Xia Ruo didn't expect that the sales of medicinal bath packs would be so good. The main products she configures are to regulate the body and strengthen the physique, so the effects mentioned in the comments are indeed there.

As the number of planting stars increases, the number of medicinal bath packs will also increase. Xia Ruo has already handed over the prescriptions of how to configure them to those children who are talented in Chinese medicine to be adopted on the farm.

From time to time, she also takes time in the virtual world to teach them how to see a doctor and identify medicinal materials.

These children are either orphans or black households. They have had many bad experiences, so they cherish this opportunity very much.

Jiang Yunqi's mother and younger brother have also been arrested by the federation, and all the children in those orphanages and nominally established schools have been rescued.

Many children were adopted and returned to their families, but some of them still had nowhere to go.

Xia Ruo asked Brother Feng to help gather them, and with their consent, send them to various planting stars for training, and even spent money to enroll them in school in the virtual world, go to school and learn various skills that can survive in the future.

Eating and drinking at Lasa Xiaruo's farm is also all-inclusive, so that they will no longer have enough food and clothing, and they will always be bullied and worried about being dragged into experiments.

For Xia Ruo to do such a public welfare adoption, the federal ministries are quite supportive, and have also given a lot of preferential policies to her planting star.

A week passed quickly, and Xia Ruo and Feng Yan returned to the base to report on time.

On the second day, it was rare that the whistle was not blown at four or five o'clock in the morning, but the whistle sounded around seven o'clock in the morning.

After the assembly at the training ground, Bo Ming appeared in front of everyone.

"The second stage of selection will start today. I will divide you into groups and assign tasks to complete. Finally, depending on the completion situation, we will determine the list of people who will enter the next stage."

Then Bo Ming took out a group list and read it. The seventy-seven people were divided into ten groups, led by an old team member to do the task.

This time, Xia Ruo and Feng Yan were separated into groups, and Bai Siyu and others were also divided into a group separately. It was obvious that they were preparing to separate the recruits with outstanding achievements to see their individual abilities separately.

From the second day onwards, each group started to go out for tasks.

The missions of each group are different, but the type and content are similar, either to clear up the star thief gang, or to capture fugitives on some abandoned, desolate and semi-desolate stars.

The level of the task is constantly rising, and the group Xia Ruo and the others are in has done very well because of their existence.

Two months passed in a flash, and the second stage of selection also ended. After this elimination, there were still 30 people left.

After resting for another week, Bo Ming organized groups again, and divided the remaining thirty people into six groups of five.

Surprisingly, Xia Ruo and the others were not separated this time, but the five of them were grouped together.

Seeing the list of groups this time, the people in the other five groups have some points in their hearts.

The people who can enter the Dragon Soul this time should be members of Xia Ruo's group without accident.

It's just that they won't give up easily. In the final stage, their nerves are tense, and they all want to make some achievements. After all, entering the Dragon Soul is their biggest goal.

After being divided into groups, Bo Ming looked at everyone and said, "This time, each of your groups will complete the assigned tasks by themselves, and the old team members will not lead them again."

"The tasks for each team are all the same, and then do it according to the task list, and finally look at your progress and completion to combine the results, and select the five people who will enter the Dragon Soul."

He didn't say much, and sent the task list to everyone from the terminal.

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