Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1242 I have to accept this fact

There was a commotion on the Internet, and many people from big families came out to contact Marshal Rong directly.

There are quite a few nobles on the life stars, but this time the virus is fierce, and their losses are very heavy. Some families even died more than half of their members, and their vitality was seriously injured.

This also caused them to hate the black hands behind the scenes. After Xia Ruo led a wave of rhythm in the live broadcast, they put part of their grievances on those reporters.

I also hope that the war group can dig out some information about the mastermind behind the scenes, and if they are arrested, they will also be relieved.

Xia Ruo checked the patients and found that their condition had improved a lot, so she changed the prescription and asked Dr. Tao to continue to cook the medicine for them tomorrow.

Only then did he leave the hospital and return to the camp in the war zone.

"You did it on purpose today, right?" Miao Ao, who lived opposite Xia Ruo, stopped in the corridor and said.

He swiped the terminal before, and found that Xia Ruo not only changed his reputation by cleansing up, but also deliberately brought a wave of rhythm, which caused the public to react greatly to those reporters, and wanted the war group to catch the mastermind behind the scenes.

Xia Ruo smiled: "Yes! I did it on purpose."

Those reporters who dare to be instructed to pour dirty water on her must be prepared to be retaliated against.

And through those reporters, maybe Rong Zhanshuai and others can dig out some problems about the family. After all, the family is now a vassal family of the first star bandit group, but it is a secret.

It is impossible for her to tell Wang Zhe and others without evidence, but she can be guided by it.

"You are getting more and more cunning!" Miao Ao realized that he had underestimated Xia Ruo's handling of things before.

Xia Ruo gave him a blank look, "My name is wit, thank you!"

"Okay, see you tomorrow morning, I'll make breakfast!" she said as she opened the door.

Miao Ao's eyes overflowed with a smile, "Okay, let's make something I haven't eaten before."

"Yeah!" For the sake of this guy's great use, Xia Ruo is still going to cater to his taste temporarily.

Early the next morning, Xia Ruo got up and made small soup dumplings, lean meat porridge, shrimp dumplings, and meat pies for breakfast. Miao Ao is a carnivore and was very satisfied with this breakfast.

Then they went to the hospital again. As she said before, the abscesses on the patient's body gradually shrank, and some scabs formed.

It's just that the rhizomes of that kind of flower are not enough now, so they can't be completely cured.

Another reporter came to interview the next day. This time it was arranged by Wang Zhe. The people arranged by the Cheng family had already been arrested and interrogated in private. Because of Xia Ruo's previous foreshadowing, there was no big splash when they arrested people.

At other times, it would have been used as a fuss.

Seeing that the abscesses on the patients were much better, all the people were very excited, and they admired Xia Ruo's medical skills even more, and gave birth to a hope that the virus problem would be completely solved.

In the main house of the life star Cheng's family in the center, the owner of the family, looking at the information sent recently, couldn't help but lift off the vases and other accessories on the table.

"How did Xia Ruo do it this time? The medicine can actually relieve and control the infection. How is this possible?" He still can't believe it, but he also watched the live video, so he had to accept this fact.

The young man, that is, his assistant, said: "Patriarch, this Xia Ruo is very evil, it seems that the so-called ancient medicine is really good."

Seeing Patriarch Cheng's face was very ugly, he still bit the bullet and said: "And I suspect that she may have found the source of the disease."

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