Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1103 Is Xia Ruo OK?

For the next three days, Xia Ruo and the others lived a leisurely life. They took out bird eggs and Xia Ruo boiled, steamed or fried them for breakfast in the morning.

At noon and evening, stewed meat, fried meat, and barbecue are eaten mixed together, and a lot of edible wild vegetables are added.

There is no way, Xia Ruo's craftsmanship is so good, they are completely obsessed with food, and everyone loves her and eats up everything she does.

The other two groups could only smell the smell and watch, the depression in their hearts was indescribable.

In addition to looking for food, Xia Ruo and the others collected a lot of wild fruits and medicinal materials.

The other two groups ate the meat for three days in a row, and a few people got angry, and some people developed ulcers in their mouths, and a female star in the first and second groups had acne on her face.

Seeing this, Pan Yichen was even more fortunate to be in the same group as Xia Ruo, otherwise he would develop acne after eating roasted food for two days, but now it is normal.

For celebrities, this face is very important, and they all attach great importance to it.

Therefore, the two female stars with acne were very nervous looking at their faces in the mirror, and they couldn't cover them with thick foundation every day.

This star field attaches great importance to the true appearance of the natural style, so beautification and filters are not used. The lens restores the real everyone, and they are even more angry.

Worrying all the time, let fans see their acne-prone faces, and wonder if they will lose fans.

So the two couldn't help asking the doctors in each group.

Huimei's answer was very simple, she was a doctor, not a cosmetology doctor, and she didn't bring any equipment back with her, so she couldn't treat this kind of acne, and she didn't bring any medicine for getting angry, anyway, there was nothing she could do.

Tan Chu didn't bring any equipment to remove acne, and this kind of acne caused by getting angry would definitely reappear the next day after removing it on the same day.

"I didn't bring any equipment or gunpowder. Why don't you ask Xia Ruo? I heard that her treatment method doesn't use equipment." He looked at the acne on the actress's face and made a suggestion.

He and Xue Qi are friends, and he knew that Xia Ruo cured the other party's frequent and urgent urination, and also heard that her treatment methods were completely different from theirs.

Therefore, curiosity has long been born in my heart.

Of course, let this actress in my team go to Xia Ruo to see her. Apart from wanting to see her medical skills, I really think about this person, and I don't mean to cheat anyone.

Rong Feifei was a little disappointed when Xue Qi said that there was no way, and then she was taken aback, she didn't expect him to let her go to Xia Ruo.

"Can Xia Ruo do it?" She didn't have any hope for Xia Ruo's medical skills. After all, the other party is not well-known, and she is good at ancient medical skills that she has never heard of.

Tan Chu smiled and said: "I heard that she is good at medicine, we can't cure you like this, why don't we try."

"Okay!" The actress somewhat understood Tan Chu's temperament, knew that he would not cheat on her, and seeing the red pimples on her chin and side face, she couldn't help but agree.

There is nothing to lose by asking, and besides, although she and Xia Ruo didn't get along too much, they would still say hello when they met.

So when Xia Ruo and the others came back, she took the initiative to walk over with a smile.

"Doctor Xia, can I ask you for a favor?" Her tone and attitude were more sincere.

Looking at her face, Xia Ruo could roughly guess the purpose of the other party's visit, and asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"

Others also looked at the actress curiously, wondering what she wanted Xia Ruo to do for her.

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