Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1436 You don't know her identity?

Miao Ao found out that this woman likes to climb along the pole.

"Beautiful idea! I'll get you three B-class planes first, and we'll talk about other things after the real results come out."

He paused and said, "A-level biological mechas, you can't integrate into A-level smart mechas."

When he is stupid, this project does not need A-level bio-mech at all.

Seeing that this guy reacted so quickly, Xia Ruo didn't force it. Anyway, he could fool around in the future, and couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

"Okay, then you can get three B-class planes as soon as possible."

She thought for a while and asked: "I haven't seen you use a mecha yet, so what level is your mecha? A-level biological mecha?"

Miao Ao hooked his lips, "I won't tell you!"

Then arrogantly got up and left, pretending that he was going to get a b-level mecha.

Xia Ruo watched his leaving back knocking on the table, and the smile in his eyes deepened. Judging from this reaction, this guy's mecha definitely surpassed A-level, and it is most likely an S-level biological machine. First.

If there is a chance to disassemble a s-level biological mech, it will definitely be of great help to her in making the super mech. It seems that this guy has to be kept under the nose for a while.

Miao Ao who walked outside the door shuddered inexplicably, as if someone was thinking about him.

In the afternoon, Xia Ruo went to the hospital to treat Liang Xia. After several acupuncture sessions, his vital signs had returned to normal levels. Although he hadn't woken up yet, the doctors in the theater hospital were shocked.

After the treatment, Xia Ruo chatted with Liang Zhanshuai, and suddenly received a video call.

Xia Ruo was slightly surprised when she saw the call, and then answered it.

An old lady appeared in the virtual projection.

The moment the old lady appeared, Liang Zhanshuai shrank his eyes, obviously surprised.

Chu Mei also saw Liang Zhanshuai, and was also a little surprised how Xia Ruo would be with this person.

But she was not interested in this, she looked at Xia Ruo and said, "The things you want are ready, come and get them?"

Xia Ruo's eyes lit up, "Come and get it, Aunt Chu is really efficient."

She was a little surprised that it was Aunt Chu who called, mainly because she thought it might take a while for her to refine the alchemy furnace.

It seems that her forging level is beyond her imagination.

Chu Mei nodded, "I'll send you an address, come here."

"it is good!"

After Xia Ruo finished speaking, Chu Mei hung up the phone.

She turned her head and saw the surprise in Liang Zhanshuai's eyes, and asked with a thought: "Liang Zhanshuai knows her?"

Liang Zhanshuai said: "Naturally, but I don't know too well."

This guy has a particularly weird and bad temper, so I just ignored him when I saw him.

Xia Ruo tentatively asked: "Then do you know who she is?"

She guessed that Aunt Chu was a powerful blacksmith, but she didn't know who she was, so she was a little curious.

Liang Zhanshuai looked at her inexplicably and smiled and asked, "You don't know her identity? I think you two seem to be familiar with each other!"

It's very rare for that person to take the initiative to call and give Xia Ruo something.

Xia Ruo shook her head, "It was a special case that I got married with Aunt Chu before, so we didn't know each other's identity."

"She promised to help me forge a pill furnace for refining pills, and it should be ready by now."

"After getting the pill furnace, I will be able to refine pills for Liang Shao." He emphasized.

With this foreshadowing, Liang Zhanshuai must have truthfully informed the other party's identity.

There was a sudden power outage, and I called the property management to say that it is overhauled. I just came~

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