Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1414 I'm afraid I can't be kind

Xia Ruo, who was walking towards the workshop indifferently, didn't know this, and it didn't matter if she knew, this was exactly the effect she wanted.

Since someone doesn't want her to keep a low profile, then she can only use the other party to show her prestige, whoever let him provoke her to death!

Looking at the junior sister who looked calm as before, Ruan Zhen also felt that her psychological quality was too good.

Xia Ruo knocked on the door, Gu Gu came to open the door, "Come in, how do you feel after seeing the company?"

Xia Ruo followed him in, sat down and said, "I think the company is pretty good, but teacher, I may have caused you some trouble."

Gu Gu was stunned for a moment, "What's the trouble?"

"Did someone bully you? Are you okay?" He was more concerned about this.

Xia Ruo recounted what happened in the leisure bar before, "Although he teased me first, I kicked him unconscious."

"Shoot!" Gu Gu patted the table vigorously with anger on his face, "It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable!"

This bastard Wang Bingrong dared to bully his precious apprentice. He didn't dare to imagine if Ruoruo's force value was lower than that bastard, would he be insulted.

"Kick it well, you deserve it if you kick it to death!"

He stood up and said, "You can't just let it go. How dare you make a decision on you. I'm going to demolish his workshop."

Xia Ruo found that the master was very angry, but he didn't persuade him not to go. Instead, he stood up and supported him and said, "Okay! I'll go with the teacher. We'll take care of this matter."

If this is the case, when the other party's master comes to the door, they will become the passive party instead.

It's better to be strong and domineering to smash the field, anyway, they are already enemies, and they are not afraid of making more knots.

Gu Gu is very satisfied with Xia Ruo's attitude, his apprentice should be so strong, and should not give in for the so-called overall situation.

Back off, he is not dead, if he dares to bully his apprentice, just wait for his revenge.

"Let's go!" He seemed to be a few years younger, and he supported Xia Ruo out of the workshop with arrogance.

"..." Looking at the imposing teacher and junior sister, Ruan Zhen felt a little headache. I'm afraid that today's things will not be good.

When he was thinking about the problem, he was stared at by Gu Gu, "What are you doing standing there? Why don't you gather the people on our side, and then go upstairs to help your junior sister vent your anger."

"Learn more from your junior sister, be tough when you need to be tough, don't just want to compromise on everything." He snorted coldly.

The third and fourth children are fine in other respects, but they are too soft-tempered, which makes him very dissatisfied.

"..." Ruan Zhen wanted to cry, if he had the force value of his junior sister, he would be able to be tough! This is not nothing.

But he listened to his master, "Yes, I'll call someone right away!"

Soon, this floor belonged to the mecha masters and assistants under the old administration, and even the odd jobs were called by Ruan Zhen.

Only then did Gu Gu feel a little more satisfied, "You follow me to demolish Wang Bingrong's studio upstairs, and let them know that my lineage is not so easy to bully."

In the company, the top mecha masters on each floor formed their own lineage, and all the mecha masters under his jurisdiction were under his control and also his vassals.

Everyone who was called out knew about Xia Ruo and Wang Bingrong.

Watching the video on the staff forum, they knew the whole story. Although they also felt that Wang Bingrong was kicked unconscious by Xia Ruo, they didn't expect that Master Gu would take someone to demolish the other party's workshop.

However, they somehow feel better. If they are bullied, they should find their way back, even if their lineage actually had the upper hand in the previous incident.

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