Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 143 Let You Open Your Eyes Today

After chatting for a while, Xia Ruo offered to cook in the kitchen, and the two old ladies asked Qin Shao and Feng Yi to send her there.

After the three left, Qi Shuman smiled at Hou Xiangmei and asked, "How do you feel?"

"The eyes are very clear, she is not eager for quick success, she has a generous and cheerful temper, she is neither humble nor overbearing, a very likable little girl!" Hou Xiangmei said truthfully.

Qi Shuman chuckled, "I see it that way too!"

"Listen to what you said just now, she can cure your third son's poison?" Hou Xiangmei asked curiously.

Qi Shuman nodded, "She has already concocted a potion to suppress the toxins in San'er's body, as long as some medicinal materials are collected, an antidote can be concocted!"

She and Hou Xiangmei are best friends, so there is no need to hide this aspect.

Hou Xiangmei smiled relaxedly and said: "That's good, the little girl doesn't seem to be approaching the Feng family with any purpose, unlike that Jiang Minyun, so Bai Xuan won't have to marry back!"

Mentioning Jiang Minyun, Qi Shuman's eyes showed a rare sternness, "That's an inefficient lamp. Fortunately, Xia Ruo appeared, otherwise Baixuan's family might be in trouble after marrying him!"

She really didn't like that scheming woman who offered to exchange benefits for marriage.

Especially when it was found out recently that the woman had someone instigate Feng Yi's ex-girlfriend to be hostile to San'er, trying to provoke the relationship between the two brothers, which stepped on her bottom line.

In this regard, she is really glad that her third son met Xia Ruo.

Hou Xiangmei agreed and said: "That woman's online evaluation looks like a clean lotus that emerges from the mud and is not stained, but I think it is a black lotus. Fortunately, it didn't enter the gate of Feng's house."

The two were talking, and soon after distinguished guests came over, they changed the subject.

Everyone turned their attention to the three gift boxes on the table.

Hou Xiangmei proudly introduced, "You all know ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum, but you must have never seen this before, wolfberry in the ancient earth period."

"It turns out that goji berries look like this, and I don't know how they taste. How about making Xiangmei goji berries in a few glasses of water for us to taste!" A lady said with a smile.

Hou Xiangmei shook his head and said with a smile: "That's not okay, I only have one box, and I can't bear to give it to you!"

"Look how stingy you are!" This lady has a good relationship with her, "I heard that this wolfberry is a good thing, who gave it to you?"

"A gift from a child. She also made tofu, which was extinct in the ancient earth. She can use tofu to make meat-flavored vegetarian dishes. Today, it will open your eyes!" Although Hou Xiangmei has never eaten it himself, he believes in his grandson .

"Tofu? Is it the kind that old man Feng invited people to eat at home two days ago?"

"That's right! The old man also took advantage of his grandson, tasted the tofu in advance, and made a splash."

"That's right, old man Feng has been in a panic for the past two days. My old man is always talking and scolding when he comes home."

"My family is thinking about Old Man Feng's black tea, and talking about it every day makes me sick of it!"

"Shuman, is your black tea really that delicious?"

Mentioning this, Qi Shuman also smiled, "Qing Ya Gan is really delicious. This is also grown by the children who made tofu. My third son asked for a few boxes and went back to honor us. If I have a chance, I will invite you to my house." Try it!"

"It seems that you didn't love San'er for nothing! Such filial piety is not like a bastard in my family. Apart from asking for money, he is causing trouble!"

Everyone kept praising Feng Yan, and then said, "Hearing what you said, I am full of expectations for today's tofu birthday banquet, and I am also very curious about the children you are talking about!"

Hou Xiangmei smiled and said: "It's good to have expectations, and you will know after you try it yourself!"

Everyone's curiosity was greatly aroused, and the reputation gradually spread before the banquet started, letting all the guests know.

It’s so sad that I didn’t save the manuscript, I’m stuck every day~ There’s still a chapter I haven’t finished writing, I should be able to send it before 12 o’clock~~

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