Zhou Meng had heard that this Xia Ruo was crazy before, and he was indeed so when he saw it today.

Looking at the pale-faced junior brother next to him, his face was ugly, this guy is too cowardly.

This matter can't be good today, otherwise they will lose face if they come from this line.

"Get out of the way!" He looked at Xia Ruo coldly and said in a commanding tone.

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows: "Wang Bingrong apologized, and I will get out of the way!"

"I'll let you know today that a mountain is higher than a mountain!" Zhou Meng wanted to deal with Xia Ruo a long time ago, but he never had the chance, and today is his chance.

When Xia Ruocai came here, she used his junior brother to stand up, so that no one in the company would dare to provoke her.

Then today he will use her to fight against Li Wei, not only can he restore the reputation lost by his junior brother, but also make his image in the company more powerful.

Before he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Xia Ruo to speak, a violent hurricane blew out from him, and swept straight towards Xia Ruo.

"Ruo Ruo/Junior Sister, be careful!" Gu Gu and Cheng Xiang exclaimed when they saw this.

Xia Ruo stood still, and then everyone saw that the hurricane enveloped her whole body.

"Ah!" Someone couldn't help screaming in fright.

Just when everyone thought that Xia Ruo would be swept away and injured by the hurricane, they saw that the originally fierce hurricane dispersed little by little.

Xia Ruo, who was shrouded, stood calmly, not only her clothes were not damaged, but her hair was not messed up, and she looked exactly the same as before the hurricane.

Many people showed expressions of astonishment. It was a category eleven hurricane. It was enveloped and blown by it, but nothing happened. How did this steel-toothed little white rabbit do it?

Not to mention the people present, even Zhou Meng couldn't believe it, "How is it possible?"

Xia Ruo smiled, "Why is it impossible? You have the same food as your junior brother!"

Then, in everyone's astonishment, she jumped up lightly and gave Zhou Meng a kick.

As an eleventh-level superhuman, Zhou Meng naturally discovered it, but he was very confident in his own strength, and he didn't think this kick could hurt him.

If Xia could stand calmly and catch his ability just now, he can do the same.

Then Xia Ruo's foot touched his chest.

His eyes shrank instantly, and his heart tightened, no good!

But it was already too late, he flew upside down, and finally hit the wall behind him heavily, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground.

He never thought that Xia Ruo's kick would be so heavy, as if a thousand pieces of gold had hit him, there was no way he could avoid it.

Xia Ruo curled her lips, "You really deserve to be a brother, just as useless!"

Zhou Meng's ability level is high, but it's just too high. He doesn't have any combat experience at all, and his ability skills are even more fancy and not very powerful. It's okay to bluff people, but it's not good enough to deal with her.

"Are you apologizing? If you don't, I'll have to move!" Then he turned his eyes away from Zhou Meng in disgust, and looked at Wang Bingrong with a malicious look.

It was as if she was just waiting for the other party not to apologize, and then she would be kicked unconscious.

Wang Bingrong wished he could pass out now, especially wanting to slap himself, why did he talk so cheap just now?

Master Guan's face darkened, and just as he was about to stop him, Wang Bingrong first apologized to Cheng Xiang and the two, "I'm sorry!"

This made Master Guan's face even darker, and even tinged with cyan. Originally, he wanted to deliberately kill the ancient head line in a high-profile finale, but who would have thought that the other party would come down instead.

Of the two most proud disciples, one was kicked away and the other was forced to apologize. At this moment, even he wished he could faint.

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