The air is significantly better than Kyoto, with more than 75% forested land, mountains and lush vegetation.

Even the excellent air quality rate is extremely high.

In the morning, taking advantage of the fresh air, Jiang Cheng played a set of military body punches on the balcony.

The main purpose is to strengthen the body.

As for fighting, now Jiang Chengdu can't find a chance to fight.

During the exercise, Jiang Cheng could obviously feel that the biological cells in the body were more active, and even the frequency of the computer in the body seemed to increase somewhat.

It seems that you need a good body to be able to support the operation of the computer in the body.

After breakfast, Jiang Cheng sent him home.

Naturally, it is also a feeling of reunion.

This is thick, not for the time being.

It's just that Yu Xuemin saw the situation of the two, and he didn't know that it was already like glue.

The girl is outgoing, and even when she comes back, she doesn't go back to her own house first.

Hiding in the corner and smoking a smoldering cigarette.

However, Jiang Cheng, this kid, doesn't know where to buy a few cigarettes, and it is very expensive and easy to smoke.

Hey, forget it, just smoke well.

Let the rest go with them!


Later, he also went to Qin Jin's house, and let Yu Xinran go to see Zhang Luochen's baby.

Now it's been 9 months, and he looks chubby, and his arms and calves are squeezed in circles, which really corresponds to his nickname.

Zhang Luochen had already returned after the exam, and the two daughters chatted about the child again.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help it, so they chatted, blinking their eyes, but their thoughts were all in the computer in the body.

Designing a completely new chip is not an easy task.

---- (ૢ˃ꌂ˂⁎) ----

the head of the Jade Pavilion, Jiang Yiping has already held the key, and has looked at the white BMW X3 for half a day, and the front and back seats have sat down, and his heart is endlessly happy.

As for the old Great Wall pickup truck on the side.

I don't know what's going on, it's just not very comfortable to drive today.

When he drove out of the garage, Jiang Yiping felt that the gear shifts were a little jerky.

Pika: I ⊂ [┐'_'┌]⊃....

"Go, Dad, I'll take you to try, bring your documents, and let's go to the next house by the way."

After sending Xinran home, Jiang Cheng came back from a walk, and saw Jiang Yiping who wanted to go up, but did not dare to go up.

Jiang Yiping's dark face blushed slightly, "Really leave it to me?"

"Hmm. Put me there, I can't drive less than 5,000 kilometers a year. "Jiang Cheng is now also trouble-free, he has a car to sit on, and he is too lazy to drive it himself, he closes his eyes along the way, and he can use the computer in his body wholeheartedly!"

Otherwise, you will just block the second and third ring roads of Kyoto, and time will be wasted.

Jiang Yiping nodded, and under Jiang Cheng's persuasion, he took his ID card and other documents and got into the driver's seat.

"This is a one-button start, no need to insert a key, press the brake, just press it." Seeing that Jiang Yiping was at a loss, he didn't know how to start, so he taught.

Jiang Yiping carefully started the car and slowly walked towards the vehicle management office.

"Chengzi, you have money yourself, don't spend it indiscriminately." On the road, Jiang Yiping only drove forty yards, talking as he drove.

However, the right hand often unconsciously touches the handlebar.

Jiang Cheng leaned lazily, hugged his hand to his chest, and replied, "I understand." "

Up to now, Jiang Cheng has not spent any money anywhere, and the clothes he bought are slightly more expensive.

No watches, no cars.

Not to mention playing car models, hand-figures, etc.

For him, it is more important to pursue dreams.

"By the way, I don't do the lotus seed business now, right?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I didn't do much, so I'll guard this shop now, and I'll taste it." Jiang Yiping said.

He still doesn't like this kind of work of sitting at the cash register and selling goods.

He was used to collecting lotus seeds, and he couldn't sit down.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "Do you want to do something?" It's like building a factory, a hotel, or something.

"That's a lot of money." Jiang Yiping shook his head.

"Money, not a problem." Jiang Cheng smiled.

is that Jiang Yiping wants to invest in real estate, and Jiang Cheng can also come up with a start-up capital at this time.

Jiang Yiping pondered for a moment, "I still want to do the lotus seed business, I have been doing it for decades, and I am used to it."

"In this way, I still have some money on hand, I will transfer it to you, and you will let it go." Jiang Cheng said directly.

Anyway, my father is still young, and he is only 44 years old now.

"No need, I have my own money." Jiang Yiping waved his hand.

"What money do you have, decoration and opening a store, it is estimated that you will invest all your money in." Although Jiang Cheng didn't know how much money his father made.

But it can be estimated.

Two-story decoration, more than 400,000 yuan; Small shop decoration and purchase of these, also six or seven hundred thousand.

Although the payment of the small store is collected and entered, to be honest, the annual profit of this store is actually not high.

Otherwise, Jiang Yiping can still be ten years, still that one pickup truck?

He had already thought about changing cars.

But for the sake of face, he paid all this money for decoration, and there was no money as soon as it came out.

Jiang Yiping stopped talking.

If there is no money, he will not admit it.

I submitted some procedures at the DMV, and I need to wait for the files from Kyoto to be sent.

----- (◔◡◔) -----

Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran only stayed in Guanglin for 3 days.

After directly calling 10 million to Jiang Yiping, the two took a bus to Linzhou, and then directly flew to Kyoto.

Yu Xinran still likes to take the bus, and the vehicle drives slowly.

So that she could lean comfortably on Jiang Cheng's shoulder, just like that year and that day.

Jiang Cheng didn't care, anyway, he had been busy with the simulation experiments of the computer in the body, and most of them closed their eyes.

Back in Kyoto, Zhang Xiaoyong was already waiting at the airport.

Send the two directly to the company.

Each of them began a vigorous business.

Yu Xinran has stepped up to promote the research and development and manufacturing of intelligent electronic products.

Jiang Cheng continued to follow Xu Dawei, and did not stop during the summer vacation, and carried out in-depth research on memristors.

"Xiaojiang, these are our team members who study memristors, let's get to know each other."

In order to fully promote the research of memristors and accelerate the development of neuromorphic chips that can achieve the expected goals, Xu Wei formed a team.

In addition to Xu Wei, there are a total of 5 people in the main force.

Jiang Cheng, Zhi Bosheng, is the deputy in the team, assisting Xu Wei in coordinating the progress of the entire project;

Xinyi Li, Ph.D., responsible for the development of memristor materials;

Jianshi Tang, assistant professor, responsible for software and hardware docking and algorithm implementation in memristors;

Song Lin, a researcher, is a big bull in biological brain nerves;

Jing Zhang, a third-year Ph.D., is responsible for semiconductor process and device optimization.

In addition, at present, four or five miscellaneous players like Wang Xiaogang are involved in increasing their knowledge and experience.

Later students will be added according to the project situation.

As for Ding Chengjun, Xu Wei plans to wait until his doctoral graduation project is completed.

Several people greeted each other.

However, their eyes were full of surprise and disbelief when they looked at Jiang Cheng.

What's going on with this Director Xu Wei, letting a direct doctoral student be a research deputy?

Could it be that their doctorates for many years are still not as good as Jiang Cheng?

Several doctors and researchers maintained their images and did not say anything, but Zhang Jing arched his hand and spoke.

"Oh, I don't know what extraordinary skills this junior brother Jiang Cheng has?"

Xu Wei glanced at Zhang Jing, and then turned to look at Jiang Cheng, the meaning was obvious, and he wanted him to show a few hands.

Jiang Cheng was a little excited, and the corners of his mouth raised lightly, "Senior Zhang Jing, I have heard the tutor praise you a few times, saying that you have a good understanding, generally don't teach it three times, in the semiconductor process, I dare not compare with you."

"You..." Zhang Jing listened to what he said, and he didn't know whether it was praise or sarcasm.

Professor Xu Wei spoke lightly, "Xiaojiang just needs to do it once." "


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