Xia Ruo thought the man's tone was a bit funny.

"So what? Even if the Institute of Biology is the most advanced mech research place, do I have to go in?" She shrugged, and it was obvious that she didn't care.

The man who spoke first was irritated by her attitude, "Young people, don't think that you have capital because you have made some achievements. Being too proud is conceited."

Gu Gu didn't want to be called his apprentice, so he also turned cold, "If you two are here to teach, then please leave."

What he most wanted to enter before was the Biological Mecha Research Institute, and he had always dreamed of it, because it was the holy land of mecha makers, and other mecha masters also longed for it.

But I really didn't expect the high-level people who came out of it to be like this, and I couldn't help being very disappointed.

It seems that the so-called Institute of Biology is not a pure land, and he knows if there is any conspiracy, but everyone looks like they are dragged to the sky, and in all likelihood, they will not communicate with newcomers when they enter.

It was the first time for the two of them to be so deflated. They didn't expect that not only Xia Ruo refused, but also this S-level master they didn't think much of.

"Do you think you will be invincible after you make the so-called bio-intelligent mecha?"

Xia Ruo was speechless, "We are invincible without feeling it."

Then he translated the other party's words and asked back: "According to what you mean, the biological mecha produced by your research institute is invincible?"

The middle-aged man said arrogantly: "Although it is invincible if you don't say it, it is also the most cutting-edge technology in the entire star field. It is the strongest in both defense and attack."

"So you think it's insurmountable?" Xia Ruo asked again.

The middle-aged man said without hesitation: "One generation of biological mechs we study is stronger than one generation, which means that what we surpass is ourselves."

Xia Ruo found that these people were overly conceited, "Then why did you invite me?"

"It's just that your talent is okay, I'm afraid it will be wasted." The middle-aged man still looked like giving alms.

Another person added, "Now is the last chance for you to choose. Playing hard to get or something is useless to us. If you refuse now, then you will never be able to enter the Institute of Bio-Mechs in this lifetime, and you will lose this opportunity forever. "

Yes, they thought that Xia Ruo just thought that he had made some small achievements, and then wanted to get caught and negotiate conditions.

They felt that it was an honor for her to automatically invite her to join the Institute of Biology, and there was no way to negotiate terms.

Xia Ruo felt that the two of them were sick, and they were still very sick, "Then I will only lose the opportunity you said, and I still refuse."

She stood up and made a gesture of invitation, and directly issued the order to evict the guest, "Differences in the way do not conspire with each other, the two of you walk slowly and will not see you off!"

"You!" The two choked, with angry expressions on their faces.

In the past, mecha masters begged to enter the Bio-Mecha Academy, but this was the first time their invitation was rejected, it was unbelievable.

"You are unreasonable!" One person stood up with anger on his face.

Another person also stood up, "If you don't know good from bad, we will see how you, a so-called genius, will go on in the future and what achievements you can make."

"Hmph!" Then the two didn't say anything, looked at each other and left in a hurry.

What the two of them did made Gu Gu angry, "These two guys are unreasonable!"

Xia Ruo patted him on the back lightly, comforting him, "Teacher, why should you be angry with these two mentally ill people? It's just that they are standing at a higher place, which makes them even less able to see themselves clearly."

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