There were two more porcelain bottles in Xia Ruo's hand, so she picked up one of them.

"It contains a liquid medicine, which is colorless and odorless, and cannot be detected by instruments. As long as it is mixed with egg soup, a toxin will be produced, causing people to fall asleep."

Then he picked up another porcelain bottle and said: "There is a kind of medicinal powder in it, just by blowing it on the target person with the help of wind, it will also produce a kind of toxin, which will make the whole body weak and weak."

"I was inspired by that poison master who generates and restrains each other before, and found it interesting to refine a lot. If Vice General Wang needs it, I can give it to you."

This was what she had thought long ago, the poison master was just a shield.

She then said bluntly: "But the medicinal materials I use are quite precious, so if you want to use them, you have to use them in exchange."

She didn't want to give people the feeling of being taken advantage of.

Wang Zhe was overjoyed, "No problem, we will not only exchange the medicinal materials with Dr. Xia, but also double them for you."

"When I came today, Marshal Rong specially ordered, Dr. Xia, you have done us a lot of favors this time, and you have to repay us no matter what. I guess you should like medicinal materials, so I specially prepared a batch for you."

This is the truth, regardless of whether Xia Ruo helps or not, they will give away this medicinal material.

Xia Ruo showed a bit of interest in her eyes, she declined politely, and nodded with a generous smile: "I am a pharmacist, and I usually like to search for medicinal materials. Since Marshal Rong and Vice-General Wang are kind, I will accept it!"

Wang Zhe likes her so straightforwardly, they don't like the kind of mother-in-law.

"Haha, it should be." He said with a smile.

Then Xia Ruo followed Wang Zhe to the interrogation room and met Master Cheng.

The head of the Cheng family was detained on a chair, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

When he saw Wang Zhe brought Xia Ruo in, his face suddenly showed a look of rage, "Why are you here, you dead girl?"

Ever since he was captured, he guessed that their plan had probably been leaked.

In the end, I inadvertently learned from the mouths of the two interrogators that Xia Ruo was responsible for this, so I wished I could cramp and skin her.

In fact, I regretted a little in my heart. I should have sent heavy troops to ambush and assassinate Xia Ruo on the way to the West Starfield, or not sent the poison master and the team to ambush her, so that the whole family and plan would not be dragged down.

Seeing her now, the anger couldn't help but exploded.

Xia Ruo looked at him innocently and said, "You don't know Mr. Cheng and I, so why are you so resentful towards me?"

"You sent people to ambush me several times, but I still haven't lost my temper. Could it be that the villain should sue first?"

"You!" Patriarch Cheng's chest heaved with anger, "What a dead girl with a sharp tongue."

Wang Zhe felt that Master Cheng was too narrow-minded, so if he got angry at Dr. Xia, he would attack them if he had the ability!

"Doctor Xia ignore him, let's get started." He was looking forward to what important secrets Master Cheng would reveal.

Xia Ruo nodded, walked over to feel the pulse of the struggling Master Cheng, took out the medicine powder and began to prepare the pills.

He handed the pill to Lieutenant General Wang and said, "I found that there is an energy in his body that is completely attached to his mental power and brain nucleus. It should be done to prevent the secret from being revealed."

"So I can't guarantee whether today's pill will work or not."

Of course she couldn't let Master Cheng reveal the coordinates leading to the wormhole below.

Originally, I was thinking of some method, so that the effect of pill hypnosis would not be effective for a long time, but I didn't expect that there was a blocked energy in the main body of the family. He really is a "good guy"!

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