The nightmare continued, and Su Zhe was already sweating profusely, soaking the sheets and quilts. Although I have experienced it once, I will still remember it when I revisit it again.

In the nightmare, on the morning of the fifth day, Su Zhe woke up and immediately turned on his mobile phone, the previous liquidation experience made him palpitate, he was afraid that he would sleep all night, and then blow up again.

Fortunately, there was no liquidation reminder SMS, and when he opened the exchange, the price of Dogecoin remained above $0.3, and he was still profitable at the moment, if he closed the position now.

But he was really unwilling, he originally made a profit of more than 80,000 yuan at most, but now he only earned 20,000 yuan from closing the position. So, he held his phone in one hand and drove to work in the other.

Since he looked at his phone screen from time to time, he ran a red light and almost rear-ended a car waiting for a red light. Fortunately, he just looked up and saw it, and with a sudden brake, he almost hit it.

He didn't dare to look at his mobile phone anymore, endured a strong desire to look at his mobile phone, and finally came to the company without danger.

On this day, just like yesterday, he still locked himself in his office except for eating and going to the bathroom.

Colleagues began to feel that there was something strange about him, but they didn't talk about anything, thinking that he was in a bad mood for the past two days.

On this day, Dogecoin fell below $0.3 and then slowly fell, rebounding weakly, but the overall decline was modest.

By the time I got home from work, the dog had fallen below 0.27 and the contract was starting to lose money. Su Zhe didn't have the good mood of yesterday, so he hurriedly ate a fried noodles at the gate of the community and went home.

In the next few days, Dogecoin did not rush to $0.3 again, and has been fluctuating in the range of 0.2-0.3.

During this period, Su Zhe's contract experienced many losses and returns, and then made a small profit. After this cycle several times, Su Zhe's heart was tormented, and every time he wanted to close the position but did not close it, he entered a loss and began to regret it. A few days were spent like this.

After a few days of suffering, when the price came to 0.295 again and then began to fall, Su Zhe finally made up his mind and closed the position.

In this contract, Su Zhe still earned, and after deducting the handling fee, Su Zhe's profit from this contract was still more than 20,000.

Then Su Zhe made a step that made him step into the abyss.

Since the trend of Dogecoin has been fluctuating between $0.2 and $0.3 in the past few days, Su Zhe thought that he had seen the trend of Dogecoin clearly and mastered the wealth code.

He was actually at 0.294 and shorted Dogecoin. It's still 50,000, it's still 5 times.

At this moment, he has forgotten what Musk is, he only believes that he has looked at the currency price chart for a few days.

And then he was right!

Dogecoin, still following the trend of the previous days, is hovering in the range of 0.2-0.3.

On this day, he first shorted to 0.22 to close the position, making a profit of more than 60,000.

Then open a long position of 100,000 with five times leverage. The profit of shorting made him extremely confident in his judgment.

However, in three hours, the price of Dogecoin, just like Su Zhe's design, rose to 0.298 again, and Su Zhe closed his position at 0.295.

This one, an increase of 35.4%, Su Zhe made a profit of 177%, earning 170,007.

Su Zhe's account capital exceeded 500,000, and in just one week, he earned more than 450,000, which greatly exceeded all his work income in a year.

Su Zhe is full of confidence, at the price of 0.297, 100,000 yuan, 5 times empty. His heart was no longer excited, and after this kind of money picking operation, all the trends were exactly the same as his prediction, his heartbeat was no longer as intense as it was at the beginning.

Sure enough, the price of Dogecoin, after triggering the $0.3 mark, did not break through and began to fall, and after falling to the 0.26 level, it began to hover.

Lying on the bed, looking at the floating profit of more than 60,000 yuan on the book, Su Zhe did not close the position, he judged that it would fall, and the profit during this period made him extremely confident. He no longer worries, and he begins to fall asleep beautifully.

He didn't stay up tonight.

When he woke up, he turned on his phone Xi, and the price of Dogecoin was almost the same as before he went to bed, still at 0.26. He clicked on the chart and saw that while he was asleep, Dogecoin fell below 0.25 at a low, then slowly rose and began to fall again at 0.27. The volatility was small overnight, hovering around 0.26.

"It shouldn't be..."Su Zhe frowned lightly, his closing price was set at 0.22, so his short contract still existed, the same as before going to bed, and he still made a profit of more than 60,000.

He didn't close the contract, and the current price is not up or down, but his heart is not as confident as yesterday, and he is a little worried.

It's the weekend again, and he doesn't have to go to work. He hurried downstairs to finish breakfast and immediately returned home. Start looking at your phone screen just like last weekend.

His brow furrowed and relaxed as the price fluctuated. When the price drops to 0.25, he takes the time to boil a kettle of water, or something else. When the price rose above 0.26, he did nothing and just sat and stared at the chart.

The sun went from east to west, and the sky turned from white to black. Another weekend without going out. He even turned down a friend's party invitation.

The price of Dogecoin fluctuated very little throughout the day, and Su Zhe wondered several times whether to close the contract first and wait for the price to rise to 0.3 or fall to around 0.2 before operating. But every time he had such an idea, there was always another voice reminding him that if it fell after closing the position, it was not a loss. So after hesitating for a day, Su Zhe didn't do anything.

Finally, after a day of price stalemate, just as Su Zhe was peeing, Dogecoin began to rise violently.

On the 15-minute time-sharing chart, a big green column goes straight up to the sky (in the trend chart of the currency circle, green is up, red is down.) Just

after Su Zhe finished shaking his pee, the price of Dogecoin instantly broke through the $0.3 mark. When Su Zhe finished washing his hands and looked at the phone again, the price had come to $0.33. The contract changed from a floating profit of more than 60,000 to a floating loss of more than 50,000.

Su Zhe was stunned, and more than 100,000 were gone.

"It shouldn't be..."Su Zhe's mind was still thinking that the price should not exceed $0.3. If the currency circle and the stock market can judge the price range by looking at the trend chart, then elementary school students can come to play.

The price rushed straight to $0.35 and began to fall.

"It's starting to fall, it's good if it's falling." Since Su Zhe is a cross position contract, it means that all his account balances are margin, so the price of 0.35 is still far from his liquidation line.

If he doesn't operate, unless it doubles, it is possible to reach his liquidation line, after all, his current account is more than 500,000, and his contract is only 100,000, 5 times.

But seeing that the price began to fall, Su Zhe felt that it should fall, so he made up for his position at a price of 0.34 and opened a short contract of 50,000, five times.

His contract became 150,000, a short contract with five times leverage, and his opening price was combined to $0.3077.

So that if the price falls back to 0.26, he can make 110,007.

Things didn't go the way he envisioned, and at the end of this 15-minute timeline, the price fell back to around 0.33.

However, when jumping to the next 15-minute line, another big green pillar scurried upward, and a few sell orders were just like splashes from a fountain, which could not suppress this big yang pillar at all. The price quickly climbed to the $0.4 mark.

Su Zhe was completely panicked, because his contract had already lost 250,000!

More than his basic salary for a year, he lost it in a matter of minutes.

And that's just the beginning!

It was as if he had seen the abyss, and the abyss was staring at him.

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