Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 136 How dare you hit me?

Xia Ruo saw that Xia Sijia was holding a young man in a suit on her arm, and there were several young people standing beside her, so she guessed that this cousin came here because of someone else's invitation.

She said lightly: "It has nothing to do with you, does it?"

Xia Sijia didn't expect Xia Ruo to be so indifferent, and even had a faint sense of strength on her body, which made her feel a little strange.

She had heard from her brother before that Xia Ruo had become more courageous now, not only dared to fight against her father, but also dared to fight against her grandfather. She didn't really believe it at the time, how could it be possible with Xia Ruo's timid and cowardly temperament?

But now I can't help but believe it. Xia Ruo's temperament seems to have really changed a lot after experiencing the previous things.

She raised her eyes to look at Xia Ruo, and said in a very contemptuous tone: "You don't care about my business when you come here, but I can't let you embarrass our Xia family!"

Xia Ruo sneered: "The Xia family still has face? Besides, why did I lose face to the Xia family?"

This cousin is completely divine logic.

Xia Sijia choked, Xia Ruo didn't care about the Xia family's reputation at all now, did she deliberately come here to humiliate her today? She absolutely won't allow it.

She finally fell in love with a boyfriend with a good family background. His cousin was more prestigious and got the invitation from the Qin family, so he brought them over to see the world.

She also wants to meet some young masters and ladies from first- and second-rate families at this kind of senior birthday banquet that she has never attended before. If Xia Ruo loses face, won't she also lose face along with her?

"Do you have an invitation? Without an invitation, what right do you have to go in?"

She held her head up, "This is a birthday banquet organized by the Qin family, not all cats and dogs can get in there, and the young masters here are not something you should think about."

"When you go out in the future, don't call me my cousin!" she emphasized.

When the others heard what she said, they looked at Xia Ruo with doubts. Does this person want to sneak into the villa?

But it's not too much of a surprise, there are rich young and old from the Federation here, and there are always some women who want to try their luck. If they really meet a young and old, they will be prosperous in this life.

A small commercial family like the Xia family is naturally not qualified to receive invitations from the Qin family. This Xia Ruo has no one with him, so it is really possible to do such a thing.

Looking pure and beautiful, I didn't expect to be such a person, and many people showed contempt.

Xia Ruo is really drunk with the members of the Xia family's eldest family. Where does this courage and confidence come from?

"I have already left the Xia family, and I have broken ties with your elder brother earlier. I dare not want you as a cousin, so please consciously stay away from me in the future!"

Xia Sijia's eyes widened, she didn't expect Xia Ruo to be so arrogant, she took a deep breath, but said with a sense of superiority: "Today is the birthday party of the old lady Qin, you are an orphan girl who restrains her father and mother It's bad luck to come here."

"I advise you to leave before the security guards take the initiative to drive you away, otherwise the entire imperial capital will be afraid that you will know your embarrassing name in the future."

"It's okay for you to be ashamed, but you are absolutely allowed to harm the reputation of the Xia family!" She said confidently.

Xia Ruo narrowed her eyes, took a few steps forward and directly raised her hand, and gave Xia Sijia a resounding slap when everyone was caught off guard.

"Keep your mouth clean. If I were an orphan, the old man and your father would be dead!"

What this brainless cousin said cursed her grandma, sister-in-law, and third uncle. She won't indulge her, she will be slapped if she talks too much!

Xia Sijia covered her face in disbelief, "You, you dare to hit me?"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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