Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1256 Is it so scary for a woman to go crazy?

Not to mention the people who were watching, even the mecha soldier and the poison master stared wide-eyed, looking unbelievable.

"Hurry up and save people!" The other mecha fighters of the Star Thief Group reacted, stopped attacking Feng Yan's team, and rushed towards the two of them, wanting to rescue them and take them away.

But at this time, the sound of the piano sounded again, and soon a biological mecha became sluggish, and Feng Yan attacked with artillery fire.

But this time it didn't split open, but just stabbed the mecha's energy box with the sword, cutting off the energy supply, and the mecha was paralyzed as a result.

Then lead the people to use the same method to paralyze all the surrounding mechas at the fastest speed.

This also stunned Wang Zhe and others who followed up. It was too powerful. It was the first time that they felt that the biological mecha was so vulnerable.

And even though they had heard that Xia Ruo could use the sound of the piano to influence mecha fighters, they still couldn't believe it, and they were really shocked when they saw it today.

This ability is too mysterious and scary. If a mecha warrior meets Xia Ruo, it is like meeting a nemesis.

Of course, this also requires the cooperation of someone to destroy the mecha, otherwise Xia Ruo can only affect it, which makes the mecha fighters of the war group less afraid.

The soldiers with the live broadcast device also rushed up immediately, so they recorded Feng Yan's fierce appearance.

Xia Ruo put away the guqin and walked over.

She looked at the poison master stuck in the mecha and smiled faintly: "Are you still running?"

"Damn girl, I won't let you go!" The middle-aged man suddenly took out a bottle of medicine from his hand, crushed the bottle and threw it at Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo had been prepared for a long time, and the moment he threw it, he raised his hand and tore open the crack in the space again, and the green gas that floated out of the potion was sucked in before it evaporated.

"Why didn't you learn your lesson?" Xia Ruo looked at him speechlessly, "You think you can poison me with gas toxin this time, you're overthinking it!"

Then, before everyone could react, they took out a pack of medicinal powder from their hands and sprinkled it on the poison master.

The middle-aged man subconsciously blocked it with his hands, but the powder still fell on his skin everywhere.

Just as he was about to use his devouring ability to swallow the medicine powder, something surprising happened.

After the powder fell on his skin, it penetrated into the skin in an instant.

With a bad premonition in his heart, he suddenly looked up at Xia Ruo and asked, "What medicine did you give me?"

"Poison! You don't like poison the most, I'm going to treat him in the same way!" Xia Ruo smiled loosely while crossing her arms.

"You!" The middle-aged man's face was black and blue, and he was even more shocked

Although he is a master at playing poison, but now he can't perceive what kind of poison Xia Ruo gave him, which usually doesn't happen.

Just when he was about to speak, the cells and meridians in his body suddenly seemed to be torn apart by human beings.

"Ah!" He couldn't help but screamed as he curled up together.

"Ah! Damn girl, what poison did you poison me!" He looked at Xia Ruo with red eyes and distorted face in pain.

Xia Ruo blinked, "Of course it's the poison that makes you miserable, do you even need to ask?"

She said it calmly, as if administering this poison was as simple as eating and drinking.

The people present couldn't help but shudder when they saw the tragic condition of the middle-aged man and Xia Ruo's indifferent expression with a smile.

Is it so scary for a woman to go crazy?

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