Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 110 I Can Help You

Chai Huan and others will soon return to the battle group, and the farm will face a serious shortage of labor.

Xia Ruo also discovered recently that with these big-headed soldiers on the farm, safety is a great guarantee.

For example, Xia Xuhong and others want to investigate something, but they can't take advantage of it, let alone make trouble.

At present, the industries in her hands are in a state of unmanned people, and she will have to go back to school after that, so it is impossible to spend a lot of energy on management and recruiting.

The employees Xia Ruo wanted did not need to be obedient, as long as they could do good deeds, and now there was an opportunity in front of them.

She reached out and abducted Feng Yan, "Damn, I can help you solve the problem of a group of veterans and wounded soldiers!"

Feng Yan was stunned for a moment, then looked at her sideways, "What did you say?"

Xia Ruo raised his hand and said with a smile, "I plan to develop all of this farm. The cultivation of native ingredients requires a lot of labor, so you can call a group of veterans to work first!"

"The livestock farm next to it will soon be on the right track. It also requires a lot of labor, and you can solve a batch!"

"There is also a shortage of manpower in restaurants and food processing factories. Instead of recruiting some people who don't know the basics, it is better to use all your retired soldiers. I think it is safer and more reliable!"

Feng Yan was stunned, showing a very surprised look, "Don't you dislike it? They can no longer retire on the battlefield, the point is that there is a physical problem, and even many people need to install prosthetics, or they seem to wear Disabled!"

Even if these people are heroes in everyone's mind, there are still many companies and individuals who will not use them because of their disability.

This is also a point where it is more difficult for wounded and disabled veterans to find employment.

Xia Ruo laughed: "They retired from injury to protect their family and the country, why should they dislike it?"

"My request is very simple, as long as you don't cheat and play tricks, you can work hard, you will get paid every month for food and housing, and the bonus at the end of the year will not be a problem if you do well!"

She tilted her head and raised her eyebrows and said, "It's just whether you have arranged for someone to come!"

"Of course it's arranged, as long as you don't dislike it!" Feng Yan Taohua's eyes showed a strange brilliance, looking at Xia Ruo like a baby.

Why hadn't he thought of stuffing people into farms and ranches to work?

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "Then I will leave the recruitment problem on my side to you to solve!"

"If the farms and pastures develop well in the future, I will save money to buy a few cheap life stars, which will be specially used for planting and breeding. At that time, a lot of labor will be needed, and you can provide it to me!"

If the fairy vine wants to recover and grow, it is not enough to absorb energy stones. The fastest way to cultivate is to absorb the essence of wood. It is necessary for her to vigorously develop the planting industry in the future.

The raw ingredients and medicines in this world are too scarce. If they develop into a relatively large link industry in the future, the funds for her cultivation can also be adequately solved, such as purchasing energy stones.

She continued with a genial smile on her face: "And don't forget what I do."

"Those wounded soldiers come to my place to work, and I can also provide them with the benefits of free medical treatment and medication. As long as they are not really short of arms and legs, I can cure 9 out of 10 illnesses or injuries!"

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