Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 106 Feng Shao finds his place

Xia Ruo was arranging things on the farm and ranch, and Fei Yu hurried into the office.

She looked up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Fei Yu's face was a little ugly, "Miss, the restaurant we are renovating was damaged by street gangsters. They went in and smashed it, let alone people from the decoration company go in and continue the construction."

Xia Ruo frowned, "You first arrange for the people from the decoration company to leave, and don't pose a safety hazard, I'll take care of the rest!"

Fei Yu pursed her lips, "Yes!"

The little lady finally handed him a task, but who knew that something would go wrong at the beginning, which made him very annoyed and uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Xia Ruo smiled and reassured, "Everything is difficult at the beginning, don't worry about it, it will start again soon."

Fei Yu felt warm in her heart, touched her head and said with a smile, "Yes, I listen to the little lady!"

In his heart, the little lady is very powerful and reliable!

After Fei Yu went out, Xia Ruo's face sank, and she could think of it with her toes. It was definitely Xia Xuhong's incompetent bastard.

At this time, Feng Yan walked in in a messy fashion.

Seeing that Xia Ruo's face was a little dull, he asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Xia Ruo didn't hide it, and repeated what Fei Yu reported.

Feng Yan happened to be in a bad mood, and snorted when he heard this: "They are really good, and they dare to break ground on this young master's site, it's just courting death!"

When you're done, turn around and leave.

"What are you doing?" Xia Ruo stopped him.

Feng Yan was arrogant and domineering all over his body, "Of course he took someone to do them? Do you still keep it for dinner?"

Xia Ruo chuckled, "Okay, then you go, don't play with your life!"

She never thought of using your money to settle things. Many times when others are ruthless, you have to be even more ruthless.

After the so-called bastards are used to control violence, who will dare to come to her restaurant to be arrogant in the future, this matter is handed over to the school tyrant, Young Master Feng, and it can be done properly.

Feng Yan likes Xia Ruo's ease, unlike other women who are timid and trembling, "I can't play with my life, I know it!"

However, if it is in his hands, those bastards don't even think about messing around in the imperial capital!

Feng Yan quickly drove Chai Huan and the others to the restaurant. Not only did he beat up the group of bastards who were occupying the restaurant and continued to smash things and act arrogantly, he beat them to death. Where their power is located, their headquarters has also been cleaned up.

After the incident, the police were alerted, but after they came, they found that the person who took the lead in causing trouble was actually the third young master of the Feng family. They were very efficient and brought the troublesome gang into the bureau. Distributed exile to the criminal star to reform.

This is also to quell Feng Sanshao's anger, whoever dares to provoke this little ancestor in the imperial capital is unlucky!

The location of the restaurant is in a relatively prosperous commercial street, and this incident quickly alarmed the people around.

Feng Yan did not reveal his identity, and those soldiers did not dare to take the initiative to reveal his identity, and all those who came to talk were sent away, which made people even more imaginative.

Before that force had dominated this commercial street for a long time, and the background behind it was not small, but it was all over after smashing the restaurant, which means that the owner of the restaurant can't be bothered.

Because of this, the restaurant has been covered with a veil of mystery before it even opened. Everyone felt that the new boss must have a big background behind it.

When Feng Sanshao came out, he was extraordinary. Not only did he easily find a place for Xia Ruo, but he also gave those who had ulterior motives a disgrace!

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