The old man was buried in a graveyard, and the old man was buried in a graveyard.

In the Witch Kingdom, after the Witch King Yu reestablished the country, various bizarre legends began to circulate among the people, and some cases of population disappearance often occurred in various regions, and there were also witnesses who saw strange things. The Witch King Yu ordered the establishment of the Witch Search Department to deal with such cases. If they could not be solved, they would be reported to the Wizard Tower Academy.

In fact, these strange things existed before, but they were not revealed due to many chaos and the intentional suppression of wizards. Now that the country is peaceful, and some people are fanning the flames, these things have been put on the table.

Witch Kingdom, Baiyu District, Baicheng.

Woof, woof, woof...

There were dogs barking in the alleys, and children playing and fighting. It was almost evening, and smoke was rising from most houses in White City. The sky was filled with white smoke and the aroma of dishes from every household.

This was a very cozy little town. The Witch Kingdom had just been established, and people were living a decent life at this time.

Charlie was born in White City on the day when the Witch Kingdom announced the ascension of Witch King Yu.

Charlie and his friends were listening to the adults saying that monsters appeared in the city and that those monsters would eat children.

The adults said that in the evening, when there was a thick fog, and when you heard the sound of bells and the collision of hooves with the ground, the monsters would appear and take away the children who heard the bells.

They called this monster that ate children the Grotesque Old Man. The adults described the monster's appearance as a bearded old man carrying a big red bag. The soul of the child being eaten was tied to the old man's beard, and the child's body was in the red bag. He drove a frame pulled by an elk, which was made of bones. The Grotesque Old Man had a long tongue in his mouth, and he ate the child with a light hook.

After listening to the story, the friends all ran back home. The adults also went home after scaring the children, leaving Charlie who was scared and stayed where he was.


The bell rang, and Charlie woke up from the story just now.

He found that he didn't know when the fog had started, and a harsh bell rang in the fog. Charlie was very scared and kept calling the names of his friends and his mother.

No one responded to him. The only response was the ringing of the bell and the sound of footsteps approaching.

Trample, tramp, tramp...

The sound was getting closer and closer. Charlie was frightened and collapsed on the ground, crying loudly. He regretted not going home so late and still listening to people's stories.

The footsteps came from far to near, and finally stopped. Charlie's eyes reflected a moose head with ghost lights.


Charlie screamed, but soon there was no movement.


"Charlie, Charlie, where are you?"

Charlie's mother came out to look for Charlie. Charlie came home later than usual. Charlie's mother was very angry and looked for Charlie everywhere.

She swore that if she found Charlie, she would give him two hard slaps on his butt.

But after searching all the places Charlie liked to stay in the past and asking Charlie's friends, she found that there was no trace of Charlie. Charlie's mother's mood changed from anger to worry.

Where did her Charlie go? Charlie's mother searched for a long time and almost cried. People in the city also came out to help find him.

They thought Charlie had run out of town, fearing that he had been carried away by a wild animal, but the adults who were telling the story said that was impossible.

In the end, they found a shoe and a pool of urine at the place where Charlie was listening to the story.

Charlie's mother fainted, and her Charlie was gone.

In the end, Charlie was declared missing, and the Witch Search Division was sent to investigate. The result was that Charlie had encountered a strange thing and might have died, and they would continue to investigate.

Not long after, another file appeared in the Witch Search Division's archives management office.

[Codename: Weird Old Man]

[Level: V]

[Description: Appears with fog and bell sounds, likes to attack children, appears as a bearded old man, drives a moose car and carries a big red backpack, and currently only appears in the Baiyu District. ]

[Coping methods: Children should not be away from their parents. ]

[Number of missing people: 876. ]

[Summary: The danger level of this weird thing is not high, there are coping methods, it is suspected to be a folk story born in Baicheng, and can be detained. 】

This is just one of the many strange things that have appeared in the Witch Kingdom, and the danger level is relatively low. As long as there are intelligent creatures in the world of Dongtian,

There are weird things.

Most of the weird things are born out of people's fear and folk stories. If the stories are not spread, the weird things will slowly disappear. Of course, this only applies to story-based weird things. If it is other types, then this method is invalid.

These weird things cannot be killed. They can only be imprisoned or escaped by using their own rules. There are big and small weird things.

For example, a weird thing that appears in various places to help people, his code name is [Good Farmer]. He will help everyone who needs help, but once you don't need his help, he will suddenly hurt people, but he doesn't kill people, and his spread range is wide, so the Wuxun Division does not deal with it.

The representative of the more harmful is a [Question Wizard]. Every month, he will randomly appear in a city in the Wu Kingdom and ask questions to the residents in the city. If they can't answer, then all the people in the city will be killed.

The object of the [Question Wizard] is not only the cave people, but also the chickens, ducks and geese in the city. So far, no city has escaped his clutches.

There are also some weird and wonderful weirdness, such as [Slave Girl]. She will ask people who see her to become the other party's slave, and ask the other party to abuse her in any way. She will meet all the needs of the master until she dies. In the end, her master will feel guilty for killing her and then take revenge on society.

This weirdness can no longer be handled because it has spread widely. This weirdness comes from a folk story and is made into an opera, an opera with pornographic connotations.

These weirdnesses are ultimately caused by the cultivation path pioneered by Fu Bo. The combination of mental toxins and the fear of creatures has now formed a rule of the cave world, which can only be modified by Jiang Tong.

However, Jiang Tong does not intend to modify it, because he found something very interesting. Only by creating some pressure on these creatures will they have motivation.

There seems to be some movement in the space of Yesmora in the Sword of the King of Flame, but he can't get out now. Jiang Tong plans to transform the Sword of the King of Flame and turn it into a place where toxins gather. If the evil god is infected by a large amount of mental toxins, he will eventually become a weird.

A small amount of mental toxins may be a tonic, but a large amount of mental toxins will only transform Him into a freak.


ps: If I urge you to update more than 100 times, please send me small gifts, urge me to update more, and give me good reviews. Thank you.

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