Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1447 She is a different existence in his heart

Liang Zhanshuai was a little embarrassed by the question of the attending doctor.

From his point of view, he naturally hoped that Xia Ruo could be made public. After all, it was a pity that the person who woke up her son had to remain anonymous.

But I was afraid that it would cause Xia Ruo any trouble after it was made public.

He thought for a while and said, "Don't make this public, I'll talk about it after I ask Dr. Xia."

He was going to ask Xia Ruo's opinion, and she would decide whether to make it public or not.

The attending doctor nodded: "Alright!"

"Warmaster, remember to talk to Dr. Xia about letting her come to our hospital!" He couldn't help emphasizing again.

Liang Zhanshuai was speechless, "Understood, you go out first."

After the attending doctor left, Liang Xia said, "Dad, although this doctor's medical skills are not very good, his advice is quite good."

"I also hope that Dr. Xia can come to our theater hospital, but her identity is not simple, and she is still working in the No. 1 Mech Company. I think it is not easy to poach a corner." Liang Zhanshuai sighed.

Liang Xia smiled and said, "Kung fu pays off, let's try our best to see if we can impress her."

Seeing his appearance, Liang Zhanshuai frowned slightly and said, "Did you come up with some crooked idea because he looked beautiful?"

"I can warn you, Dr. Xia is your savior, and his identity is the little princess of the Yun family, but he is different from those women you hooked up with in the past. You can't play casually. Don't provoke her indiscriminately." He was afraid of his own family. The son is lustful.

Liang Xia was very speechless, "Dad, what are you talking about? How could I have a wrong idea about my savior, let alone play with her casually."

After this incident, he really has no interest in those women outside. How could his father compare Dr. Xia with those women?

In any case, whether it's Xia Ruo's kindness to him for saving his life, or the warm feeling when he woke up and saw her for the first time, she is a different existence in his heart.

As for the fact that the first thing he saw when he woke up was his father's face, he ignored it.

"It's good that you know!" Liang Zhanshuai was relieved to see that his son did not show any frivolous eyes.

"Do you remember what I said to you when you were unconscious?" He changed the subject and asked.

Liang Xia nodded: "Remember!"

Liang Zhanshuai once again lamented Dr. Xia's superb medical skills, "What do you want to do with those people? Make their life worse than death? Or get rid of them directly, so as not to cause trouble in the future?"

It seems that his son has matured a lot after this incident, so he will ask this, otherwise he will handle it by himself.

Liang Xia's eyes turned cold, "Dad, don't worry about this matter, let me handle it."

Liang Zhanshuai was taken aback, "Let it be handled by you? What do you want to do?"

It's not that I look down on my son, but the comparison between the two. The son is much inferior to the other party in terms of ability and scheming.

Liang Xia looked straight at Liang Zhanshuai, "Dad, I used to play recklessly just because I was your son and the heir appointed by the Second Battle Group, but after this incident, I realized that I was wrong."

"I want to cherish the remaining time again and hold on to what belongs to me."

He continued: "I want to improve and I need to learn a lot, so let those few people be my sharpening stones."

"As long as I can surpass them in ability, I, the heir, can be justified."

"Otherwise, if we remove them now, I will end up with a reputation of not being as good as others, so I want to silence them." He clenched his fists and said.

I could have finished writing, but my friend suddenly called to ask me to go out for dinner, so I posted it in advance. The remaining two chapters were written and posted after I finished eating. It is expected to be around 9:30~~

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