Chen Hanqing left, and Xia Ruo walked up to Qi Shuman and Hou Xiangmei.

She said politely with a smile on her face: "Grandma Qi, Grandma Hou, I have something to do, so I will leave first!"

Qi Shuman took Xia Ruo's hand and said with a smile: "My good boy, I will come to the Feng family's old house as a guest in the future, I will wait for you!"

"You are always welcome at the gate of the Qin family. I like you energetic young people right now. Don't fool us. You must come to visit us when you have time!" Hou Xiangmei said with a loving smile.

She was actually very surprised that Xia Ruo still had such superb ancient medical skills, and it would definitely not be a mistake to have more contact with him in the future to deepen the relationship.

Of course, it's not for profit, she really likes this little girl who is not delicate and pretentious.

I also thank her from the bottom of my heart for what happened today, otherwise, if old Zhai really died here, it would definitely have an impact on the Qin and Zhai families.

Xia Ruo nodded with a smile and said, "I will definitely visit the two grandmas when I have time!"

Qi Shuman cast a look at Feng Yi, "Send Xiao Ruo home!"

Feng Yi thought so too, "Okay!"

So Xia Ruo, Mr. Zhai and Mr. Lu greeted the doctor, and left the second floor with Feng Yi under the complex or fiery eyes of all the old men and old ladies.

Zhai Hao has Xia Ruo's terminal contact number, and plans to thank her another day, and ask her to help grandpa recheck by the way.

Bo Siyu looked thoughtfully at the back of Xia Ruo's departure, and there was a slight arc on his lips.

Xia Ruo got on Feng Yi's suspension car, and Feng Yi let her assistant drive her own car back.

Feng Yi asked with a smile: "Many people have asked us about the location of the ancient private restaurant today. When are you going to open it?"

Xia Ruo thought for a while, "The military academy will start in a few days, I will open it on a weekend."

"Okay, give me a message in advance before the opening, I'll book a private room first!" In addition to cheering, he really has a lot of aftertaste for Xia Ruo's dishes. If he is not afraid that his family will misunderstand, he would like to go to the farm every day. dinner.

Xia Ruo chuckled lightly: "No problem, I must inform my second brother first!"

The two chatted for a while, and Feng Yi asked, "You saved Mr. Zhai today, do you know his identity?"

Xia Ruo shook her head, "I don't know, I just keep hearing people call him Principal Zhai!"

Feng Yi popularized it for Xia Ruo, "Mr. Zhai is the principal of the First Federation Academy, and the Zhai family is also a veteran war group family with a relatively high status in the imperial capital."

"His grandson Zhai Hao may come to you in the future. He is studying in the First Academy, and you are in the same class as San'er. He is a top student in the Mecha Department."

"He also has an older sister, Zhai Junyan, who is known as the female overlord of the First Academy. She has a fiery personality and likes to fight. She is about to graduate and serves in the Second Battle Group. She has been promoted to the title of Battle School, and she may come to visit you."

"By the way, Mr. Lu, who admires you more today, is the minister of the House. The Lu family is relatively large. Mr. Lu's son also founded the largest pharmaceutical company in the Federation, and his economic strength is also very strong!"

"Grandpa Lu likes to delve into the culture and medicinal materials of the ancient earth period. He is more open-minded and can make friends!"

Knowing that this is Feng Yi reminding herself, Xia Ruo got closer to him and missed her brothers and sisters more and more.

"Thank you, second brother, for letting me know!" If you want to get along well in the Federation in the future, familiarity with and contact with these big family forces is unavoidable.

Feng Yi stretched out a hand and rubbed her head with a smile, "You call me second brother, why are you being polite?"

After sending Xia Ruo back to the farm, Feng Yi drove away and sent a message to Baby Brother.

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