Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1409 Don't dare to neglect

When Xia Ruo entered the teacher's workshop just now, she also saw a kitchen.

Cheng Xiang explained with a smile, "Mecha masters often forget to eat when they are busy, or don't want to go out, so this kitchen is specially used for robots."

"Just set the program, and it will automatically cook when the time comes, and then serve it to us."

"If you don't want to eat in the workplace, the company also has a restaurant, and you can order meals by yourself by swiping the terminal after meal time."

"When we are not busy, we always go to the restaurant to eat. The taste is better than that made by robots."

The robot's programs are all set. Although there are many varieties of meals, the taste is the same every time. After eating for a while, you will get tired of it.

He looked at Xia Ruo and continued, "You can just ask your assistant to do these trivial things in the future."

"Each mech maker company has two to three assistants. You brought one here yourself, and you can have two more assistants. Do you think it is necessary for the company to assign here?"

The teacher attaches great importance to this little junior sister, and they dare not neglect her.

It is impossible for Xia Ruo to let this guy Miao Ao do those trivial things, otherwise he may go on strike, "If necessary, let the company help me find an assistant first."

Cheng Xiang smiled and said, "I'll go to the HR department in a while and tell you that I should be able to come over in the afternoon. Do you have any requirements for the assistant? For example, gender, or age."

Xia Ruo thought for a while and said, "As long as the ability to work is okay, I have no other requirements."

"Okay, I got it!" Cheng Xiang was going to the personnel department to help her choose a reliable one in person.

Looking at the workshop, Xia Ruo is still very satisfied. The equipment inside is the most advanced from the first company, which is enough for the research of biological mechs for the time being.

After looking around the workshop, Ruan Zhen asked with a smile: "Junior Sister, do you want to go to the company now? I will take you to familiarize yourself with the departments you need to deal with?"

Xia Ruo nodded and said, "Okay!"

"You two brothers can call me Xia Ruo or Ruo Ruo."

The two found that this little junior sister was quite easy to get along with, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I'm afraid of encountering the kind of difficult and arrogant people who rely on the teacher's favor and don't look down on others. There are many such people in the company.

Next, Cheng Xiang took Xia Ruo to the personnel department, and confirmed the identity of the company's mecha master and Miao Ao's assistant. He stayed to help her with the rest of the entry procedures and the selection of assistants.

Ruan Zhen took Xia Ruo and the two to the company to get acquainted.

I mainly went to the material department, parts department, processing department, and R\u0026D department to let people in these departments know that Xia Ruo is the teacher's apprentice, and let Xia Ruo get acquainted first, so that they can come to deal with him if necessary.

Although the people in these departments were surprised that Teacher Gu's new apprentice was not only a woman, but also so young and beautiful, they all behaved more politely.

Then Ruan Zhen took Xia Ruo to the mecha masters, and he would go there for leisure when he was free.

The leisure bar provides various drinks and pastries, similar to the one in a coffee shop, where it is convenient for mecha masters to order a drink and chat with acquaintances to discuss things.

After all, usually everyone is not on the first floor or in the adjacent workplace, which is where the company provides them with private communication.

There is no need to pay, you can order food directly by swiping the terminal, and the robot will deliver it.

Entering the leisure bar, Ruan Zhen greeted many people sitting there, and it was obvious that he was very popular.

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