Unlike the new resistive memory patent that Jiang Cheng has already won, the memristor that Xu Dawei and everyone have studied together is more used to make neuromorphic chips.

For example, it can be used to simulate the operation of a neural network.

On top of this memristor with a memory capacity of less than 1MB, in addition to storage and calculation, it is also because there are 8 memristor devices, which can be connected through lines to simulate the transmission of dendritic pulse signals.

In the entire project experiment, Jiang Cheng's role in the entire team was only below Xu Wei.

Full participation, but also the whole process of high-energy output!

But there is no way, after all, Xu Dawei is the project leader, and on the whole project to discuss and set the tone, of course, it has also solved many problems in many fields that Jiang Cheng is not familiar with.

This top chair must be Xu Wei sitting at present.

As for the relevant patent application materials and paper authors, Xu Wei specially mentioned Jiang Cheng to the second position.

The day of the success of the project was already September 25.

Hao Yongjun, who had been waiting for a dormitory dinner, finally waited for Jiang Cheng's free time.

Not only that, but also claimed to bring family members.

In the evening, Jiang Cheng, who came out of the microelectronics institute, first went to the school gate to receive Yu Xinran, who rushed over.

Wearing a pale green dress and a pair of high heels, she looks tall.

"Remember the last time I came over for your dinner, it was the year before last?" Yu Xinran took his arm and said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "It was October 12th, when the school's ACM competition trials had just ended.

"yes, time flies so fast. However, several of you in the dormitory are living treasures.


two walked for only a few minutes before arriving at the hot pot restaurant.

In a large compartment in the back, Hao Yongjun beckoned, "Jiang Cheng, here."

Jiang Cheng fixed his eyes and looked at it sharply, Mom, who is this?

The whole person was as black as charcoal.

People have also lost a lot of weight.

"Boss, are you going to Africa?"

"Haha, no, it's just that I've been in the sun for more than two months and I'm sunburned." Hao Yongjun smiled heartily, "Come and sit down." "

Sister Xinran, here." Zhong Xiaohui smiled sweetly and pulled Yu Xinran to sit aside.

"Xiaohui, long time no see!"

"Yes, Sister Xinran, wow, you have become beautiful again, it seems that you have gone abroad for a trip, and your taste in dressing has improved..."

Jiang Cheng looked around, and those sitting outside were Hao Yongjun and Zhu Jian, and Zhong Xiaohui leaned in. "What about Siyuan?"

Zhu Jian said, "Oh, here." Turning

his head, Xu Siyuan came over wearing a red shirt, trousers, leather shoes, and a plate of dipping sauce.

The forehead is brighter.

"Jiang Cheng!"


The two each exclaimed.

When he put down the dishes, Jiang Cheng grabbed his hand, "Long time no see, handsome again!"

"I came back the other day, and you were too busy with the whole project." Xu Siyuan smiled slightly, and lightly brushed his still flowing hair.

Zhu Jian smiled, "Third brother can't help, now follow the two big guys to read the double doctor."

Hao Yongjun slapped his thigh, "Damn, every time I feel that a few of us are already very good, but compared with the old three, it feels not a little worse."

Jiang Cheng said modestly, "Wherever, a few of you have all determined Baoyan so early, which is already very awesome." "

In the entire department, Jiang Cheng and their dormitory are already big bull-level figures.

Hao Yongjun and Zhu Jian have published several papers and produced some project results.

For example, Hao Yongjun's traffic camera face recognition algorithm with his mentor this time is said to be applied by the Ministry of Public Security to the whole country.

Xu Siyuan looked at Jiang Cheng with admiration in his eyes. He has always regarded himself very highly, but only Jiang Cheng makes him feel that no matter how hard he tries, he can't keep up with him.

"I also saw your paper, it was really groundbreaking, powerful." Xu Siyuan raised his thumb and praised.

Hao Yongjun muttered, "Okay, you don't praise each other, our dormitory is the worst level for me, and finally I am sure that I can guarantee the research."

Zhu Jian looked at Xu Siyuan, "By the way, Siyuan, how did you study abroad?"

"No problem, I got a letter of recommendation from Professor David of Sfortan University." Xu Siyuan said lightly.

Jiang Cheng's eyes lit up, "Is it Professor David who studies backpropagation algorithms?" The 60-something, handsome one.

Xu Siyuan's eyes widened and he said in surprise, "Jiang Cheng, do you know?"

"I met at the CVPR meeting before, and I left his contact information!" Jiang Cheng explained, "However, I didn't ask him questions a few times later, and he seemed to be very busy and did not reply to these emails. Xu

Siyuan fell silent and said, "That's him."

"Awesome, I heard that he is very strong in the field of artificial intelligence, do you plan to study this direction as well?" Jiang Cheng asked again.

Xu Siyuan nodded.

Hao Yongjun coughed lightly, "Can you guys not talk about such a high-end topic as soon as you meet, Mistress, you go get some sesame sauce or something, let's get ready to start."

Jiang Cheng smiled awkwardly and nodded in agreement.

He asked about the sauce Yu Xinran wanted, which was similar to the spicy one he wanted, and then went first.

Zhong Xiaohui pulled Yu Xinran and chatted closely again. She has always been this personality, generous, but she can get along with anyone.

After a while, everyone began to eat hot pot and chat about the sky.

Jiang Cheng held the wine glass and touched the four people, "If I want to say, we all have to respect the old four glasses, when we are not there, his boy cleaned the dormitory very clean, and our quilts were covered with dust bags!"

Hao Yongjun put his hand on Zhu Jian's thin shoulder and smiled, "This kid is under Xiaohui's training, he can, he can handle it." "

Thanks." Xu Siyuan nodded.

"Haha, you're welcome, isn't it." Zhu Jian smiled.

Originally, everyone still wanted to hear about Xu Siyuan's trivial matters during the exchange, but seeing that he didn't want to mention it much, he didn't force it.

Instead, Zhong Xiaohui came out to enliven the atmosphere and said that he wanted to introduce girlfriends to Hao Yongjun and Xu Siyuan.

Hao Yongjun was naturally very happy, and he was going to come to Jia Weixin now.

Xu Siyuan still looked calm, only when he talked to Jiang Cheng, he showed some interest, and he was a little indifferent at other times.

"Senior year, I plan to do my graduation project first, and I should go abroad earlier next semester." Xu Siyuan thought for a while and said, "Follow Professor David over there to do a research."

"Oh, what is it?" Jiang Cheng was a little curious.

"It's not convenient to reveal this specific." Xu Siyuan shook his head slightly.

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised slightly, "It's also, it needs to be kept secret."

Hao Yongjun saw this situation and bumped him lightly, "In other words, what are you doing with the graduation project of the fourth senior?"

Zhu Jian smiled, "My thesis has already chosen a topic, the research and implementation of distributed database query optimization guided by the supervisor." "

I intend to conduct research on fatigue monitoring for face recognition." Hao Yongjun shrugged his shoulders and said that he had also chosen the opening topic.

Xu Siyuan was a little surprised, did these two people actually decide on the topic so quickly?

"I haven't chosen the question yet, Jiang Cheng, what about you?"

Jiang Cheng was stunned, how could he ask himself, "Well, I haven't started my graduation thesis yet, and I guess I won't graduate until next year."

Zhu Jian was taken aback, "Oh my God! Third brother, will you graduate with a doctorate next year? "


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