Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 104 Complete Defection

When Xia Ruo came, she was empty-handed, but when she went back, she had more than a dozen boxes.

Neither the fairy vine nor her power space can receive living things, so they have to carry them back.

Shi Kang and Gao Tian were very considerate, they directly found someone to take the box and sent her back to the farm together.

Back at the farm, Chai Huan and the others saw that Xia Ruo had brought back so many boxes, and they all gathered up curiously.

Xia Ruo made the house they built useful yesterday, and used them all to raise silkworms.

Then she asked Chai Huan and others to carry the beehive up the mountain and placed it in the place where wolfberry was grown.

These wolfberries have grown into a connected piece after being spawned by the fairy vine, and even scattered scattered flowers.

Lycium barbarum honey has many curative and health benefits, Xia Ruo will naturally not let it go.

These bees have spirituality. Although they were all cultivated flowers before, the taste of honey is not very good.

But after a few days of change, the native wolfberry honey can be born. This is a good thing, and it is absolutely in short supply when it is taken out.

The native wolfberry flowers are also very attractive to bees, such as the lilac flower vines she threw into the hive before.

Sure enough, as soon as the beehive was opened, the bees in it smelled the smell and rushed out one after another, and swarms of bees flew into the sea of ​​medlar flowers, like fish entering the sea.

Chai Huan and others were completely stunned. How could there be so many wild bee species in this box?

Not only did Xia Ruo bring it back, why did it look like he had been tamed?

"Are you going to let them settle here?"

Chai Huan reminded: "Don't look like these little things are harmless. They can sting people fiercely. Our troops should try their best to avoid them when they see them in the wild."

Xia Ruo has already imprinted spiritual consciousness in these bees, and is not afraid of their scourge at all.

She just smiled and said, "Do you still want to eat raw honey? Or send it back?"

Chai Huan and the others, who were still worried that these bees would be troublesome, changed their expressions instantly when they heard this.

One by one, they said in a very firm and harmonious manner: "Why send them back? When you get here, you have to abide by the rules here, and let them produce honey well!"

If there is honey to eat, what is the scourge of trouble?

Xia Ruo knew the nature of these foodies: "Don't come here recently, let them get used to it for a while and they won't sting!"

If wild bees grow their homes, they can also watch the mountain nursing home.

"No problem, as long as they obediently produce honey, we will definitely let them serve them like little ancestors!" Chai Huan and the others patted their chests and assured.

They can't forget that Xia Ruo made a honey barbecue dish on a whim a few days ago, and now they can't help drooling about the taste.

It's a pity that because there is no raw honey, they have no chance to eat it again.

It is estimated that even Feng Yan did not expect that the elite team that he brought to work would be turned into foodies one by one!

After placing the silkworms and bees in place, Xia Ruo asked Chai Huan and the others to help cut a lot of bamboo strips, and then weaved bamboo products, which were prepared and placed in farms and restaurants as decorations.

After Chai Huan and others finished their work, they stood in the yard and watched, watching the bamboo products weaved one by one from Xia Ruo's hands. They were surprisingly delicate and delicious. It turns out that bamboo is still used for this purpose. They feel amazing!

A member of the elite team who had known here for a long time touched his chin and sighed: "Xiao Ruoruo is too powerful, he can go to the hall and go down to the kitchen, beat bad guys, and do things. I don't know who will have that blessing. I can take her home!"

They think that they are not worthy of Xia Ruo, so they dare not think about it!

Chai Huan couldn't help but think of his boss at first, and then shook his head, his boss's temperament should not come to harm such a good Ruoruo!

"Yeah! I don't know who will be so lucky in the future!"

If Feng Yan knew that his subordinates not only completely turned against Ge Xia Ruo, but also despised him, he would definitely beat up these guys with rage!

Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~~

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