The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Do you remember me?"

Jun looked at Jiaguan who was shaking and said with a smile.

Jiaguan trembled even more. Even though he had become a Dao-level strongman and the master of the Wood Dao, he was still afraid of the guy with a smile on his face.

After all, Jiaguan ran away from Jun. He would never forget what this guy did to him. Jiaguan once clearly saw his heart being taken out of his chest and replaced with another heart. Jiaguan almost died that time. Jiaguan even saw his dead mother.

"Why don't you talk? What do you want to do?" Jun continued, and then slowly approached Jiaguan's throne.

Finally, he arrived in front of the throne.

Although Jun was under the throne, Jiaguan felt that Jun was looking down at him.

Jiaguan's Adam's apple slipped, and he swallowed his saliva again. Finally, he mustered up the courage: "What are you doing here?"

Jun looked up and looked around: "Why do you think you were able to run away in the first place?"

After hearing this, Jiaguan's heart was in turmoil. What did this guy say?

Jun stretched out his right hand and gently pinched it. Jiaguan felt that his heart was about to stop suddenly, and then the whole person was about to explode. The power of the wood way stopped flowing in his body.

"The reason why you can run away is that you have never escaped from my control."

Jun looked at Jiaguan's hideous face and felt satisfied.

"Do you want to be truly free?" Jun released his control over Jiaguan.

After Jiaguan slowed down, he felt that he had escaped a disaster. After hearing Jun's words, he nodded quickly.

"Mobilize your army to help Wu Wang Yu rebuild the Wu Kingdom."

A young man suddenly appeared beside Jun. He looked 50% similar to Jun, but his eyes were dark. He stared blankly at the front, and there was no emotion in him.

Jia Guan felt a sense of familiarity in this young man, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

Suddenly, Jia Guan's eyes shrank slightly. The strange breath, this monster actually combined humans with strangeness, Jia Guan instantly thought of the answer.

"What do you think?" Jun asked.

Jia Guan nodded and agreed to this matter.

"Well, he will be handed over to you. Some wizard kingdoms will surrender voluntarily. After rebuilding the Wu Kingdom, the restrictions on you will never be used. By the way, never stand behind Wu Wang Yu."

Jun's voice echoed in the hall, and his figure had long disappeared.

Jia Guan looked at Yu in front of him, his face was a little bad, and then he fell into deep thought.

The army of the Dry Bone Empire set out, and under the leadership of Jiaguan, began to attack those wizard kingdoms.

Those wizard kingdoms did not expect that the Dry Bone Empire, which had crossed such a long distance, would actually launch an expedition, and their excuse for sending troops was very absurd, and they actually used the slogan of rebuilding the wizard kingdom.

Although the wizard world has reappeared in the world, the wizard kingdom that has been wild for hundreds of years will no longer obey the orders of the wizard world. As for the wizard kingdom, it has been a long time since it was founded. It happened more than two hundred years ago. The original wizard king Jun did not know where he went, and now a wizard king jade has appeared.

The wizards of the wizard world joined the army of the Dry Bone Empire and began to conquer these wizard kingdoms with great force. The wizard world took out a lot of new things, such as teleportation arrays, witchcraft teleportation towers... Some things with space attributes appeared. Every time some areas were conquered, witchcraft teleportation towers would be built, which greatly shortened the communication distance and made the newly conquered areas quickly stabilized.

Three hundred years later, the Witch Kingdom was rebuilt with the help of the Bone Empire. Witch King Yu ascended the throne and established a great country of more than 20 million square kilometers in the east of the Gelin Witch Continent, and began to digest and absorb the territory of the Witch Kingdom.

The previous system was used, divided into 72 regions, each region had a witchcraft teleportation tower, and sent tower wizards to station in various places, build roads, and distribute garrisons. The Wizard Tower Academy reappeared in the world again.

The teleportation array is one-way, the witchcraft teleportation tower is multi-directional, and the tower teleportation can be transmitted in large quantities. Because the experiment is not perfect, it is very easy to have accidents when using the teleportation array and tower teleportation.

After Witch King Yu came to power, he began to build various research sites in various places according to Jun's instructions, and once again released the wild wizard family, and let them expand outside the team and distribute Taoist instruments to them.

Some wings of the Sky Continent

The people were brought to the Zhonghai Continent by the storm, so they began to multiply and build tribes. When they multiplied, they found that there were many strange creatures on this continent, and these creatures were very intelligent, so the winged people began to subdue these creatures and named them strange spirits.

Strange spirits mean strange elves. The number of winged people in the Zhonghai Continent reached more than 10,000. They built cities and elected Kong, who led them to survive in the Zhonghai Continent, as the king. Kong was also the first human to tame strange spirits.

Kong tamed a descendant of a black dragon that drifted to the Zhonghai Continent. After Fu Bo beat Ruoma, he took his people away. The injured Ruoma escaped. Fu Bo ignored the descendants of the black dragons, so the descendants of the black dragons began to drift to various places.

This descendant of the black dragon is the closest to the black dragon in appearance, but it has a single horn on its head and no dragon scales. King Kong named this descendant of the black dragon Yikongzuo, which means the mount of the winged man Kong.

Fu Bo led his people to find a suitable habitat in the world. After more than ten years of searching, he found the land and sea of ​​Zhonghai Continent, so he began to build a nest in the land and sea, and hundreds of unicorn snakes stayed in Zhonghai Continent.

During this period, Fu Bo had several fights with Belo, and the two sides became good friends. Belo allowed the unicorn snake tribe to live in the Baikal Sea.

The volcanic wolf in the volcanic continent mutated and gave birth to the volcanic werewolf. This was the result of Jiang Tong's promotion. If it was a normal mutation, this werewolf would be eliminated and died in nature.

The first volcanic werewolf was called Abel. He and the mother wolf gave birth to the second generation of half-wolves. The second generation of half-wolves had the body of a werewolf, but their wisdom was far less than that of the volcanic werewolf transformed by Jiang Tong. Abel called his tribe the werewolf tribe and began to multiply in the volcanic continent.

They were treated as their own people by the dominant race, the Volcano Wolves, so they developed rapidly in the Volcano Continent. Abel and his daughter gave birth to the third generation of werewolves. The intelligence of this generation of werewolves was slowly increasing, and their human characteristics were more obvious than those of wolves.

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