Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1485 It Succeeded

Xia Ruo put her whole body and mind into making the mecha, installing the parts in the mecha, together with the main console's wiring.

Because of the most advanced equipment, it can save a lot of trouble, and the wiring connections are all done by the equipment.

Of course, the mecha master must be familiar with the manufactured mecha, otherwise, once the control device is connected to the wrong line, the entire mecha will be useless.

After connecting the lines, Xia Ruo put the energy box and the main console into the mecha.

Finally, the biological element material was taken out, assisted by supernatural powers and instruments, integrated into the parts, and integrated with the mecha shell.

She was doing this with great concentration, and everyone in the audience focused their attention on her hands.

Seeing that she not only successfully fused the biological elements into the shell material, but also successfully integrated the parts, and even connected them into one, surprised everyone again.

To be able to do this is actually quite impressive. When the masters at the Institute of Biological Mechs started to work on similar projects, material parts often exploded due to the fusion and repulsion of elements.

This Xia Ruo is really a genius in mecha manufacturing.

But it seems that there are mecha masters with such high talent at her age, so everyone can sit still.

Master Guan's complexion became more and more ugly as Xia Ruo finished, "It doesn't matter how successful the process is, you have to be able to run the mecha."

Gu Gu glanced at him indifferently, "Of course, you just look at it."

"You have the energy to worry about my apprentice, why don't you care about your own apprentice more, it's too late to manufacture the main console now." He said with a bit of sarcasm.

"You!" Master Guan choked, his face darkened again, and he secretly cursed his apprentice as a waste, who was not even as fast as a dead girl.

He wanted to say a few more words, but someone suddenly exclaimed: "Look, she activated the mecha!"

Master Guan couldn't help but look towards the audience.

Sure enough, Xia Ruo, who had already assembled and manufactured all the mechas, started the process of activating the mechas.

He just waited to see if the mecha couldn't work, or the material couldn't withstand the explosion of biological elements.

The senior management of the First Company also had the same idea, and activated the nearby security defense system. If the mecha exploded later, it would not cause trouble.

But none of them waited for the mecha to explode. The mecha quickly finished running, opened its eyes, and sent Xia Ruo in.

Gu Gu was very nervous at this time, he naturally trusted his apprentice, but if there was any problem with the mecha, she would also be affected.

Soon, Xia Ruo's voice came from the mecha, "A-level biological intelligence mecha is completed, please test it now!"

Seeing this, the senior executives of the First Mecha Company pressed a switch.

Soon, a large airtight transparent glass cover fell from above, covering the mecha.

Then several intelligent robots specially used to test the mecha appeared, and they all attacked the mecha driven by Xia Ruo according to the procedure.

But before the laser cannon landed, the mecha that Xia Ruo was driving turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot.

Seeing this, the people from the first company put more than a dozen test robots in.

"The speed is so fast!" A senior executive said with wide-eyed eyes.

"Look, biological element!" Another senior exclaimed.

Everyone saw that the mecha driven by Xia Ruo not only flexibly avoided the attacking robot, but the hands of the mecha had become many and twisted into twists.

The feet of the mecha can also shrink freely, and even the waist of the mecha can be flexibly twisted at any angle, like a vine, with strong toughness and attack power.

In less than a minute, nearly twenty A-level test robots used for testing were all paralyzed.

Everyone present was dumbfounded, all of them couldn't believe it, "It succeeded, it succeeded!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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