Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1284 It Was So Successful

Twenty minutes later, the poison master was brought up.

He looked a little pale, more haggard and vicissitudes.

Being forced on the seat, he raised his head and stared at Xia Ruo resentfully, "What are you going to do?"

Xia Ruo smiled: "You will know in a while!"

"Since you are a poison master, I think you should be interested in what happens next, and your life will not be in vain!"

Poison Master felt that this dead girl must have no good intentions, "You!"

Just as he was about to scold, suddenly a powerful mental force was released from Xia Ruo's body, and Qi Qi moved towards him to suppress it.

The poison master originally had ss-level mental power, and with the ability to reach eleventh level, he reacted immediately and wanted to resist.

If it were normal, he would naturally be able to resist it, but now that his ability is blocked and he is tortured like this, his whole body gradually becomes limp, and his forehead is covered with fine sweat.

Xia Ruo plucked the strings to guide the previous hypnosis, the poison master's willpower was finally destroyed, and his eyes gradually became dull.

"Vice General Wang, it's time for interrogation." She reminded in a low voice.

Wang Zhe also noticed the strangeness of Poison Master, and was amazed in his heart, Dr. Xia is really awesome.

This is an ss-level spiritual power close to the eleventh-level supernatural power, and he was successfully hypnotized just like that.

He knew that the control pills had a time limit, so he asked without delay.

First, I asked about the origin of the Poison Master, and it turned out that he was supported by the married family from the first star bandit group, which once again confirmed the collusion between the married family and the star bandit group.

After asking two more questions, Wang Zhe began to ask the main point, "What is the plan of getting married that requires you to implement a virus infection plan for so many life stars to divert our attention?"

Poison Master, who had been answering very smoothly before, suddenly struggled, and bit his mouth to resist.

Wang Zhe was stunned when he saw this, which meant that the plan to start a family must be too important, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo gave him a reassuring look, and used her mental power to pluck the strings again.

Sure enough, hypnosis is more troublesome for people with strong willpower and mental strength.

After a while, the Poison Master let go of his tightly clenched mouth with an ugly face, gritted his teeth, and said reluctantly: "The family scouts discovered a new low-level civilized star field, and found many The important resources needed by the Star Thief Group have been planned for many years, and they originally decided to go to conquer and occupy in the near future."

"What? I discovered a new low-level civilization star field." Wang Zhe exclaimed.

Since the first star bandit group established its foundation by occupying low-level civilized star domains and became a behemoth capable of confronting the five major star domains, other great star bandit groups, great groups of the five major star domains, and big family forces have all begun to frantically search for them. stand up.

After so many years, the low-level civilized star domains that can be found, conquered and occupied have almost been found. It is difficult to find a new star domain, but I did not expect to find it.

If this is the case, then the previous plan for the origin of the disease makes sense. Cheng Jia and the First Star Thief Group absolutely don't want them to know, so they played a trick.

He quickly restrained his surprise, frowned and said, "Then what role do you play in their plan? Just to release the source of the disease?"

He always felt that it was not that simple, if it was just to release the source of the disease, there was no need for the family to invite such a powerful poison master from the first star bandit group to support them.

Different from the master Cheng's anger, Wang Zhe was sure that this poison master was very good, but he was unlucky enough to meet a nemesis like Dr. Xia, otherwise his plan to become a family would definitely be successful.

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