Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1251 It's not that easy

The poisoned people in the team woke up one after another. After the equipment was tested, all the toxins in their bodies had been discharged, and their body functions returned to normal.

This result made everyone more sure of Xia Ruo's medical skills, because her popularity has also risen to a higher level because of the live broadcast.

Xia Ruo said to the poisoned person: "Recently pay attention to rest and drink more water!"

Several people were very grateful to her, "Okay, thank you, Dr. Xia!"

Xia Ruo smiled, and then turned her attention to those reporters, "Now let's discuss who is the poisoner."

Seeing her staring at them, the faces of the reporters froze. "We are not the ones who poisoned you. Don't try to wrong a good person."

Xia Ruo walked over slowly, "Really? Are you so innocent?"

Then she raised her finger and pointed at a middle-aged man who seemed to have the least presence, "This reporter, can I trouble you to come out?"

The man looked vicissitudes of life, giving people the feeling of an honest person.

He pointed to himself inexplicably, "You mean me?"

"Yes!" Xia Ruo nodded, "Please come out and help me."

The middle-aged man looked confused, "I can only write articles, but I can't do anything else?"

Xia Ruo walked over and hooked her lips, "Really? I thought you were an actor."

She looked at him with a meaningful smile, "This makeup is not bad, but unfortunately your face shows that you are a cruel, sinister and cunning villain."

"There is a layer of hostility between the brows, and the evil spirit is entwined around the body. I don't know how many people have to be killed to have such a heavy evil spirit. Why don't you explain it to us?"

She noticed this man just now. Although he has been reducing his presence, the evil spirit emanating from his body is very strong, but other people can't see it.

He also used camouflage drugs on his face to dilute the cruelty.

Hearing what Xia Ruo said, for some reason, the few reporters standing next to the middle-aged man shuddered inexplicably, and unconsciously stepped back a few steps.

The middle-aged man looked unbelievable, "You mean I'm the one who poisoned you? Don't blame the good guy. I'm just an ordinary reporter. I don't take the blame for this."

"The so-called face is what you said. Is there any evidence? Don't look at me honestly, you can bully people." He looked angry after being wronged.

It seemed like that was the case. If there hadn't been anything that happened before, everyone present would definitely believe that he was an honest man.

But with the foreshadowing before, they unconsciously believed in Xia Ruo.

The members of the battle group even vaguely formed a circle around the middle-aged man.

Xia Ruo laughed lightly: "Okay, the face really can't form evidence, and I didn't conclude that you are the poisoner from this."

"But you smell like medicine, how can you explain the medicine powder left in the fingernail of your left thumb?"

Xia Ruoyi said pointingly: "To prove your innocence, we will dig out the powder left in your nails, and we will use an instrument to test whether it is poisonous, and then compare it to see if it is the same as that of the soldiers of the previous battle group poison."

At this time, everyone looked at the middle-aged man's fingers, and sure enough, they saw that there was a residue of light yellow medicine powder in the nail cap of his thumb.

Everyone admired Xia Ruo's observation skills, and does this person smell like medicine? They can't smell it.

Wang Zhe believed Xia Ruo's words completely when he saw the residue in the other party's nails, "Come here, take out the powder in his nails for testing!"


Before the soldier of the war group came forward, the middle-aged man who looked honest and honest suddenly showed a strange smile, "It seems that you really have some skills, but it is not so easy to catch me!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ It should be the early morning of the 8th~

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