After 2 minutes, the head of trading said: "2,000 have been eaten at the moment, and the speed is neither fast nor slow."

Mr. Li continued to order: "Give me the order to cancel and see the reaction."

"Mr. Li, the price has risen to 2772, and there are almost 800 buy orders above 2770."

"Keep putting 5,000 on 2770 for me and eat their bills."

"Okay, Mr. Li."

"The total price of Li has fallen to 2768."

"How many buy orders are there above 2760?"

"Almost 3,000 of them."

"Hang 5000 on 2760 and sell it to them."

The disk suddenly jumped down, the price fell from $2768 to $8, and then continued to fall by $2, to 2758 is a slow rebound, and soon the remaining more than 1,000 sell orders above 2760 were also eaten, and the price slowly rose to 2665.

"Continue to hang 5,000 at 2760."

This time, only 2,000 were directly traded, and 3,000 were not sold, and the price was hit to 2,760. Then the price went all the way down.

"Give me 10,000 at 2750, and press the price directly."

6,000 were traded outright, and met with fierce resistance, and soon the remaining 4,000 were also sold, and the price began to rebound. It seems that 2750 is the buying point for many.

This time, the waiting time was relatively long, and it was not until 15 minutes later, when the price was about to reach 2760, that Mr. Li spoke: "It's still 10,000, 2750." "

Since there are not many buy orders above, there are only more than 4,000 transactions, and then it enters a sideways, but the sell orders of 2,750 are still slowly being eaten.

It took half an hour for the order to be eaten.

Just when Mr. Li wanted to place an order again, the disk suddenly changed rapidly, and a new big account smashed the market. The price was hit directly below 2730, and the volume was sharply amplified.

"Mr. Li, something is wrong, someone else is starting to smash the plate!"

"How many more haven't we sold?"

"We sold a total of 40,000 and have 60,000 in our own reserves."

"Let's wait and see."

"Mr. Li, there are more orders, and now the price is back to 1745, but there are also a lot of sell orders above, and the trading volume has begun to slow down."

"Smash 20,000 for me!".

"Mr. Li, will this be too much, it will be easy to cause panic."

"If you don't smash it, others will smash it too, instead of letting others sell at a high point, let's smash it, anyway, we have 500 million short orders, and it's okay to sell at a low price, let's execute it."


20,000 direct sell orders, the buy orders along the way directly swallowed, the price sank directly, Bitcoin instantly fell to 2723, this time retail investors can't bear it, some people are scared to sell directly, the price went all the way down, broke through 2710, and is still falling, but met resistance and began to fluctuate slightly.

"When the price is approaching the 2,700 mark, give me 10,000 to eat."


After grinding for almost half an hour, the price is approaching 2700, Mr. Li's 10,000 buy order directly pulled the price to 2712, and the selling single road was swept.

The price began to rebound all the way through, breaking through 2730 directly before starting to slow down.

"At the price of 2730, 500 pending orders at a time, continue to hang after eating. Give the chips to the retail investors. "

Okay, Mr. Li."

In this way, it slowly went out for an hour, almost 15,000, and then a waterfall suddenly appeared on the disk, and in 10 minutes, it seemed that endless sell orders appeared, and the price directly broke through the 2700 mark all the way, fell to about 2680 before stopping, and then opened a rebound.

"Mr. Li is not good, there are a lot of smashing plates."

"I saw it, don't panic, take a look first."

Wait for the price to rebound to 2700, and the smashing will start again. Mr. Li immediately said: "Run with him, we will also smash it, and directly place 20,000!" "

In the case of several large investors rushing to smash the market, the price was hit to 2620 within 1 minute, and the retail investors panicked, but most of them were reluctant to cut the meat, and wanted to wait and see, only a very small part of them began to reduce their positions sensibly.

"How many chips do we have?"

"And 15,000."

"Give me 2650 in batches, it should rebound some."

The market really began to rebound, but after 2650, it began to fall rapidly. Then there was a large fluctuation between 2620-2650, and the competition between the long and short sides was fierce.

Mr. Li changed his strategy and said: "2650 can't be sold, give me a slow release between 2640-2645." "

By 5 a.m., 100,000 were finally out of stock.

"Mr. Li is sold out, can we get off work?" After staying up all night, everyone was a little exhausted.

Mr. Li said: "Not yet, Director Zhang, let people go get some food, and Red Bull will bring a few boxes."

"Mr. Li, our reserves have been sold out, what are we going to do?" His subordinate Director Zhang asked puzzled.

Mr. Li smiled mysteriously and said: "Our own has been sold out, and there are still users' coins, so I will transfer 100,000 bitcoins from the user's deposit account to the account of the trading department."

"Okay, I see." Although there are not many such operations, they also happen from time to time, and everyone instantly understands what Mr. Li wants to do. Sell coins at a high price, and after the price drops, buy them back at a low price and return them to users. As long as there are enough coins in the deposit account for the user to withdraw, then the user will never know that the exchange is smashing the customer's coins. Unless the exchange is subject to a run and withdrawal by a large number of users, there will be no shortage of coins for users to withdraw at all. Of course, if this happens, the exchange has a last resort....

Just run away.

Because the exchange is not a formally registered financial company at all, and the state does not have laws and licenses in this regard. Many exchanges are registered overseas, servers are overseas, and even bosses and executives are overseas. Even if they run away, it will be difficult to find them.

"Mr. Li, the coin has been transferred."

"Okay, 10,000, smash it for me!"

Mr. Li was even more ferocious than just now, it only took 2 hours to smash 100,000 bitcoins, and the price was smashed by him all the way to 2600 to 2580. At this time, a big drop has been formed, from the beginning of 2772 to the present, a drop of almost 200 points. The leeks are stupid, many of them are chasing high, and now many leeks are losing money.

And the long contract orders have been liquidated countless times.

Mr. Li's short-selling contract has made a profit of more than 60 million.

And the decline is not over at all, and more panic orders are being sold, including some big ones. Many users who woke up after a night of sleep found that many of their high-magnification contracts had been liquidated, and the price of Bitcoin had reached the $2,500 mark.

And Jin Lin, who was overwhelmed by the pressure of the mountain, breathlessly breathed a sigh of relief that morning, and his empty orders paid off a lot.

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