Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1203 It's better to keep it under your nose

There are nobles, commoners and poor people who come to see the doctor.

Compared with the latter two kinds of people, the proportion is the largest, and most of them are aiming at the reputation of the war zone hospital and Xia Ruo, as well as halving the cost of medicine.

Most of the nobles came to join in the fun. Seeing that the old man's illness was cured so well, they became more sincere in seeking medical treatment.

Although some people are dissatisfied with Xia Ruo's gentle attitude towards the poor, as patients, they naturally hope that doctors will be more friendly.

But no one said it out loud.

Xia Ruo's speed of seeing a doctor is not slow, but she only saw more than 30 patients in the morning, mainly because more than a dozen of them have done acupuncture.

Take an hour break for lunch, and then continue watching.

Patients can also go to the restaurant to eat by themselves. Xia Ruo took the people from the ancient medicine department to the restaurant.

She looked at the people in the Department of Ancient Medicine and said with a smile, "I didn't expect there to be so many people today. You have worked hard!"

Tao Hai smiled and said, "It's you who really worked hard. Not only do you need to see a doctor for acupuncture, but you also teach us. I feel very fulfilled."

Originally, he only had a little interest in Dr. Gu, most of which were caused by curiosity.

However, after being in contact with ancient medicine in the past two days, and seeing more than 30 patients with Xia Ruo today, he also discovered the magic of ancient medicine. It is more accurate than instrumental examination, and the treatment method is more suitable for ordinary people. people.

Therefore, he fell in love with it from the bottom of his heart and was ready to learn it.

No matter what their status is, in Xia Ruo's eyes, they are just patients, they will not discriminate or neglect, and maintain an indescribable respect for medical skills and patients.

After only being in contact with her for a few days, he was impressed by her character.

Xiao Cui and others also prefer the atmosphere of the ancient medicine department. Dr. Xia does not hide her medical skills. She will answer any questions and is amiable. Regardless, they still like the atmosphere of ancient medicine.

"Yes! Being busy means that our ancient medicine department is popular. Dr. Xia, you are the hardest worker today, eat more!" If Xia Ruo has no airs, Xiao Cui and others are more relaxed.

"Okay! Then I'll eat more today to replenish my energy!" Xia Ruo nodded with a smile.

Then she looked up and saw Miao Ao who was sitting across from him holding golden needles to study and play with, "Eat more too, you still have a lot of work in the afternoon, I guess you will have to work overtime until evening today."

She was going to read all the patients who came to line up this morning, but for those who came to line up later, Duan Yu had already arranged for them to come back tomorrow.

Holding the golden needle, Miao Ao said casually, "I was thinking, if this kind of golden needle can save people, can it also kill people?"

This is for learning, the hospital imitated Xia Ruo's golden needles for them, and he and Tao Hai each distributed a set.

"..." The corners of the mouths of the other people present twitched, and they ate well. This doctor who just arrived couldn't bear to ask such a question.

Xia Ruo is not surprised, this person's IQ is very high, and her mental strength is definitely double SS level. What she teaches can be remembered after just saying it, and it can be used in practice, whether it is acupuncture or Chinese medicine. His talent is definitely that of a genius doctor.

He seemed cynical, not that difficult to get along with, but she could feel his coldness and indifference from the bottom of his heart. Killing people was nothing to him.

"Of course!" Xia Ruo looked at him meaningfully and smiled, "Actually, saving people and killing people are not based on the golden needle in your hand, it is mainly a thought."

She didn't know if it was an accident that Miao Ao came to the ancient medical department, but there was a voice in her heart, she always felt that it was better to keep him under her nose temporarily, otherwise it would be an unknown danger.

Miao Ao put away the gold needle with a chuckle, raised his hand and pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose, "What Doctor Xia said makes sense, let's discuss it together if we have a chance?"

Xia Ruo smiled generously: "Okay!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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