Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1205 Are you too self-conscious?

As the most favored youngest son of the leader of the Star Thief Group, Miao Ao has traveled to more than half of the life stars in the star field and eaten countless delicacies. He is himself a very picky person.

Originally, he didn't have any hope for the so-called fried noodles, but he was just curious that a doctor like Xia Ruo could cook.

But when I ate the first noodle, I couldn't control it anymore, and unknowingly ate the whole bowl of noodles, and even felt unfinished.

He is sure that this is the best noodle he has ever eaten since he was a child.

The eyes hidden under the lens looked at Xia Ruo with a kind of curious thought, this woman seems to know a lot.

Originally planning to learn acupuncture, he would have a showdown with Xia Ruo and try to win her over. If she disagreed, he would have no choice but to take her away by forceful means.

He raised his hand and pushed his glasses to cover up the strangeness in his eyes, but now he has changed his mind, and he plans to stay with Xia Ruo for a while longer.

"Doctor Xia, the noodles you made are really delicious!"

"Yeah! This is definitely the best noodle I've ever eaten in my life. Dr. Xia, your cooking skills are amazing!"

"Doctor Xia, you are not only good at medicine, but also good at cooking. Whoever marries you in the future will live happily ever after!"

Everyone present laughed and praised Xia Ruo.

They personally participated in Xia Ruo's diagnosis and treatment process today, and found that almost a hundred people had different diseases, but she could treat all of them. possible.

What surprised them most was that Dr. Xia is not only good at medicine, but also good at cooking, and has a very good temper. They were convinced.

It also gave them an inexplicable confidence in the sudden emergence of ancient medicine. The dozen or so assistant physicians and nurses who were transferred here were a little unhappy at first, but now all of them wanted to stay.

Xia Ruo chuckled and said, "Thank you for the compliment, as long as you like it!"

"Doctor Xia, I don't know if there will be a chance to eat your fried noodles again in the future?" Someone asked with a lot of interest.

Such delicious noodles, they will not get tired of eating them every day.

Xia Ruo smiled and said, "Okay! Not only can I cook noodles with fried sauce, but I can also cook a lot of dishes. I will cook them for you when I have time and opportunity."

"Great, let's wait!" The whole group looked forward to it.

After dinner, Xia Ruo bid farewell to everyone, walked into the parking lot and got on her hover car.

Just as he was about to open, the co-pilot's door was suddenly pulled open, and Miao Ao sat in.

Xia Ruo looked at him puzzled, "What are you?"

Miao Ao turned his head and looked at her with a smile, "I suddenly thought of something I don't understand in ancient medicine, so I would like to ask Dr. Xia to help you clarify."

"I've just been transferred here, and I haven't bought a suspension car yet, so can I ask Dr. Xia to send me off?" Then he reported an address.

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows, "Are you being too self-conscious? I don't have that much time."

Miao Ao let out a chuckle from his lips, "I thought Dr. Xia wouldn't lose his temper, so your tolerance is so low!"

This woman has a gentle and good temper when facing patients and ancient medicine. He said how could a person who can affect the fall of so many mech fighters without blinking an eye be a good stubble.

It's better as it is, he doesn't like her elegant and gentle appearance, he thinks she should be very lively.

Continue at 15 o'clock~~

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