Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1460 Hope is still relatively high

Yan Xiu invited Xia Ruo out this time purely for the purpose of meeting up with friends for a meal, so he didn't say much about his difficulties and encounters these days.

He didn't want to have a meal, and let Xia Ruo listen to those annoying things to spoil the atmosphere. He really regarded her as a friend.

After ordering, the two chatted.

Yan Xiu asked with a smile: "How is your work in the First Mecha Company?"

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "Fortunately, it's just that occasionally there will be some troubles for those who don't have eyes."

"Someone troubles you? Is there anything I can do to help?" Yan Xiu asked.

Xia Ruo also regarded Yan Xiu as a friend, so she roughly talked about being manipulated by the parts department.

"I'm too lazy to ask them, so I'm going to try the way of the company that the war group cooperates with, and see if it works."

Since Yan Xiu came to the central star, he has learned a lot about the major companies here.

"This parts company is relatively large. Although the high-level composition includes the shadows of several large groups, the person in charge is Young Master Liang's uncle. If you want to go this way, you have high hopes." Yan Xiu said with a meaningful smile.

Liang Zhanshuai's only son almost became a living dead and woke up again. It's a big news on Central Star recently, so he naturally said it.

No one else knew who the mysterious doctor Xia was, but Yan Xiu could guess that it was Xia Ruo in all likelihood, so he said this.

Xia Ruo really doesn't know about this point, "If the person in charge is Young Master Liang's uncle, then I think there will be a play."

Originally, she was still wondering whether to go to Liang Zhanshuai or her second uncle for help, but now after hearing what Yan Xiu said, she decided to go to Liang Xia.

"If you are really powerful, I heard that it is impossible for Liang Shao to wake up." Yan Xiu said in admiration.

Xia Ruo chuckled and said, "My medical skills are not the same as others'. It's also lucky that I can treat them."

"Ruoruo, you are too modest!" Yan Xiu laughed, "I don't think there is any disease that you can't cure."

Xia Ruo couldn't laugh or cry, "I dare not take this!"

The food was served soon, and the two of them didn't talk much about work. Yan Xiu popularized a lot of information for Xia Ruo on the major companies of the Central Star that he knew.

After eating, the two walked out of the restaurant together talking and laughing.

Both Yan Xiu and Xia Ruo came by car, so no one saw the other off and left separately.

Xia Ruo drove the car for a while and found someone following her. She thought about it and didn't throw it away, nor did she go home, but went back to the company on purpose.

When she returned to the company, she found that the four seniors were still working overtime, and she didn't care about it. After sitting for about half an hour, she left the company, and then found that the person following him had disappeared.

From this point, she also judged that the person following her should be related to Yan Xiu.

It wasn't sent by Yan Xiu, it should be made by those villains who want to clean up Yan Xiu's back.

Followed her to the company and left, probably to find out her identity.

Xia Ruo's eyes turned cold, but she wanted to see what these people would do after they followed her.

It was already evening when she left the company, so she went home without looking for Liang Xia.

The next day, Xia Ruo went to the company first, and was about to call Liang Xia to make an appointment for a meal. Who knew that the other party sent a message first to make an appointment, and she readily agreed.

The two made an appointment for dinner, so Xia Ruo didn't skip work and stayed in the company to experiment with materials.

In the afternoon, He Wei walked in with a serious expression on her face.

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