In addition to the hot spring project, the first public welfare project of the Maple Fire Public Welfare Fund under Jiangcheng Maple Fire Group was to donate 1.5 million yuan to Jiangluo Primary School to build a new primary school campus.

Although the money is not very much, it is enough to build a small township.

What's more, the county has also approved the project, and the finance will also provide some funds.

Jiang Cheng donated it to build a teaching building and a teacher dormitory.

As for the additional rewards given to the previous students, they have also been communicated with the county, and the county education bureau is responsible for arranging them. In other words, the director of the Education Bureau at this time is still Principal Liu when Jiang Cheng was studying!

Of course, these things, Jiang Cheng only asked, and he didn't need to personally do his work.

Nowadays, with the continuous development of the company, Jiang Cheng's reputation has gradually grown.

On May 22, Jiang Cheng's defense passed smoothly.

“...... After voting by the defense committee, it was unanimously approved to pass the defense of Jiang Cheng's doctoral dissertation and recommended that Jiang Cheng be awarded a doctorate degree in engineering. "

This is the second time it has been announced.

At this point, Jiang Cheng officially completed his direct doctoral studies.

It's faster than the three people in the dormitory. Hao Yongjun, they still have to graduate in early June!

It was rare to wear a doctor's uniform, and Jiang Cheng took a lot of graduation photos.

For this reason, he also took a few photos with Ding Chengjun.

It's his somewhat cold face, or there is no smile.

Jiang Cheng posted a circle of friends with a single photo of standing in Mizuki Garden, with the text attached

, [Mizuki four years, living up to the youth of Shaohua. ] Then

, looking at the handsome self on the picture, the first one clicked a like.

"Brother Chengjun, congratulations!" Jiang Cheng put his arm around his shoulder and smiled happily, "Go, let's go drink and celebrate!" Ding

Chengjun shook his head helplessly, was pulled by Jiang Cheng, and arrived at the Guanqi Garden.

Also ordered a few beers.

"I really didn't expect that when I was in my second year of direct PhD, you were just a sophomore, and now, you actually graduated with me." Ding Chengjun smiled bitterly, "Compared with you, my confidence in scientific research is lost now."

Jiang Cheng smiled and toasted with him, "Don't, see for yourself, how many people in this big school can compare with your scientific research ability?" "

As for the comparison with me, I'm embarrassed to take it.

If it is only to turn on the original I5 2300 CPU, it is estimated that Ding Chengjun can still hold it for a few more minutes, but in Jiang Cheng's body, it is an extremely powerful "Galaxy 2" supercomputer!

Even Xu Dawei, in scientific research, does not dare to fight with Jiang Cheng!

Ding Chengjun drank a large gulp of wine fiercely, "It can't be compared with you pervert, you are simply not a person, a monster." "

Haha!" Jiang Cheng smiled presumptuously, and then looked at him, "How about it, come to my company?"

"What's the benefit of going to your company?" Ding Chengjun rolled his eyes.

"You can study the direction you like, you need people, I transfer people, you need money, I give money, you need equipment, I buy equipment, I can't buy it, I build it myself." After drinking some wine, Jiang Cheng also came up with pride and said with a big grin.

Ding Chengjun chuckled, "I heard that you are developing desktop chips?

"To be precise, a completely new architecture chip based on a memristor chip." Jiang Cheng explained briefly.

"The memristor piece has a very broad prospect, and what we are currently applying is only the tip of the iceberg, if I go, I will do this project." Ding Chengjun said directly.

Jiang Chengyi waved his hand, "No problem!"

Ding Chengjun sighed lightly, and touched Jiang Cheng with the wine again, "Na Cheng, I will sell you these few pounds of meat."

"Eh, you are not like Wang Xiaogang, there is no meat, you, you better use your ingenuity and make this new processor chip out." Jiang Cheng smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Taking advantage of the graduation, Jiang Cheng won Ding Chengjun, don't mention how happy he was, and the last two people drank beer alone.

Ding Chengjun's temper, Jiang Cheng is accurate, although the face is cold, but the heart is not, and you have to convince him, if you can convince him, then he is still a very good friend.

Not only that, his powerful scientific research ability will definitely make Jiang Cheng worry a lot less.

When Jiang Cheng went back in Zhang Xiaoyong's car, he found that the little red dots in Weixin's circle of friends were 99+.

It is rare to send a circle of friends message, and so many people like and reply.

[Chen Peng: Jiang Cheng, congratulations on graduation, are you going to work later, or continue to study for graduate school? ]

Xinran: Very handsome / Thumb

Qin Jin: I can only say, awesome 666!

Li Long: Congratulations! Why do you feel that your bachelor's uniform is strange, is it unique to Mizuki?

Lin Feng: Boss, you are my idol! Four years of master's degree, cattle!

Li Silin: On a good day, the boss sent red envelopes.

Chen Feng: That's amazing!

Xu Wei: Congratulations!

Qin Jin replied to Li Long: People are doctors' bachelor's uniforms, it must be different, Li Long replied

to Qin Jin: Are you kidding?


looked at it, returned a few words of thanks, and then looked at the dozens of comments behind, many of them were subordinates of the company, rows of "congratulations and congratulations", and did not have the heart to look carefully, but the corners of the mouth fluttered, smiling slightly.

---( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)✧---

After Yu Xinran's thesis defense, it was also time to leave school.

Jiang Cheng specially went to help.

After he didn't live in the dormitory, his things had already been emptied, and there was nothing to clean up.

But Yu Xinran is different, she still lives in the bedroom occasionally, things are still there, and some things need to be sent back to Guanglin.

It just so happened that Zhang Luochen's also needed to be packed and taken away, and it was all cleared.

In the evening, Jiang Cheng invited his roommates from his original dormitory to dinner.

He graduated earlier and it was time to return to the company.

"Four years, long and long, short feel like a swoosh passed." The skin on Hao Yongjun's face was slightly whiter, and he felt a little back.

Jiang Cheng glanced at it, on the small table, Jiang Cheng had 3 people in the bedroom, plus Zhong Xiaohui, Yu Xinran, Qin Jin and Zhang Luochen.

All of them are people graduating.

However, here, Xu Si is far from there.

"Yes, the white horse has crossed the gap, and it is enough." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"It's just that Si Yuan is gone, and this second brother feels that he is no longer our second brother." Zhu Jian sighed.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "Okay, let's not mention these sad things." Xinran and I have already decided to get married on June 22nd, and if we have time, we will come together and I invite everyone to have a good time. "

So soon?" Hao Yongjun and Zhu Jian were stunned and said loudly.

Zhong Xiaohui chuckled and quietly touched Yu Xinran's belly, "Sister Xinran, shouldn't you have it?"

Yu Xinran scolded with a smile and slapped her hand away, "Not yet."

Jiang Cheng explained, "I also took advantage of the graduation period to dispose of the marriage matter, and then I can put the lithography machine out with peace of mind, now the problem is not very big, I am very confident!"

Zhu Jian raised his thumb, "My third brother is a bull, we are in graduate school, you are all building lithography machines."

Hao Yongjun muttered, "Since the day I came to the dormitory, I thought that our boss should let you sit." "

Without manuscript paper, you can prove such a complex Olympiad problem by mental arithmetic, and everyone has to be convinced of this level."

"Eh, boss, what about you, don't think too much, although after reading Zhibo later, I live less in the bedroom, but the relationship with you is the same as that day." Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, and in his mind, like a movie, flashed scenes and scenes, and these memories were very complete and clear.

Hao Yongjun patted Jiang Cheng's shoulder, "Go back to the address, I'll come with Zhu Jian and them." "

Done." Jiang Cheng picked up the wine glass, "I wish us a happy graduation, and I wish you success in your subsequent studies."

"I also wish you a prosperous career and a prosperous child!" Zhu Jian smiled back.



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