After informing Chen Feng that there would be leaders coming to visit in the near future, he arranged for the employees of the group company and the semiconductor company to clean up in the past two days.

As for the report, it is nothing more than EDA software and semiconductor research and development, which are very familiar to both Jiangchengdu.

However, according to the custom, it is better to ask the department and the company to prepare the report materials.

The next day, Jiang Cheng also went to two departments to see the current progress.

Bing Shaoqing leads a team of more than 70 people, some of whom continue to optimize and update SF design and simulation software, and the other part is developing layout verification software.

However, although the progress is steady, it is not fast.

As for the semiconductor, the SOC chip is currently upgrading the design process on the basis of the Phoenix 101 chip, and at the same time improving some deficiencies.

With one or two guidance, Jiang Cheng left first.

He is now the boss of Maple Fire Group, and he has recruited so many R&D personnel and engineers, and it is estimated that the investment in R&D will exceed 30% of the annual turnover.

It is impossible to come to everything again, Jiang Cheng follows this group of R & D personnel to engage in R & D every day, right?

In that case, Jiang Cheng was too tired.

Nowadays, except for major scientific research projects, Jiang Cheng is not too involved.

For example, SOC chips have already made the first generation with Lin Feng, and these research talents only need to continue to deepen on this basis.

There is no need for Jiang Cheng to worry too much.

Xu Dawei's project was basically completed, which allowed Jiang Cheng to enjoy a few days of leisure time.

In my own group office, I look at the reports and requests from each subsidiary.

One of them was to propose to Jiang Cheng to establish a board of directors of the group.

Nowadays, with the continuous expansion of the company, the group company is still with Jiang Cheng as the general manager, and many things have to be done personally, which is too tiring.

Jiang Cheng still likes to manage the direction, personnel, and finances.

However, he is still considering equity incentives.

This kind of thing is a double-edged sword, used well, can make the company develop steadily and rapidly, but if not used well, it will also accelerate the company's failure.

Warwick is one of the better used enterprises.

Warwick Technology Co., Ltd., 100% owned by Warwick Investment Holdings Limited.

Investment holding companies, on the other hand, have 0.75% of the shares and the trade union committee 99.25% of the shares.

Of course, he is actually a virtual stock option incentive system, and the stock that employees receive cannot really control the company.

The directors are elected by the 115-member employee representative meeting, and of course, the senior leaders of the company are naturally elected.

However, as the founder, Ren Fei has a veto power over the selection of directors.

Therefore, it can also be said that Ren Fei can still control the company.

Jiang Cheng is not so bold, and he intends to take out up to 30% of the equity as a virtual stock option incentive.

Of course, at the beginning, Jiang Cheng could not directly throw out 30% of the equity, even if it was virtual.

He intends to prepare a 10% equity incentive first.

For company executives, as well as those who make significant R&D contributions.

For the first batch, the planned number of people is 30.

In the future, every two years or so, appropriate adjustments will be made according to the development of the company.

Just do it, Jiang Cheng found Chen Feng and told him the general idea.

Chen Feng was stunned suddenly, "President Jiang, do you really plan to implement equity incentives?"

"Yes, the company is currently in a period of rising career development, and it is more necessary to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for developing the company together." Jiang Cheng nodded, "But these incentives do not mean that if you hold them for life, leave the job, or the assessment results are not good, they will be canceled." In

short, Jiang Cheng also needs a company culture with hard work and creativity.

This is the culture that Jiang Cheng injected into Maple Fire Group at the beginning, that is, to develop technology that is different from the current mainstream and can lead.

Chen Feng said, "Okay, Mr. Jiang, I will personally carefully draft the equity incentive plan and report it to you for review at that time."

Jiang Cheng asked again, "What happened to the headquarters project?" "

It has been almost renovated, and the air-conditioning host is currently being arranged, and from next month, internal desks, chairs, office equipment, etc. will be purchased and installed." Chen Feng reported, "We must ensure that it is all completed by the end of December." "

As for the semiconductor production line, that one will require at least two or three tens of billions of investment, and Jiang Cheng is really a little choked to do it himself."

But Jiang Cheng needed a process to step into the 28nm wafer production line.

This production line is more used to accumulate talents.

In the future, he wants to build at least an EUV lithography machine production line, or even a more high-tech wafer production line.

Like Huaxin Technology, these low-process products, Jiang Cheng simply can't look at it.

Although he knows that the market in this area is actually very large.

But if Jiang Cheng wants to do it, he must do the world's top science and technology.

"Okay, I'll check it out later." Jiang Cheng was a little happy.

This headquarters has been built for too long.

It took more than two years.

And the funds are spent like flowing water.

At present, the first phase of construction (including later decoration and office procurement) has spent more than 2 billion yuan.

This is still when the production workshop and clean room have not been built, and the production line has not been purchased.


September 30, the day before National Day.

Vice Minister Yi Guobin of the Ministry of Industry of China and Academician Li Weiguo of the Chinese Academy of Sciences brought some directors and section chiefs, a total of more than 10 people.

Jiang Cheng, who had already prepared, took Fang Ya to greet him at the door of the seventh-floor building.

After all, he is a bigwig-level figure, and Jiang Cheng still has to pay attention to it.

What's more, it is very likely to be the relationship with the lithography machine industry alliance.

"Academician Li!"

Seeing Li Weiguo get out of the car, Jiang Cheng's eyes lit up and greeted him.

Li Weiguo smiled, and then introduced him, "This is Vice Minister Yi Guobin of the Ministry of Industry.

"Minister Yi, hello!" Jiang Cheng said politely.

Yi Guobin carefully looked at the handsome young man in front of him, it seemed that he was only in his 20s, and he had already created such a big achievement, which was simply incredible.

"President Jiang, the famous name has been heard for a long time!" Yi Guobin stretched out his thin but powerful palm and shook it with Jiang Cheng.

"It's too prestigious, I'll open a company, and the scale is not big." Jiang Cheng said modestly.

Yi Guobin stretched out his hand with a smile, "Let's go, take us to visit your company."

Jiang Cheng nodded, and Fang Ya took the headset and introduced it to everyone.

"Leaders, hello everyone, I am Fang Ya, now let me introduce you to Fenghuo Group Company, our company was established in November 2012, this is the temporary headquarters, the new company headquarters is about to be completed, the initial plan is to move in January next year."

Yi Guobin listened carefully, and suddenly asked Jiang Cheng, "Oh, your company has built a new headquarters?"

"Yes, on the Jinghai Road, it will be renovated soon, and it will be moved there with Fenghuo Semiconductor Company." Jiang Cheng explained.

Yi Guobin nodded and went upstairs while listening.

First led him to the department of the semiconductor company, where Lin Feng was ready and put some of the chips they designed and developed on the display case.

"This is our mobile phone SOC processor chip independently developed based on the open source RISC-V architecture, with a process of 28nm and a power consumption of 5W, which has initially reached the current international mainstream mobile phone processor chip level." Fang Ya was well prepared, her voice was good, and she explained very well.

Some self-developed basebands, RF chips, and ISP chips were introduced, which were felt by peers.

This maple fire seems to be still crowded in this seven small buildings, but the entire research and development strength is surprisingly high.

What, in Fang Ya's introduction, it is the mainstream level or even the leading level.

It seems that compared with companies such as Warwick, it is not too much, right?

Yi Guobin was very satisfied, and when he went to the conference room on the seventh floor, he specially asked, "Your company, accept investment, right?" "

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