Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1101 Unexpectedly, there is such a hot side

After Xia Ruo finished speaking, she turned around and closed the door again.

Others were also paying attention to the two of them, and they couldn't get close enough to turn on the terminal to watch the live broadcast.

Then one by one widened their eyes, obviously they didn't expect Xia Ruo to be so domineering, and directly threw them out.

This was unexpected by everyone. After all, from the first meeting, Xia Ruo gave people the impression of being elegant and gentle, with a relatively good temper. No one expected that there was such a hot side.

However, most people in the three groups didn't think Xia Ruo was too much, and they also disliked Huimei's way of asking for help, but with an air of self-confidence that you should help, and no one owed her.

The people who were watching in front of the live broadcast were also stunned.

[Damn it, Doctor Xia actually has such a hot side, so handsome! ]

[I also think that Dr. Xia's throwing posture just now is so handsome, and the way he scolds people is also very cool. ]

[Please help, if you don’t help, it’s fine, isn’t it too much to scold and throw? ]

[Excessive fart, this doctor Hui is so rude, please help me with a high-ranking appearance, if he doesn't help, he will call him selfish, if I change it, I will spray it back, the upstairs is also a fool. ]

[That is, why should someone who is not a group help you? Don't use moral kidnapping, it's really easy for Dr. Xia to do it, but he doesn't owe Huimei, why should he help? ]

[It’s the first time I’ve seen someone ask for help, so I’ve learned a lot! ]

[Well thrown, this kind of person is too self-righteous, who does she think she is! ]

[Although Dr. Xia's behavior is a bit too much, I'm still going to stand up to her. Dr. Hui really hates her. ]

[It’s really annoying, obviously I just want to be lazy, and I have no sincerity in asking for help, and I wanted to kidnap Xiuxiu before. ]

[Xiu Xiu and Doctor Xia are not in her group, why is her face so big? ]

Although some of the people below would occasionally say that Xia Ruo had done too much, they were quickly overwhelmed by comments praising Xia Ruo and scolding Hui Mei.

Especially Yan Xiu's fans, if it wasn't for the screen, they would all want to point Hui Mei's nose and scold.

He also developed a liking for Xia Ruo, that's how he should treat such a shameless bitch, otherwise he would be kicked in the face.

At the same time, everyone has a new understanding of Xia Ruo, but they don't think there is any problem. Instead, they feel that this is the true temperament and it is in line with the purpose of the program group.

This is also the first time that such a thing happened on the show, so some people who were not interested in this wilderness survival show also clicked in to watch it, and the ratings rose by a small level, making the director and investors laugh.

Hui Mei never expected that Xia Ruo not only dared to scold her, but also dared to throw her, and her whole body hurt even after falling.

She hated Xia Ruo to death, but she really didn't dare to knock on the door again. She saw Xia Ruo chopping a tree on the live broadcast before, and she was easily thrown away. The force value is not low. How could she be so weak? opponent.

She wrote down this hatred, and after preparing for the show, she asked her family to take revenge.

But the more she thought about it, the more wronged she became, she couldn't help crying, then stood up and ran away from here, leaving everyone even more speechless.

[Crying and running away, what kind of show operation is this? It feels so little white flower! ]

[If you run away crying, you don't have to love to work, this little white flower is so scheming. ]

[This woman is not only a little white flower, but also easy to act, poor Yuyu and her team will be dragged down. ]

[Whoever is in the same group as her is unlucky, I just hope that she will do a little bit of normal work, but the medical skills are indeed as powerful as advertised. ]

[I heard that many people with excellent medical skills have a strange temper. She is recognized as a genius doctor from a great medical family, so everyone should be tolerant, hey! ]

Although they are disgusted with Huimei, everyone has no doubts about her medical skills.

However, Xia Ruo made people ignore the fact that she is a doctor because of the successive incidents.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~~

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