Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1483 Really Do This

Seeing this, many senior executives of the First Mecha Company shook their heads, Gu Gu was too capricious.

Presumably, he also had no hope for this mech competition, and felt ashamed if he lost, so he resigned early.

Everyone expressed their understanding of Gu Gu's choice, and they would feel ashamed if they were replaced, and they don't want to stay in the company.

An executive from the Second Mech Company smiled and said: "I heard that the old man loves the new apprentice very much, and now I see it, it's true."

The senior executives of the Third Mecha Company smiled and said, "Yes! Such an important competition is actually made by an apprentice who has just entered the industry. Gu Gu is really relieved."

"I originally thought that Song Zhouli or An Xu would be in charge of making it." He added.

The second company executive said: "I heard that this ancient apprentice proposed to integrate biological mecha elements into intelligent mechas. This competition will be based on this plan. It's no wonder that her It's been done."

The senior executives of the third company laughed: "This is too whimsical, Gu Gu spoils his apprentice too much, and even allows her to behave like this."

"It's not very conniving, how can you develop such an arrogant and reckless temperament, and shoot at people in Master Guan's lineage as soon as you say it." A senior executive sneered.

The others didn't say anything when they heard this, but they still acquiesced.

Ji Qing said: "Maybe she can surprise us? I believe that although Gu Gu dotes on his apprentice, he will not let him mess around."

He has recruited all the people from the old line to the company, and Xia Ruo's life-saving grace to his nephew, of course he will protect him.

"Director Ji, do you think that such a whimsical plan can be successful?" The senior management of the Second Mech Company laughed.

They have been digging the ancients in private before, but judging from recent events, they gave up.

Gu Gu dotes on his apprentice too much, and his apprentice is rather domineering, going to the company may cause trouble.

Ji Qing smiled calmly: "Before the results come out, it's better not to jump to conclusions!"

"I don't think so. If Xia Ruo still insists on the so-called integration plan, I'm sure they will lose." The second company executive said firmly.

The executives of other companies also agreed, even the executives of the First Mecha Company.

Ji Qing is actually not sure, but he believes that Xia Ruo will not let everyone watch the joke, and he is too lazy to argue with these people.

Xia Ruo entered the manufacturing state, and put all her energy on the materials.

She took out the improved material that her brother-in-law had already refined, and then gradually incorporated a biological element that was very flexible and had some special properties.

This biological element was found by Feng Rogue for her, and it was extracted from a plant.

Even if the high-level people here are not mecha masters, they are also leaders in related industries, so they can naturally see what Xia Ruo is doing.

Shaking their heads one by one, it seems that this girl really did this.

Seeing that Xia Ruo successfully integrated biological elements into the mecha material, they were not too surprised.

The successful fusion of materials is nothing, but the overall manufacturing of the mecha can be considered successful if it can be successfully fused.

Xia Ruo quickly shaped the appearance of the mecha with instruments, and then began to manufacture the energy box of the mecha, the lines connecting the parts, and the main console of the mecha.

Her speed was very fast. After shaping the outer shell of the mecha, the main makers of the other three groups only shaped half of it.

When she finished making the energy box, the other party just finished making the shell.

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