Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1231 Something is not quite right

Xia Ruo sent another copy of the prescription to Tao Hai.

"Doctor Tao, please cooperate with them in making medicine."

Tao Hai nodded solemnly: "Okay!"

Wang Zhe didn't hesitate, and ordered people to hurry up and prepare the medicinal materials.

"Doctor Xia, can't the virus in their bodies be completely eliminated?" the vice president asked.

Didn't they say that this Dr. Xia is awesome, he can cure any virus.

Xia Ruo said lightly: "Of course it can be completely eradicated, but it's not now. We have to find out the source of the disease and prepare the corresponding medicine."

"But the prescription I just prescribed can also remove most of the toxicity on their bodies. After taking it, there will be no more pus at night, and the pus will gradually disappear from tomorrow." She said confidently.

The vice president smiled awkwardly: "The effect is so fast?"

What is the condition of these patients, they know a lot about them recently.

The pustules are getting bigger and bigger every day. They have used medicine and equipment but they can't control it at all, and the speed of spreading is frighteningly fast. What kind of medicine can Xia Ruo's effect be so good?

He didn't quite believe it, and neither did the others.

"The effect is so good, it's useless to talk too much, just drink the medicine and find out tomorrow!" Xia Ruo didn't bother to explain too much.

She then turned to Wang Zhe and said, "Let all patients take the boiled medicine, and Dr. Tao will assist you."

"Okay, I will also arrange someone to cooperate with Dr. Tao." Although Wang Zhe was still a little dubious, he was willing to try, and there would be no worse results.

"The disease is under control, and the next step is to look for the virus." After Xia Ruo took the patient's pulse, she also discovered that the virus was very contagious, and the patient suffered particularly.

The First Star Thief Group's actions are really inhumane, they are simply insane.

Wang Zhe asked curiously: "Can Dr. Xia find the source of the disease?"

Xia Ruo nodded, "Yes, ask someone to take me to the place where this patient was first found."

"I'll take Dr. Xia myself!" Seeing that Xia Ruo was delivered by Nie Hang himself this time, Wang Zhe also knew that she was valued by Mu Zhanshuai, so he had to pay attention to her safety.

Xia Ruo took off the gloves, "Okay, let's go now."


The group left the hospital quickly, and Tao Hai stayed behind to prepare the medicine.

After Xia Ruo and the others left, a doctor whispered, "Is it okay to boil medicine? The most high-end antidotes here are useless."

They have also heard before that the so-called boiling medicine in ancient medicine is to put the medicinal materials in a barrel to boil, and the medicinal juice is given to the patient.

They all feel that this method is too crude and unreliable, and they still believe in the effect of potions.

The vice-principal also didn't believe that making some medicinal juice could suppress the illness of these people, "I'll try it no matter what, and if it doesn't work, let's talk."

At this moment, several reporters wearing gas masks rushed in and asked the vice president.

"Vice President, I heard that you invited Dr. Xia who solved the problem of the source of disease in the Northern Star Region. Does that mean that all the patients here have been saved?"

"Where is Dr. Xia? Has she rescued these people?"

"Can Doctor Xia cure these viruses?"

"How will Dr. Xia treat these people, please tell the dean to appease the people."

Questions were thrown one after another, and the deputy director made a black face. How did these reporters escape? The problem is still so sharp.

What these people mean is that Xia Ruo has come, and the virus on these patients will definitely be cured. If the virus cannot be cured, they, the Zhantuan, and even Xia Ruo will be scolded by the people.

He always felt that these reporters came too fast and something was wrong.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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