Hearing that Xia Ruo was satisfied, Chu Mei felt relieved.

She asked with a little urgency in her tone: "When will you refine Yanyan Pill?"

Xia Ruo smiled and said, "You can do it now, but Huanyan Pill is much more advanced, and it will take longer."

"Then I will trouble you!" Chu Mei stood up and said, "I'll wait outside!"

"Okay, I'll call you after refining!" Xia Ruo is going to try to refine high-level pills for the first time, and he will be in better condition alone.

After Chu Mei left, she stood in the corridor outside the door, looking out through the window, holding the bottle of elixir tightly in her hand.

The middle-aged woman stood respectfully not far away, not daring to disturb her.

"Is your son still looking for you?" Chu Mei suddenly asked after a while.

The middle-aged woman was stunned, and then replied: "Occasionally, I still come, but I don't pay attention to it."

She was originally from a civilian area, and her husband was more intelligent, not only joined the No. 1 Weapon Company, but also became a small executive.

Later, when he disliked her, her husband cheated on her, and even forcibly divorced her. The son who took care of her and loved her since childhood did not leave her, but listened to that man very much.

After marrying the cheating partner back home, her son gradually became close to that woman, despising her as a mother for being incompetent.

She earns living expenses by doing odd jobs, but the woman thinks her existence is in the way and is ashamed, and keeps making trouble for her to lose every job she does, and she almost died later.

It happened that when an accident happened, he met his wife, so he was rescued and took him by his side to serve.

After they came back from the Northern Star Territory, her ex-husband found out about this and asked her son to pretend to come to marry her.

She had given up on the two father and son a long time ago, so she refused, but obviously the other party didn't seem to give up.

Chu Mei sneered: "The children raised by scumbags will naturally not be good."

"Madam, don't worry, I will definitely not be deceived by them." The middle-aged woman said firmly.

Her life was saved by his wife, and she would never betray for those two people.

Chu Mei nodded slightly, "It's good that you know!"

She could probably guess who was behind the father and son, but she didn't bother to deal with it, so as not to disgust herself.

After more than five hours, Xia Ruo finally successfully refined a batch of Huanyan Pill.

This kind of elixir is relatively advanced, and she has never refined it before, so the first refining process failed.

However, she quickly found the reason for the deficiency and failure. Although the second furnace was relatively slow in refining, it was fortunately successful.

Getting up and moving her tingling neck, Xia Ruo walked over and opened the door.

Chu Mei has been standing outside, saw the door open and looked over, "Successful?"

Xia Ruo smiled and nodded: "Successful!"

There was a slight smile on Chu Mei's cold face, "It's good if it succeeds!"

"I'll open acupuncture points for you first, so that the effect will be better after taking the elixir." Xia Ruo was in a good mood because she refined the high-grade elixir.

Chu Mei also looked forward to it in her heart, "Okay!"

So I took Xia Ruo to my room, the decoration was mainly silver and white, filled with a lifeless and cold feeling.

Xia Ruo originally wanted to say a few words, but she held back, now is not the time.

So let Chu Mei lie down first, and she opened acupuncture points for the other party, opening all the meridian pores to facilitate the absorption of the elixir.

After the acupuncture, she handed over the refined Huanyan Pill, "Aunt Chu, here are three pills, take it once every seven days, and after 21 days, you will recover."

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