Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1476 decided to leave

"Haha, it's better to be a junior sister!"

When Cheng Xiang and the others heard the same reasoning, the aroused anger disappeared. Those bastards had the guts to provoke their junior sisters, but they didn't dare.

Seeing their junior sisters is like a mouse seeing a cat, it's refreshing to think about it.

They're going to quit anyway, and when the competition is over, let the junior sister beat them up, heh heh!

Song Zhouli was more concerned about the competition. He looked at Xia Ruo and asked with a smile, "Junior Sister, have you brought back the parts and materials?"

Xia Ruo's mind moved, and a pile of refined parts and materials appeared on the table.

Several people immediately gathered around to study it carefully, and the more they opened it, the more they liked it.

"There is no time, otherwise we can try to make mechas first and gain more experience." Ruan Zhen said regretfully as he touched the improved materials.

Regardless of whether they will fail in the end, they are really well prepared, both in terms of materials and plans.

Cheng Xiang nodded: "Yes! It's a pity that we didn't have much time to prepare, and the parts department deliberately made it difficult for us, so we couldn't try it first."

Those people just deliberately didn't let them experiment first.

"As long as we have the confidence to succeed, we can succeed at once." Xia Ruo said calmly.

In the next two days, the four of Ruan Zhen had also thoroughly figured out the plan, including the parts and materials.

Soon, it was the day before the mecha competition.

Early this morning, when Xia Ruo arrived at the company, Gu Gu called her to the workshop.

When she went in, Song Zhouli and the others were already sitting inside.

Gu Gu smiled and waved to her, "Ruoruo, come and sit."

"Hi teacher!" Xia Ruo walked to him and sat down.

Gu Gu also started to talk about the business, "A newly established mecha company invited us to come over. I have also visited them in the past few days and found that they have great potential. Other mecha masters and mecha masters recruited also They are all more harmonious, and everyone values ​​technology more than calculations for power and profit."

"So I agreed to their invitation, and I want to ask your opinions again. If you all agree to follow me, I will submit my resignation first."

Xia Ruo raised her hand, "This is my lead, of course I will follow the teacher!"

The teacher is not impulsive, so she must have really inspected Ji Qingkai's mecha company recently, so she was relieved a lot.

The four of them, Song Zhouli, also expressed their opinions again and again, "Wherever the teacher goes, we will follow!"

"Teacher, should we resign this morning?" Cheng Xiang asked, "Why don't we wait until the competition is over?"

Gu Gu looked at himself as the third apprentice, and found that he was more honest and obedient, but his mind was too simple.

"Ruoruo, you come and tell him." He knew that the little apprentice would understand his intentions.

Xia Ruo didn't disappoint him, and explained with a smile: "Brother, when we submit our resignation letter now, whether it is the company's senior management or other mecha masters, there may be an illusion that we are not sure about the mecha competition."

"They will think that the teacher decides to leave because he is afraid of losing face in the competition."

"Recently, the two high-level executives who have been at loggerheads with the teacher are very active. The people in charge of the old man are jumping up and down, and the stone brains are constantly adding to the flames."

"The teacher left because of illness before, and now he came back because his body recovered, but the upper management still doubts whether the teacher will get sick again, which will affect his future performance."

"Therefore, considering various factors, even if the teacher is well-known and capable, in the end the high-level executives should retain them. If the teacher's resignation attitude is tougher, they will approve it."

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