Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1019 You Are Still Amazing

The combat power of the group is very high, and there are many people sent by the war department to arrive one after another, and the underground black market is quickly taken over.

Xia Ruo and the other five had completed the task, and they were ready to leave after saying hello.

Just a few steps away, Xia Ruo was very sensitive and called for help.

"No, there should be a dark room in the house over there, let's go and have a look." She suddenly raised her finger and pointed to an unremarkable small shop.

Everyone knows Xia Ruo's ability, but no one doubts it.

"Okay, let's go and have a look together!"

This is a shop that sells smuggled medicines, and the owner has been arrested by the War Department.

After entering the store, several people searched carefully, "I didn't find the dark room!"

They wondered if Xia Ruo's perception was wrong.

Xia Ruo closed her eyes, her soul power dispersed, and the voice of weeping echoed, which was more obvious than what she had just perceived.

She opened her eyes, walked towards the place where she sensed the sound, and found a medicine cabinet in front of her.

The people from the war department also moved the medicine cabinet to look at it before, and there is indeed no secret door behind it.

Xia Ruo's gaze shifted to a flower pot on the medicine cabinet.

She walked over to touch it, and found that there was indeed a layer of restriction on the flower pot. She quickly cracked it with mental power, and then turned seven times in a specific direction.

The back originally looked like a whole wall, but it suddenly and slowly split open in the middle, and a passage appeared in front of everyone.

The members of Sheng Lin and the war department were all stunned. If the wall hadn't split open automatically, they wouldn't be able to tell that there was a secret passage hidden underneath!

"Xia Ruo, is this the mechanism technique of the ancient earth period?" The old Dragon Soul team member reacted and asked.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Almost, they have placed restrictions on the walls and flowerpots, and they won't be seen at all if they are not broken."

"So that's how it is!" The old team member gave Xia Ruo a thumbs up with a smile, "You are the best, otherwise we definitely wouldn't have found this place."

Everyone also sighed in their hearts, it really deserves the SS-level mental power, but it is much more sensitive than them.

It's no wonder that he came from the ancient family, and he even knows this kind of mechanism and all kinds of restrictions.

Xia Ruo smiled: "I also accidentally felt that someone was asking for help, let's go down and have a look."

"Okay!" At this time, the others also heard the voices of weeping and calling for help from below, and walked down quickly.

Walking out of the secret passage, everyone saw a relatively large room in front of them.

At this time, thousands of children, boys and girls were imprisoned inside, and they were all tied up with ropes. Next to it was something similar to a test bench, on which was a little girl curled up and trembling, even foaming at the mouth.

Seeing this, Xia Ruo walked over quickly, felt the little girl's pulse, then picked up a bottle of medicine on the test bench, opened it and smelled it, "Those people used her for experiments, this medicine is only a semi-finished product, and she has side effects. "

After she finished speaking, she immediately took out a elixir to feed the child, and then took out a golden needle to pierce it, the little girl gradually stopped convulsing, and her pale face gradually returned.

The veteran member of the Dragon Soul clenched his fists, his face full of anger, "These bastards actually use humans for live experiments, it's simply inhumane."

The faces of all the people who came with the war group were extremely angry. These people of the Revival Alliance are simply inhumane.

"Are you here to save us? Please let us go, we don't want to do experiments, we don't want to die!" A teenage boy cried to several people.

The people from the war department immediately went over to untie the ropes that bound them. At the same time, they also found that one-third of the children were in bad condition, and their faces became more angry.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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