On July 21, the new product launch of Fenghuo mobile phone has just ended, and the next day, Rice Mobile will also hold a mobile phone conference.

This makes many people watch the liveliness.

It seems that the two companies are about to harden up.

However, this matter is no wonder Jiang Cheng, the day he chose was announced first.

On the morning of July 22, above the vicissitudes of Weibo.

Rebs posted a tweet.

[Recently, the mobile phone released by a friend heard that the processor performance is good, but in the face of our rice 4's Xiaolong 801, the gap may not be a little. ]

(With a picture, showing the comparison of single-core and all-core performance of the processor)


Although it has just been released for less than five minutes, there have been thousands of likes and hundreds of comments at the bottom.

"2.5GHz Dragon 801!"

"Although the performance of the self-developed chip is not bad, there is still a lot of gap compared with the dragon."

"One running score should be able to reach more than 41,000, and one is only 36,000, there is a gap, but it is not particularly large."

"The consistent method of rice monkey is obviously less than 15% of the large nuclear frequency gap, and this chart comparison feels twice as bad!"

"Have the ability to take it out and sell it!"

Comments of all kinds, and so on.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Rice Mobile Phone 4 was officially released.

In the studio at home, Jiang Cheng specially looked at the streamlined review of the press conference.

A few highlight sections, plus phone prices.

Unlike Jiang Cheng's impression, this rice 4 also canceled the physical buttons on the chin, and the screen-to-body ratio reached 76%.

5.0 inch mobile phone, a 304 stainless steel art tour.

The copywriting is also good.

The 2GB+16GB version is 1999 yuan;

But the 3GB+64GB version is 2499 yuan.

Obviously, Rebs does not want to continue at the price of 1999 yuan, but must hold this price, only through different versions, to test the reflection of the market.

At the press conference, in addition to fruit 4, Rebs also added a comparison of a friend.

This friend is naturally the Maple Fire EX1 mobile phone released the day before.

The intention is self-explanatory.

My 3GB+64GB version only sells for 2499 yuan, why can you sell 2999 yuan?

What about the self-developed processor, can it be compared to the Dragon 801?

(Jiang Cheng: I'm sorry, but the fever is really not comparable... )


However, in all kinds of new machine test videos, the Maple Fire EX1 is full of praise.

Whether it is the appearance design of the mobile phone, the screen-to-body ratio, or the performance test and temperature control, it has performed very well.

Engaged in machine evaluation, and once again evaluated Fenghuo's new machine.

At the time of the Kind 1 review, some of his evaluation terms have already made many people express dissatisfaction.

Ignoring the highlights of the Kind 1 canceling the chin and advancing the full screen, as well as the stability of the system and signal, all compared with other mobile phones, running scores, games.

It is said to be a fair assessment, but in fact it is not fair.

This makes him pay a lot less attention.

But the Internet is forgetful.

There are old fans who have retreated, and new fans have arrived.

"Hello everyone, I am engaged in machine evaluation, today we will conduct a synchronous disassembly evaluation of the 2 mobile phones that have just been released." During the live broadcast, Li Si waved his hand towards the camera and took out two unopened boxes.

One is Maple Fire EX1, 3GB+64GB version, 2999 yuan.

One is rice 4, which is also a 3GB+64GB version, 2499 yuan.

“...... As for these two mobile phones, the storage and memory configuration are the same, but the price difference is 500 yuan. So, who is more cost-effective, who is the king of cost performance, let's disassemble and measure.

"From the packaging point of view, Maple Fire EX1 wins, the packaging is more exquisite, the design sense is also good, it should be an impact on high-end brands, and it is also very careful in these aspects." Li Si looked at the package, and then unpacked it.

Pose the two phones together. "It is obvious that the size of the Maple Fire EX1 is much larger than that of the rice 4, but the grip is okay. It should be because the screen-to-body ratio is higher.

After booting, Li Si commented on the system UI one by one, and the usual fluency.

"In terms of system fluency, if I were to score it, I would give 9.5 points to Rice 4 and 9 points to Maple Fire EX1. Poor in terms of system playability, the MIOS system of the rice mobile phone has been very praised after many years of operation, and the small functions are more intimate, in this regard, the Maple Mobile Phone needs to continue to work hard. "


By the time of video and game testing, the gap was revealed.

"The performance of the Maple Fire EX1 is really good, in the game, especially the Maple Fire games such as "Honkai World" are very well supported, the temperature control is also very good, now it has been used for twenty minutes, the temperature is only 39.6 degrees, located near the camera."

"And rice 4, oh no, the temperature of the highest part has reached 46 degrees, and there is a noticeable burning sensation at the top of the screen and at the back cover."

Because it is a live broadcast, Li Si also maintains a relatively fair attitude this time.

This temperature difference is no longer a little bit.

Everyone in the live broadcast room frantically launched a barrage.

"I rely on, the phoenix 101 chip of Maple Fire's mobile phone is so awesome! Temperature control, this is going to heaven!

"Yes, the frame rate is only a few frames apart, and I see Maple Fire EX1 games and videos very smoothly."

"Ice Phoenix is undoubted."

"Ice Phoenix, agree."


For a while, everyone brushed up the "ice phoenix".

With the foreign voice turned on, Jiang Cheng sat leisurely on the chair in the office, watching this Li Si's live broadcast evaluation.

Last time, this kid was also a horizontal commentator, and the highlights of Jiang Cheng's Maple Fire Kind 1 should be said were all accidental, and the shortcomings were hard to fight other mobile phones.

After many people's online rebuttals, customs removals, coupled with the side warning of the BI station, this made him more honest.

This time, the evaluation is more fair.

Of course, this is also the reason for the craftsmanship level and processor of Jiang Cheng's new mobile phone Maple Fire EX1.

Li Si finally calculated the total score, each with its own victory and defeat.

The total score was basically the same, although it was a difference of 500 yuan, but this time he also spoke rationally.

Of course, these ratings also have their own subjective factors, and the specific mobile phone is good, you need to choose by yourself. But Maple EX1 mobile phone, I personally think that although the price is higher, but as a self-developed chip, it is worth our praise. "

And the 3GB + 32GB version, only 2799 yuan, compared to the rice 4 mobile phone, the screen is larger, the performance is not much different, temperature control and power consumption, fast charging, and fingerprint, face recognition, these are enough to top this difference, a word, is really fragrant."



Of course fragrant.

In just one day, Mo Tianqing's reported sales have exceeded 200,000 units.

Among them, the version of 2799 yuan, sales accounted for 73.55%.

Through self-developed chips, Jiang Cheng's Fenghuo mobile phone has initially set sail for high-end impact.

But to stabilize at this price point, or even higher up, it will take more innovation and highlights, more solid brand value and premium acceptance.

One day, Jiang Cheng will go to fight with fruits.

The powerful A-series processing chip, Jiang Cheng said, will not one day, it will be at the foot of the phoenix.

Because the phoenix will soar into the sky.

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