As soon as the summer vacation arrived, Qin Jin returned to Guanglin after the exam, and followed with him.

However, I don't know if it's because the weather is hot and upset, whether it's his mother or Zhang Luochen, his eyes are a little more disgusted when they look at him.

"It's your senior year soon, you don't go to the internship, why stay at home, Dudu doesn't need you to bring it." Zhang Luochen pouted and urged him to find a job internship.

Qin Jin looked helpless, "Then, then I'll go to Kyoto to find an internship in the company." "

What to do in Kyoto, how bad you went to Jiang Cheng's company." Zhang Luochen made a face, "Go to the magic capital to find it yourself." "

Oh." Qin Jin scratched his head and answered.

He also thought in his heart that he was always going to make money to support his family, and since he was no longer in graduate school, he still had to find a way to improve some internship experience.

Zhang Luochen was also right, if he went to Jiang Cheng's game company, with his relationship with Jiang Cheng, it was no problem to enter, but he did not use his own strength to enter.

"I'll buy a ticket tomorrow." Qin Jin made up his mind.

"Go ahead." Zhang Luochen patted his hand, "Dudu relies on you to earn milk powder money." The

next day, Qin Jin took a car to the magic capital with 1,000 yuan on him.

In the middle of summer, wiping the hot sweat on my face, I began to submit my resume and look for a job.

Of course, he targets internet or gaming companies.

But soon he felt the difficulty of finding a job.

A slightly larger company, seeing Qin Jin in those three schools, is still a junior, only interning for one or two months, everyone does not want it.

This made Qin Jin a little sad.

Fortunately, the next day, a phone call contacted him and asked him to go to the interview.

Looking at the company name, Mi Yu Game Company.

This name, Qin Jin has not heard of much, it is estimated that it is a small company.

At 3 p.m., Qin entered Mi Yu's company.

I feel that this company is not big, like Jiang Cheng's Maple Fire Game Company, renting two or three hundred square meters of office, and there are only about twenty people.

In addition to him, there was also a man in a plaid shirt with a bald forehead.

This glance made Qin Jin a little stunned.

This style, this dress, master!

But master, how could he come to this small company.

Is the pressure of job competition already so great?

A man in front of him, in his twenties, with some beard and glasses, looked at the two.

In terms of height and handsomeness, Qin Jin is slightly better.

But looking at the amount of hair and taste, it is another man who wins.

Handing each of them a laptop, "Our company has recently rushed a project and needs a programmer with good experience, so let's do three topics directly." "

On the screen, there are test questions.


Qin Jin was a little afraid, he had already vomited the topic, and now as soon as he heard the topic, he felt that it was over, and he had to think hard for half a day.

But, when he saw the title.

But I was stunned, this topic seems to feel a little similar.

[Implement the member registration function on the game login screen.] The requirement is that the username length is greater than 3 and less than 10; The password length is not less than 6, there must be a combination of numbers and letters, and the password must be the same when entering the password twice when registering (string)]

Which question did you do?

Forget it, the idea should be like this, while, nest a few IF functions.

Qin Jin turned on the compiler and began to write the code, feeling that in his mind, the approximate idea of the code soon emerged according to this idea, and it came out while thinking, and it was exceptionally smooth.

When it came to the second and third questions, I only felt that the third question was slightly more difficult, but it was not very outrageous.

Forty minutes later, Qin Jin raised his hand to indicate that he was done.

And another "master" is still coding the code of the third question.

A sense of pride is born.

Sure enough, the man on the opposite side took it to the test and ran it, his face was a little joyful, and his eyes looking at Qin Jin also showed a little more appreciation.

Taking people by the amount of hair is not all in the middle!

When the time of an hour arrived, Qin Jin's competitors could not finish it, and the result should not be very good looking at the interviewer's face.

"Because we are recruiting interns, we don't waste much of everyone's time, Qin Jin, it's you." The man pointed at Qin Jin and said lightly.

The bald man on his forehead looked a little lonely, got up and left.

"Hello, I am Liu Wei of Mi Fu Game, welcome to the company for internship." Liu Wei nodded and said, "During the internship, the salary is 3500, at least 2 months of internship, is there any problem?"

"No problem." Qin Jin was a little excited, his face tried his best to control, but his heart was full of joy.

He felt that the questions he brushed were really useful.

I actually passed all these interview questions.

It's really incredible.

Work starts tomorrow, and Qin Jin happily shared the news of his successful application with Zhang Luochen.

"Not bad, although the internship salary is lower, but it is good to rely on your own strength, do a good job, mirror." Zhang Luochen said with a grin, "I'm also coding now, I should be able to make some money, oh, the old rule ha, I'll send it to you, you help add some details."

Qin Jin said with a smile, "Luo Chen, you have been cultivated for a long time, you should be fine?"

"Bah, I'm a little embarrassed to write, you write, I think it's better." Zhang Luochen took a sip, "Now it's all about making money for our small family, and you serve snacks."

"Okay, I know." Qin Jin responded.

Isn't it just to add some descriptions, good at it, good at it!

For a better life tomorrow, work hard to code, work hard to knock code....

Qin Jin rented a small room on the side, with a monthly rent of 1,800 yuan.

Yes, the internship salary is directly reduced by half.

Fortunately, there are boxed lunches in the company, and you only need some money for breakfast.

Therefore, Qin Jin interned in Mi Fu for more than a month with some constraints.

It wasn't until early August that Jiang Cheng called.

----- ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍-----

Jiang Cheng was also on a whim, and at night he watched Yu Xinran chatting with Zhang Luochen on a video, and only then did he remember Qin Jin.

Simply called him.

"Mirror, I heard that you went to the magic capital to find an internship?"

"Yes, I have been interning for more than a month, and I am tired to death, and I will advance according to the task every day, and my hands will be broken." Qin Jin spat bitterly.

Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "Then it is estimated that your level has risen sharply." "

To be caught every day, there must be some level.

Hearing this, Qin Jin laughed and was a little self-satisfied, "That is, you don't look at who I am, I have now promoted my JAVA level to a first-class martial artist, okay."

"Yes, it seems that I have to find some more promotion questions for you, otherwise how can I break through to the realm of martial artists?" Jiang Cheng laughed and quipped.

"Don't, don't, I'm just talking big." Qin Jin was frightened and busily said.

"By the way, what company are you interning in?"

Qin Jin replied, "It's Mi Yu Game Company, the boss seems to be the Magic Capital Jiaojiao, and the level is very high." "

Mi Yue?" Jiang Cheng frowned, feeling faintly familiar.

It seems that this company was still somewhat famous in its previous life.

Oh yes, my own "Honkai World" is based on the other party's creativity.

Those Valkyries are indeed the love of the second dimension.

"So what game are you developing?" Jiang Cheng asked curiously.

"This can't be said, ha, it has to be kept secret." Qin Jin snorted, indicating that he was very principled.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Okay, I'll let people try to see if they can invest or acquire it." Qin

Jin: "MMP

, there is no common language with you, a local tycoon.

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