After the hot spring, Jiang Cheng went around again by the way, looked at the topography and terrain around Jiangluo Hot Spring, and remembered it in his heart.

Only then did he return to Guanglin with the group.

The sixth day of the first lunar month is the day when the two settle events.

However, all this did not require Jiang Cheng to worry too much, got up early as usual, punched a set of punches on the balcony, and then began the research of his doctoral dissertation.

With a supertechnology laboratory in the body, Jiang Cheng has a virtual laboratory for research, and the amount of materials is infinite, not only that, but dozens of experiments can be carried out in one minute.

Some parameter adjustments, Jiang has become to achieve the optimal effect, but also directly violent enumeration, 2 decimal places after the number, one by one.

Therefore, Ding Chengjun thought that Jiang Chengzhen just thought about it during the winter vacation, and then returned to the school to lead a simple experiment to produce results, which is the case according to the actual time.

But for Jiang Cheng, it is not easy at all, which means that Jiang Cheng has already experimented thousands of times in the ultra-technology laboratory in the body.

Then from these choices, find the right or suitable path.

It is precisely because of this that Professor Xu Wei likes to do experiments with Jiang Cheng, and even makes him a deputy.

However, it is still a pity that Jiang Cheng is a person after all, with limited mental power, although he can operate distractedly, but it is not completely like a computer, which can calculate dozens or hundreds of cores in parallel.

At present, Jiang Cheng has studied and perfected in vivo is the self-coding neural network model and encoder and decoder design.

Although Jiang Cheng has some preliminary ideas, he is still constantly studying and improving.

At ten o'clock, Jiang Cheng's family rushed to Yu Xuemin's house.

The two parents began to discuss things, and Jiang Cheng ran to Yu Xinran's room, and the two talked quietly.

Today, Yu Xinran deliberately wore an orange-red tweed coat, with a white sweater, light-colored tights, and a pair of black boots.

I put on a little light makeup on my face, put on bean paste lipstick, and traced my eyebrows.

Seeing Jiang Cheng staring straight at him, Yu Xinran smiled, "Do I look good today?" "

Good-looking." Jiang Cheng said honestly.

Yu Xinran smiled, sat down next to Jiang Cheng, took his hand, and leaned lightly on his shoulder, "It feels like a dream, I sometimes get afraid of when the dream will wake up...

"Don't think about it." Jiang Cheng put his arm around her shoulders and said with relief.

"Hmm." Yu Xinran replied lightly, and after a while, he asked again, "Jiang Cheng, shall we settle in Kyoto in the future?"

Jiang Cheng thought for a moment and shook his head slightly, "No, I don't like the atmosphere and weather in Kyoto very much, and I plan to put the group's headquarters in Pengcheng at that time." "

Although there are indeed many research talents in Kyoto, Kyoto is positioned there, and it is still not suitable for high-tech companies.

However, it is still possible to do scientific research, because famous universities gather and it is still more convenient to carry out school-enterprise cooperation.

Compared to Kyoto, Pengcheng is much closer to Guanglin.

Yu Xinran nodded lightly, "The climate in Pengcheng will be better."

"However, if I choose this path, I am destined to not be easy, and I have to run everywhere, do you regret it?" Jiang Cheng stroked her hair and asked.

Yu Xinran smiled and said, "No, I like to watch all your wishes come true."

"Hmm. Qin Jin and Luo Chen planned to stay in Guanglin, saying that they wanted to open a studio and also do building materials business. Jiang Cheng sighed lightly.

Yu Xinran straightened up, looked at Jiang Cheng, and persuaded, "I know that you two are little brothers, but don't force it, they have their own favorite life." "

I know." Jiang Cheng nodded.

Sometimes, he also wonders, is this new life, choosing such a difficult path, is it really what he wants?

But he is already on the way, and he also likes to use the powerful help of supercomputing in the body to let himself study one result after another.

Starting over is not just about making up for regrets.

After collecting his emotions, Jiang Cheng left the room with Yu Xinran with a smile and went to the hotel to set a wedding banquet together, also to let relatives know Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Ming, plus Qin Jin and Zhang Luochen were there.

Yu Xinran helped hug Dudu and reached out to tease him with a smile in his eyes.

A one-year-old child is still fleshy and very cute.

"Hee-hee, you're pretty fast, when are you going to get married?" Zhang Luochen asked with a smile.

"It's time to graduate, it depends on Jiang Cheng's time." Yu Xinran smiled slightly, "Are you going to stay in Guanglin?"

"Yes, this place is quite good, the air is fresh, the pace of life is not fast, and I feel that life is very good." Zhang Luochen wore a simple smile, and then teased, "The two of us are not like you, our hearts are too big, and the little Guanglin County can't fit it."

Yu Xinran smiled, and then looked at Jiang Cheng who came over, "His heart is big. "

Mirror, Luo Chen," Jiang Cheng came over and greeted, "I heard that your 'Escape from Marriage' is popular again?"

"Just a small fire, or rely on the previous readership base, now your website has a lot of new gods, and there is a lot of competition." Zhang Luochen shook his head.

The monthly manuscript fee is only 10,000 or 20,000.

Compared with the first explosive book, it is still a lot worse.

However, with this income, living in Guanglin is still very moist.

"But you, did you release a new book?" Zhang Luochen turned to ask, "What is it called 'Lord of Luck'?"

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Yes, this book has been updated with the circumstances, and there is not much time to write."

"Xinran, or your family Jiang Cheng is powerful, he is the only one who wrote a fire book." Zhang Luochen said enviously.

Yu Xinran pursed her lips and smiled, "That's not as good as the husband and wife creations of the two of you."

Qin Jin scratched his head in embarrassment and did not speak.

Jiang Cheng then said, "It's almost time, you sit and eat first, and Xinran and I will go to greet the other relatives." "

Go ahead, leave us alone, you are home today." Qin Jin waved his hand.

The two men and women are very satisfied, but they also make the relatives of both parties very satisfied.

The whole day's affairs, until the evening, Jiang Cheng had his own time.

Jiang Cheng asked Jiang Yiping to ask Jiang Chengan to stay, and chatted with him at home.

Jiang Yiping didn't know what Jiang Cheng wanted to do, just making tea and pouring water next to him, listening to the two discuss things.

"Uncle An, the development of Jiangluo Hot Spring is imminent, what do you think?" Jiang Cheng drank a cup of tea and asked directly.

Jiang Chengan was still not sure what Jiang Cheng wanted to talk about, and said at this time, "I heard it in the past two days, saying that there are enterprises that are ready to invest two or three hundred million to build hot springs, I am still thinking, which boss is so rich that he is not afraid of losing money?" However, I see, Bacheng is engaged in real estate, and uses this hot spring to make a show.

Jiang Yiping coughed slightly, "Uncle An, it's Chengzi who is ready to invest there."

"Ah, ha, it's Chengzi." Jiang Chengan scratched his head awkwardly.

Jiang Cheng's face was normal, and he continued, "I plan to build a hot spring town in that area, including your hot spring spot.

Jiang Chengan's face changed slightly, "Chengzi, you mean, don't let me open?"

"No, I just want to ask, does Uncle An want to be big with me?" Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said.

"Chengzi, your Uncle An's brain reacts slowly, so you just say it bluntly, right?" Jiang Chengan roughly guessed what Jiang Cheng meant, but people didn't say it directly, and he was not easy to guess.

Jiang Cheng glanced at Jiang Yiping, and then said bluntly, "My company's main business is not here, and investing in this area is just to help Xinran's father complete a task of attracting investment." Of course, I don't have time to manage this side either.

After a pause, Jiang Cheng continued, "I plan to register a company in Guanglin to be responsible for the construction and operation of Jiangluo Hot Spring Town, your small hot spring spot, it is better to invest in a partnership with me for specific construction and operation, you are responsible for Guanglin, how?" "

Jiang Cheng'an has done hot spring development and is his own relative, so Jiang Cheng trusts him more.

And with Jiang Yiping at home to help take care of it together, there will be no problem.

Jiang Cheng'an was surprised at this moment, but he didn't want Jiang Cheng to plan like this, he thought in silence for a long time, and suddenly asked, "If I don't agree, won't I be able to operate this hot spring spot?" "

This is not necessarily," Jiang Cheng shrugged, "The hot spring resources are owned by the state, I invest in and operate, Jiangluo Hot Spring definitely needs to supply our company first, if there is a surplus, you can also operate it." "

Jiang Cheng is not going to do this so perfectly.

But after spending so much money, I must have given priority to myself.

"Then how much can I pay for my investment point?"

"4 million." Jiang Cheng directly valued.

It's just a small courtyard set up, and the rooms and facilities are old and simple, and this price also exceeds his previous investment.

"It's still less, the price is 5 million, as a shareholding, is it done?" Jiang Chengan asked tentatively.

"Yes." Jiang Cheng nodded, this little money, the proportion of shares is not much different.

Subsequently, the two discussed in detail and planned the preliminary work.

Jiang Cheng even combined with the general framework he initially designed in his mind, based on Jiangluo Hot Spring, covering an area of more than 3,000 acres, the first phase of the construction of a hot spring hotel, more than 20 hot spring pools...

This made Jiang Yiping and Jiang Chengan very shocked when they heard it, this handwriting, really to be built, is completely a scenic spot.


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