Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 112 You are our little fairy!

If there is such a guarantee, the worries that once troubled everyone after going to the battlefield can be put aside.

Chai Huan said to Xia Ruo half-jokingly: "Xiao Ruoruo, if we go to the battlefield and get injured and retire later, you can give us a back door and let us come to this farm to retire and settle down."

Xia Ruo gave them a very reassuring smile, "No problem, it's just retirement, just come!"

She smiled generously and announced: "Even if you all return to the battle group now, no matter whether you are injured or not in the future, you can consider this place as your home, and you are welcome to come back at any time!"

How useful these guys are! No matter what, you have to gather people's hearts first!

Of course, Xia Ruo is not a mercenary person. After getting along with him for a while, he treats Chai Huan and others as friends, and prefers the atmosphere of getting along with them.

Buying people's hearts also requires reciprocity, otherwise no friendship or relationship will last long.

"Aooooo!! You are so kind, Xiao Ruoruo!"

"Xiao Ruoruo, you are our little fairy!"

A group of wolves couldn't help howling, and they really regarded Xia Ruo as the most beautiful little fairy in their hearts!

When Feng Yan came back, he heard their cry, and his face instantly turned black!

When did Xia Ruo become their little fairy?

These bastards have been lacking in training recently. After they go back, they have to devote themselves to devil training to release their energy, so as not to be so unstable and lose him!

The soybeans sown before, Xia Ruo used the fairy vine to accelerate the growth, and it has matured for an acre.

Chai Huan's group has done a lot for her recently. She plans to make tofu first and let them have a tofu feast before returning to the team.

On the one hand, I would like to express my gratitude to them, and on the other hand, we can continue to hang their appetites!

So the day before they left, she asked them to grind all the soybeans, and she had already prepared the tools to make tofu.

Before Xia Ruo started, Chai Huan and the others were already waiting impatiently in the kitchen of the cafeteria, eagerly waiting for the famous food from the ancient earth period to be born again.

Feng Yan also quickly rushed back from the war department and found a good position to lean against the kitchen door and watch.

The tofu feast is a special traditional feast. After the excavation and arrangement of the chefs of the past dynasties, it has become a wonderful flower in Shandong cuisine. There are as many as 150 tofu dishes to choose from during the banquet.

Xia Ruo once went to a tofu feast, and then became very interested, and spent a lot of time learning its dishes one by one.

Today, she is going to show her hands and let these guys open their eyes!

Don't bother to pay attention to their covetousness, and wholeheartedly take the people hired before to start making tofu.

When the tofu was very tender, she kept a lot of it to make tofu brains.

The sweet and savory soups are all adjusted for everyone to choose, and it has become the first appetizer.

The fresh and tender tofu is mixed with a variety of soups that you like, and it melts in your mouth. The fresh and refreshing taste immediately conquered a group of people who have already raised their mouths.

One by one, they are looking forward to the next tofu feast. It turns out that the tofu in the ancient earth period had this flavor.

They are also the first people in the world to eat tofu. In addition to the enjoyment of taste, there is also a strong sense of pride and satisfaction psychologically.

Chai Huan and the others felt that when they went back this time, it was enough to brag about the tofu and food for a long time, making the group of guys who didn't come here envious and jealous!

Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~

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