Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1031 Isn't It Another Opportunity

After all the memories of the vice-leader were released, the little ball disappeared completely.

"The memory is gone, so it can't be played again?" Yan Lingfeng asked.

Yun Jingjing nodded: "That's right, the stripped memory has only one chance to be read, and it will disappear automatically after it is finished."

Fan Yue said: "It doesn't matter if you can't play it anymore, we've finished watching it anyway, let's discuss how to deal with the period of the revival alliance now."

"You are here to host." Then he looked at Yun Jing and said.

Feng Baixuan and Yan Lingfeng didn't mind objecting, "Emperor Yun will be presided over by you."

Yunjing didn't make any hypocritical excuses, "Okay, then I'll summarize the key issues I saw in my memory just now, and we will solve them in a targeted manner."

"First of all, the identity of the leader of the revival alliance has been determined. He is a high-level royal family member of the Wisteria Empire. I will solve it with him and his people."

"Okay, I will trouble Emperor Yun with this matter!" Naturally, the three of them would not object, after all, this was considered the internal affairs of the Wisteria Empire.

Yun Jing continued: "The next step is the den of the Revival Alliance. I have already remembered everything in my mind. I believe you have also remembered it. We will write a copy and check it later. After we go back, we can start destroying it." Annihilation is planned, and all those buried nails and spies can be pulled out."

"Okay, we think so too." The deputy leader is the actual power holder of the revival alliance, so he naturally knows all their dens.

They also memorized all the spies and nails planted by the Three Kingdoms and the Starry Sky Beast Alliance from each other's memory.

As for the offline development of those people, when the time comes, they will be arrested and then slowly interrogated. This is not an important thing.

"After completing the above two points, the Revival Alliance can be considered to be able to pull out from our star field."

Yun Jing then changed the topic, "But judging from his memory, our crisis has not been resolved, but has become more serious."

"Our star field is becoming more and more perfect and mature, and many life, resource and energy stars have been developed, all of which advanced civilizations need to plunder."

"This person will report the news every two years. Judging from his memory, there is a big family that is gradually losing its sights on our star field, and wants to send a battle group to plunder us through the black hole."

"That's the endpoint problem we need to address now."

This is also why Feng Baixuan and Yan Lingfeng's faces are serious. From the memory of the deputy leader, they have seen the tip of the iceberg of advanced civilization. There are quite a few tenth-level supernatural beings, but in their star field, they are indeed the top. strength.

There are also advanced biological mechas and advanced intelligent mechas over there, which they have never heard of or seen, and they are much more powerful than the mechas here.

In the memory of the deputy leader, a high-level biological mech can kill a tenth-level superhuman.

Therefore, as long as that high-level civilized family sends out a few high-level biological mechas or high-level intelligent mechas, plus a war group with a small number of people, their star field can be controlled.

This is also an unprecedented crisis for them.

"The deputy lord is just a branch of that family sent here. He was sent to this star field when he was a teenager. He doesn't have many and deep memories of advanced star field civilizations, so their civilization is definitely stronger and developed than beyond our imagination."

Yun Jing paused and hooked his lips and said, "I think that although this may be a catastrophic crisis for us, it is also an opportunity."

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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