Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1237 Really hard work!

Xia Ruo knew that Wang Zhe's ability to sit in this position must be good.

She smiled and said, "I believe Vice General Wang can handle it well!"

It was already evening when the group finished eating, and Wang Zhe said to Xia Ruo: "Doctor Xia, the hotels outside are no longer available, so I will trouble you to stay in the battle group camp for the next two days. I have already ordered some suites for you. live."

"Okay, let's go now, I'll take a rest and go to the hospital to have a look." Xia Ruo said.

Wang Zhe used to think that a powerful doctor like Xia Ruo might have a weird temper, or be arrogant in his speech and behavior, but after getting along with her, he found that she was very easy-going, which made them all feel good about her.

I'm really afraid of encountering such a rude and unreasonable person.

So Wang Zhe personally sent Xia Ruo and the others to the prepared room.

Each room is a suite, with a living room, kitchen and bedroom, and the furniture and supplies inside are all new.

"I'll rest for two hours and then go to the hospital." Xia Ruo raised her hand and looked at the time and said.

In the past, the effect of the medicine has not yet been fully exerted, and it will be effective after two hours.

Wang Zhe nodded with a smile: "Okay, in two hours, I will send Dr. Xia to you!"

After Wang Zhe and others left, Xia Ruo took a shower and sat on the sofa to exchange messages with Feng Yan.

About an hour later, there was a knock on the door.

Xia Ruo opened the door and saw Miao Ao standing at the door, raising her eyebrows: "It's not time to go to the hospital yet."

Miao Ao consciously pushed the door open and walked in, "I'm hungry!"

"What do I care?" Xia Ruo closed the door and sat back on the sofa.

Miao Ao choked, took a deep breath to suppress the fire that came out, "You cook something to eat, and I will pay you the energy stone."

He couldn't eat the food in the cafeteria, and was going to go back to his room to drink some nutrition, but he was annoyed by the smell after taking it out, but he was very hungry, so he came to Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo sat cross-legged on the sofa and sent a message, "I'm not in the mood today, you can take the nutritional supplements as you like."

Miao Ao really wanted to strangle this cowardly and arrogant woman to death, "I found some news about getting married, I wonder if I can exchange it for a meal."

Only then did Xia Ruo divide his attention to him, "Exchange news for a meal, are you sure?"

After cooperating with Miao Ao several times, she found that this guy would only provide very simple plans or routes for the other party, but never give detailed information. This time, he really worked hard for a meal!

Miao Ao looked haughtily, "I will never go back on what I say!"

He didn't expect that he actually broke the bottom line for a meal, but he was really hungry now, and he basically didn't eat much since yesterday.

Xia Ruo stood up with a smile, "There aren't many ingredients here, so I'll make you fried rice with soup."

She had just seen that there were ingredients in the fresh-keeping cabinet in the kitchen, but there were not many varieties.

"Yes, as long as the taste is good and the time is fast!" Miao Ao nodded.

Xia Ruo walked into the kitchen, made mixed meat rice, and made a tomato and egg soup.

"Come and eat!" She brought the rice and soup to the table in the restaurant.

Miao Ao went over to look at the plate of fried rice and thought it was too simple. He wanted to get angry at first, but the smell of rice lingered in his nose, so he endured it.

I dug a spoon and put it in my mouth, startled for a moment, buried my head in my mouth and started eating, taking a sip of the soup from time to time.

Before, he never bothered to eat this kind of rice mixed with meat and vegetables, but now after taking a bite, he realized that he seemed to have missed a hundred million.

Not to mention other aspects of this woman, there is really no fault in her cooking skills. Even if she is not recruited to become an ancient doctor in the future, it would be good to get her back to be a cook.

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