Until he came out of Xu Dawei's side, Jiang Cheng was still a little moved.

This teacher has been trying his best for him to stay in school for scientific research, and when he knew that Jiang Cheng could not stay in school to teach, he still came up with such a trick.

Hiring scholar-type entrepreneurs as distinguished or visiting professors at schools is nothing new.

It's just that Jiang Cheng doesn't want to become a distinguished professor as soon as he graduates.

But when he arrived at Luo Ruihua's office, he still took the time to see Jiang Cheng, who had been busy.

Moreover, the matter of serving as a distinguished professor was also proposed.

Jiang Cheng blinked, surprised: ??

"Teacher, Teacher Gang Xu also said that I would be a distinguished professor, didn't you two really discuss it?" Jiang Cheng was more comfortable facing Luo Ruihua, and asked directly jokingly.

Luo Ruihua was stunned, "This old ghost Xu also mentioned?" So did you say yes?

"Well, yes."

"That's it, he then you promise, I don't agree to this?" Luo Ruihua made a straight face and said unhappily.

"Not really, I promise." Jiang Cheng said busily, touching his nose.

These are all people in their fifties, and they still teach! It's not too much to be jealous.

Luo Ruihua had a slight smile on his face, "I read your paper, there are no revisions, just prepare for defense."

"Okay, it's May 22?"

"Well, get the PPT ready." Luo Ruihua reminded again.

PPT is just that, naturally not a problem for Jiang Cheng.

Luo Ruihua looked at Jiang Cheng's smiling face that was about to graduate, "I can tell you first, I have now set up a special class of artificial intelligence, accepting 50 students, specializing in the field of artificial intelligence, starting from the master's and doctoral line, your multi-dimensional pulse neural network is one of the courses, temporarily I let Wang Sichen take the undergraduate class, but in the future, I still hope that you will have time in the future to come back and give a few classes."

"This is no problem, not only that, I think that in the future, the school-enterprise cooperative scientific research area, and the connection with the teacher will still be very close." Jiang Cheng smiled and agreed.

Luo Ruihua stretched out his hand and patted him, "Whether Bi graduated or not, I will often come to Mizuki in the future, and I will often come to sit here."

"Then I want it, teacher, don't bother me."

Luo Ruihua shook his head lightly and waved his hand again, "Okay, I know you're busy too, let's go."

Jiang Cheng bowed slightly to Luo Ruihua.

He was recommended by Professor Yang Mingde and Jiang Cheng's first mentor.

With Jiang Cheng, he entered the field of computer deep learning.

Coming out of Mizuki University, Jiang Cheng knew that in addition to doing PPT and coping with the next defense, it was equivalent to his direct doctoral career was about to end.

Collecting his mood, Jiang Cheng put his mind on the research and development of the lithography machine.

In the past two months, Jiang Cheng has been busy with his doctoral dissertation most of the time, Monday to Friday at Mizuki University, and weekends and holidays are running Keyu Light Source and Modu Microelectronics.

However, the first stop he came out, Jiang Cheng chose to go, but Opple Optoelectronics.

Accompanying him was Academician Li Weiguo of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

This little old man, although he is more than seventy years old, his body is still quite tough, and his thin body is full of energy.

Two people, plus Academician Li's assistant student, Zhang Xiaoyong, flew to Changchun.

"Xiaojiang, listen to Xu Wei, you will graduate this year?" Li Weiguo sat next to Jiang Cheng, leaning against the window, and asked Jiang Cheng at this time.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Yes, thanks to the teacher's attention, I am preparing to graduate this year."

"Then you are a student who made history, and completed his master's degree in the first 4 years." Li Weiguo praised.

Jiang Cheng smiled modestly, "It all depends on the love and cultivation of the two mentors, otherwise I would not have graduated so quickly!" "

As long as you continue in scientific research, you will definitely be able to create more achievements, and it is possible to leave a name in history." Li Weiguo said with a smile. "For example, the domestic lithography machine has been developed, and the first credit is credited to you."

Jiang Cheng sighed lightly, "Now the light source and lens are the key to restricting the research and development of the whole machine, and I am under great pressure in my heart." "

Xian Everest said that there is a breakthrough this time, if the problem is not big, the camera is done, then we can be regarded as more than half done." Li Weiguo had some expectations.

However, Jiang Cheng still remained calm, although he did not have rich experience, but he already had a certain degree of vigilance against state-owned enterprises.

Moduwei was also a state-owned enterprise before, but it was a pit.

"I hope so." Jiang Cheng's trip, firstly, to see if the breakthrough mentioned by Xian Zhufeng could really be used, and secondly, to touch those optical instruments.

For the knowledge of optics, Jiang Cheng only dabbled extensively through self-study, but it was not deep enough, and the experimental operation and instruments were rarely contacted.

But the lithography machines in the body can simulate lithography, and there is no problem in simulating photons naturally.

If possible, Jiang Cheng also hopes to set up a virtual optical machine in the ultra-technology laboratory in the body supercomputing.

In this way, whether it is to continue to further develop EUV lithography machines, or other more advanced lithography technologies, it can be used.

The plane was still fast, but it took 2 hours to reach Ivy.

Summer begins to warm up in the ivy spring.

When Jiang Cheng and a few others arrived, it was almost noon, and the sun was shining, and it was a little hot.

The first place to go is the Ivy Light Machine Office, located on Donghu Avenue in Liangdao District.

The Institute of Optics and Optics is separated by a road, and Xian Zhufeng is the director of Optics and Mechanics and the chairman of OPPLE Optoelectronics.

After entering the light machine office, I saw a large round flower bed, a light red low-rise building on the right, and behind the flower bed, a 15-story administrative office building.

Xian Zhufeng and his people are already waiting.

"Academician Wei Guo, Jiang Dong, welcome to the Institute of Light and Machinery to guide the work!" With a warm smile, Xian Zhufeng walked towards Academician Li Weiguo and stretched out his hand to shake it.

Li Weiguo smiled and said, "Xian Dong, this time it's disturbed!"

"You can always come, but we are honored, and we will come often in the future." Xian Zhufeng said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, "Xian Dong, let's go directly to see your new breakthrough."

"Jiang Dong, don't always be in such a hurry." Xian Zhufeng smiled slightly, "Okay, let's go directly to the laboratory." Afterwards

, the group chatted as they walked.

Xian Zhufeng is also a skilled worker, and the parameters of these shots are all taken by mouth, and there is no need for the chief engineer to interject.

After entering the laboratory, everyone changed into blue lab coats as required.

Jiang Cheng also saw a microscopic observation instrument placed on an instrument table, and below it was a convex lens, smooth as a mirror.

“...... After our lenses are milled and formed by high-precision machine tools, after ultra-precision polishing methods such as small grinding head polishing, magnetorheological polishing, ion beam polishing, and then through the plating of anti-reflection film, basically 24 sets of lenses, has broken through 22 groups. Pointing to the camera in front of him, Xian Zhufeng introduced.

Li Weiguo was not very familiar with this piece, just listened.

But Jiang Cheng was different, and directly asked the key parameters, "What is the numerical aperture of the projection objective?"

"It reached 0.93, which is really manual and not easy." Xian Zhufeng sighed.

"What about resolution?"

"It's up to 22nm."

"That's not bad." Jiang Cheng nodded, reached out and touched the instrument lightly, and touched the fish while continuing to ask.


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