Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 128 This is someone else's younger brother!

Xia Ruo's mother is a well-known pharmacist, and behind her is a family of ancient doctors who have never opened up to the outside world. This is also shrouded in a veil of mystery. It is not impossible to produce plants that were treasured in the ancient earth period.

Feng Yi nodded: "I see!"

"Recently, my third son has been eating and drinking on your site, it's really troublesome for you!" He thanked with a smile.

The third son of his family is so angry that he is dying, and the little girl should have endured it a lot.

Xia Ruo smiled: "Fortunately, he also helped me a lot."

It seems that Feng Rogue's brother still knows this guy very well.

Feng Yanbai glanced at his second brother, "She still owes me a lot of interest, so what's the trouble, second brother, can you talk?"

"..." Feng Yi choked, and wanted to help his forehead, his brother's EQ is really too anxious!

He said this mainly to shorten the distance between Xia Ruo and Xia Ruo. His younger brother didn't know how to say something nice to coax the little girl, but he even said so arrogantly that she owed him interest. No wonder the brat is still single. dog!

Huo Tianhao joked: "San'er is really straightforward, can he get a wife in the future?"

Feng Yan said angrily: "You don't have to worry about this, Brother Huo, it's better than changing your girlfriend in a few days!"

Then he glanced at Xia Ruo unnaturally from the corner of his eye.

Feng Yan and Feng Yi caught their younger brother's subconscious movements, and their eyes were tainted with smiles.

Feng Yi felt that with his brother's incomprehensible EQ, chasing after other girls would be a long way to go.

But no one can get involved in emotional matters, they will not interfere with their younger brother's feelings, just let it develop.

For Xia Ruo, their first impressions were not bad.

The Feng family doesn't care much about the woman's family background. They don't need the influence of the wife's family to make things better. They believe in their own abilities more.

Especially for the younger brother who has been spoiled since childhood, they have no requirements in this regard, as long as he likes to be happy and happy!

Seeing Feng Yan like this, several people couldn't help laughing. The brat's talent and ability are top-notch, and it seems that he also has the disadvantage of not being enlightened. They will have a good show in the future.

Ye Jing drank another cup, looked at Xia Ruo with a smile and asked, "Do you sell this black tea in Miss Xia's hand? My old lady's stomach has never been very good. I want to buy some for her to drink more often!"

"I'm going to sell some of them, but the quantity in hand is limited now, and it may be half a month before there will be stock." Xia Ruo took out the tea and invited them to drink, which meant that she wanted to promote it.

Now only these big families have the habit of drinking tea, and the poor can't afford it at all, so it's right to start with them if we want to promote it!

Xia Ruo is proud of being a Chinese from the earth. Seeing the loss of various earth cultural faults, she has an ambition to continue and carry forward it. It is not for profit, she just wants to do that.

Ye Jing smiled and said: "Then I'll make an appointment first, and Miss Xia can contact me as soon as this tea is in stock!"

Then immediately exchanged terminal contact with Xia Ruo.

Seeing Ye Jing's speed so fast, the others secretly scolded this guy for being cunning, and they also made reservations with Xia Ruo one after another.

Feng Yan liked this kind of tea very much, and was about to make an appointment as well, but Feng Yan waved his hand at him.

"Brother, I'll bring you two cans of tea to drink later."

"I was planning to send it to the old man and you guys tomorrow, but I can take it by myself when I come today."

Xia Ruo brewed this tea for the first time yesterday, and he knew that his old man, father and brother would definitely like it, so Zaohe picked several cans out of her hand and kept them.

Feng Yan's words immediately attracted resentful gazes from Huo Tianhao and others, and then all kinds of envy and hatred towards Brother Feng Yan.

This is someone else's younger brother!

Today's update is over, thank you for rewarding and voting dear~~

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