Yunjing chose a small four-storey villa surrounded by a small yard with some flowers planted around it, a distance from other villas.

Although the rent is not cheap, it is more convenient to live in.

Several people looked satisfied and made a decision. They ordered furniture and daily necessities on the virtual network that day, and moved in together.

Xia Ruo sent the new address to Gu Gu and Qiao Qiao.

The purchased things were delivered in the afternoon, and everyone was a little tired after tidying up. Xia Ruo didn't cook and chose a nice restaurant outside.

After all the dishes were served in the private room, Yun Jing held up his wine glass and said with a smile, "I wish us a happy housewarming!"

After coming to this world for so long, I can finally take care of my two younger sisters anytime again.

Xia Ruo and the others also raised their wine glasses, and Xia Xuan held a glass of juice, "I wish us a happy housewarming!"

Here they should be able to stabilize for a period of time, and then slowly find a chance to go to the main star field.

Yun Jing smiled and clinked glasses with Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan alone, "I wish Ruoruo worshiped a master!"

"Zhu Xuanxuan is going to be a mother!"

"Thank you brother!" Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan drank with smiles.

Then Yun Jing looked at Feng Yan and Yan Lingfeng again, and when they both raised their wine glasses, thinking that the uncle was about to toast them, the other party threw them a stupid message.

"You, Xuanxuan and Ruoruo have confirmed your relationship as husband and wife and fiancée. Now that you're here, let's talk about some things. Our brothers and sisters are actually biological."

After coming here, they will look for their parents. Yan Lingfeng and Feng Yan are the closest people to the two younger sisters, so they will definitely notice and suspect, so it's better to explain clearly now.

He had also consulted the opinions of his two younger sisters before, and they both agreed, and then they had a showdown with Feng Yan.

Yan Lingfeng was surprised at first, and then quickly regained his composure, "You mean, your souls are brothers and sisters?"

He actually had some doubts before, after all, although he and Xia Xuan didn't get in touch so much after they got married, he could still see the changes in her with his own eyes.

Because he fell in love with her later, he didn't struggle with it.

Yun Jingting nodded: "We come from the ancient earth period you mentioned. We fell together in a disaster, and then woke up in the star field below, becoming our current self."

"Why this happened, we can't say for sure, maybe the us now may be ourselves after reincarnating many times."

This is another guess of his. In fact, after the soul merged into this body, not only did it not reject it, but it became more and more compatible, as it should have been.

Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan also felt this way, especially since they both possessed their original memories and emotions. As their bodies recovered and their mental strength continued to increase, the feeling of physical fit became more obvious.

Yan Lingfeng thought for a while and asked: "It's not impossible, this kind of thing is mysterious."

Then he shook Xia Xuan's hand tightly and said, "I love her in the first place, as long as it doesn't change back in the future, I don't care."

Xia Xuan felt sweet in her heart, and held his hand instead, "The soul has been fused, and there will be no change!"

Feng Yan had never been with the former Xia Ruo, so he didn't suspect Yan Lingfeng that it wasn't him.

It's just that Xia Ruo, Xia Xuan, and Yun Jing's brothers and sisters have developed a relationship too quickly, and they don't have much contact with each other, but they have a very good relationship. He doubted this.

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