally took only one month now takes a year or even longer. The Kingdom of Heaven simply does not have so much power to suppress the rebellion. The distance between countries has become longer, which means that the contradictions between countries have eased. It is impossible for wars to break out. They began to develop the newly emerged land.

The number of cave people on the vast land cannot even fill 1% of it. The number of cave people has reached more than 7 billion, but it still seems very small.

The number of cave people is not even as large as that of tall people, but the vast sea area makes the New Atlanta Kingdom unable to react in time, and various places have lost contact. If it were not for their tall queen-Ling to keep various places in contact through weirdness, I am afraid that the New Atlanta Kingdom would also begin to split.

In the 180th year of the Central Period, the tall people discovered the Mermaid Kingdom and established diplomatic relations with the Mermaid Kingdom, and passed their weirdness to the Mermaid Kingdom. The Mermaid Kingdom, which had no experience in dealing with it, suffered heavy casualties and its population dropped by 50%. After surrendering to the tall people, they obtained a way to deal with it and reduced casualties.

Hong became Jun's research subject, but during one of the studies, Hong took the opportunity to break free and ran away from Jun's experimental site. He found

After running for several years, he still didn't reach the sea. The whole world has turned upside down.

Hong regretted giving birth to Jun. Jun's other brothers and sisters have died in the long years. In the wizard world, the expanding wizard world did not split under Jun's pressure. They began to serve as Jun's tools to seal the weird.

Bello gradually felt lonely in the long years. There were no other intelligent creatures to communicate with him, so Bello began to breed fruits on his body, trying to breed intelligent creatures.

Originally, it was impossible to breed, but Jiang Tong added something to the fruit, and a new race was born.

In the second hundred years of the Central Period, little people with small wings emerged from the fruits that had been bred for twenty years. They had afro hair, four pointed ears, and looked like cavemen. They were very cute. They called Bello the Father God, and the life born from these fruits was the Blood Vine Elves.

These elves began to accompany Belo and take care of this blood vine continent. The first batch of blood vine elves had 361, which consumed half of Belo's essence. Therefore, Belo fell into a deep sleep every once in a while.

In the central 250th year, Fu Bo confirmed that there was no danger and dived to the surface of the sea to breathe, and then began to summon his people. He had been searching for a long time but failed to develop his kingdom. During the long years, he did not respond to believers, so he could not contact the location of his statue.

Fu Bo searched for his people all over the world and gathered them together. On the way, he met the black dragon Ruoma who was hunting with his people in the sea. Then Fu Bo beat up the black dragon Ruoma and took his people away. He vowed not to let anyone bully his people.

Of course, except Yi, if it was Yi, he would just beat his people.

When Fu Bo transformed into a street urchin, Jiang Tong found that the world's promotion was almost over, and the condensation of the world core was close to success, but Jiang Tong needed time to adapt to his "new body."

The promotion was almost over, and those accelerated buffs were also suspended by Jiang Tong. The rapidly expanding world needed some time to convert energy. Now the huge world made the energy begin to become thin, and only the places where some pioneers were located had enough energy.

Rumble rumble rumble...

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